Trump to Ban Gain-of-Function Research Funding—Except for Bird Flu: WSJ
More signs government is orchestrating another pandemic?
President Donald J. Trump’s administration is preparing an executive order that would at least temporarily halt federal funding for deadly gain-of-function (GOF) experiments that make pathogens more dangerous to humans.
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Both mainstream and nonmainstream sources critical of the risky and controversial research immediately celebrated the possibility.
But unnamed sources claim the order will not apply to bird flu, yet another warning sign the government is orchestrating another pandemic.
According to a Wednesday report from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ): “The goal of the order would be to stop scientists with U.S. funding from conducting ‘gain-of-function’ research on viruses that could endanger human health, people familiar with the plans said.”
The order “hasn’t been finalized, and its specifics are a work in progress, the person said.”
However, one of the sources confirmed that the funding ban won’t apply to the H5N1 influenza bird flu pathogen.
“Some viruses, such as the H5N1 bird-flu pathogen, might be exempt from the order, one of the people said,” per WSJ.
This is significant because the U.S. government and Bill Gates have been performing GOF experiments on bird flu pathogens while simultaneously developing an mRNA vaccine for bird flu, as was the case with coronaviruses before the COVID-19 pandemic.
The possible exemption is especially troubling given that in May 2024 the Biden admin instituted a new policy allowing any agency to bypass safety checks and oversight for GOF experiments.
In other words, the government exempted itself from any accountability should it cause another pandemic, covering up any evidence of its hand in the matter.
The COVID pandemic originated from GOF laboratory experiments, according to the FBI, CIA, Department of Energy, and Congress’ Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Leaving out H5N1 bird flu from a potential GOF funding ban represents powerful evidence the U.S. government is orchestrating yet another deadly pandemic that originates in lab research.
It raises the possibility more disastrous lockdown measures and erasures of personal freedom are on the horizon.
It also raises the possibility the government and corporations will directly or indirectly force unsafe vaccines and pharmaceuticals on its citizens.
Though Trump’s recent withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the organization’s mishandling of the COVID pandemic should be praised, liberty-minded Americans should scrutinize the president’s apparent friendship with bird flu.
While Trump’s potentially incoming executive order on GOF research might seem like a step in the right direction, a glaring exemption for bird flu suggests we could be on the brink of another orchestrated health crisis, with the government potentially setting the stage for further control and profit under the guise of public health.
Follow Jon Fleetwood: Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood / Facebook @realjonfleetwood
Thanks Jon, Blessings ~
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