FAA, NASA, NOAA Admit Jets Spray Chemicals That Linger in the Sky, Alter Weather
Trails "last for hours to days" and can "span several hundred kilometers."
The U.S. government has officially confirmed what many have been warning about for years: jets are spraying particles that linger in the sky, spread for hundreds of kilometers, change the weather, and heat the Earth.
Follow Jon Fleetwood: Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood / Facebook @realjonfleetwood
A newly released document titled “Contrails Research Roadmap 2025,” published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), NASA, and NOAA, lays out plans for “routine, system-wide contrail management” by 2050.
Now, to be clear, the government isn’t calling these “chemtrails.”
They refer to them as “contrails,” but what they describe in this document is functionally the same thing people like me have been reporting on for years.
Jets spraying substances that linger in the sky, alter the weather, and affect temperature on the Earth—whether intentional or not, this is an admission of widespread atmospheric manipulation, dressed up as a side effect rather than a deliberate operation.
According to the government document itself, there are two types of persistent contrails that can last for hours to days and have significant impacts on the atmosphere:
Persistent Non-Spreading Contrails
These “can remain visible and retain their linear features for hours to days.”
The document explains they “form in ice supersaturated regions of the atmosphere and are likely to be more impactful than short-lived contrails.”
The agencies even admit they are “easily identified from the ground and satellites as being formed from aviation activity.”

Persistent Spreading Contrail Cirrus
These contrails “form in ice supersaturated regions of the atmosphere and can last for hours to days.”
The document explains they “are characterized by their tendency to widen and spread, eventually covering areas that can span several hundred kilometers.”
Because of their long lifespan and massive coverage area, they are “likely to have the most significant impact on the atmosphere.”
The government openly states that “contrail cirrus can be difficult to distinguish from naturally occurring cirrus clouds.”
This means the sky above us is being artificially modified on a scale few imagined, and they admit it’s difficult to tell what’s natural anymore.

These Contrails Heat the Earth
According to the document, these persistent contrails have a “significant net warming impact on the global climate.”
In fact, their contribution to heating the planet is on par with the cumulative CO2 emissions from all aviation since the dawn of the jet age.
The agencies confirm that contrail cirrus clouds exert what is known as “effective radiative forcing”—trapping heat in the atmosphere.
The report admits that the overall worldwide effect of these persistent contrails is warming.
Key Excerpts from the Document:
“Persistent non-spreading contrails can remain visible and retain their linear features for hours to days.”
“Persistent spreading contrail cirrus... can last for hours to days. They are characterized by their tendency to widen and spread, eventually covering areas that can span several hundred kilometers.”
“Because of their longer lifetime and wider geographical extent, contrail cirrus are likely to have the most significant impact on the atmosphere.”
“The global net ERF for contrail cirrus clouds today is positive and of a similar magnitude to that from the cumulative emissions of aviation carbon dioxide (CO2).”
Bottom Line
For years, anyone who pointed out that jets were spraying particles that lingered in the sky was dismissed.
Now the U.S. government admits these emissions not only stay in the sky for days, but they also spread, cover vast areas, and alter the weather.
They also reveal that these contrails are formed from the engine emissions of modern jets, which include particulates like soot, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and even spent lube oil.
These emissions create ice particles that form and maintain these artificial clouds.
The government is no longer denying it.
And they’re openly planning to expand and manage these operations by 2050, a task that will “require sustained investment in research and development activities,” according to the FAA document.
Follow Jon Fleetwood: Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood / Facebook @realjonfleetwood
Weather as a Weapon of “WAR”
Weather was enhanced to destroy Humanity, lands & life -
Treason by stealth
Be blessed everyone, and pause to ponder the recent past actions, by our Leadership
in so many activities. Today I do not desire chat. This must be exposed to so many
who simply cannot wrap their heads around the Government being at WAR with we the
owners. Helene is just one example, of the silent war against humanity that has
transpired for years. Now, LA, and Environmental-ISM as the tool to “15 Minute Cities”.
Some historical quotes to gain proper understanding of Orwells Theory of Doublespeak
& Doublethink concerning the deception in Climate political language. Orwell noted:
Doublespeak: language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the
meaning of words. ( author ) this is major element of Socio-communissm.
Doublethink: is to know and to not know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness
while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which
cancel out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use
logic against logic.
Quote: “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to
unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human
intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be
overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome.
Quote: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change
provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”-
Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment.
Quote: “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data.
We’re basing them on the climate models” Prof. - Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for
Climate Prediction and Research.
Quote: “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced
resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” ( Read Eugenics ) -
Professor Maurice King —Director of the UN Rio Accord-
Quote: “the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but
less than one billion.” - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind.
Quote: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -
involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and
suburban housing - are not sustainable.” - Maurice Strong, 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Mr.
Strong was a Brundtland Commission senior member.
Now that the stakes are clear, this peer reviewed, and published Document has the
necessary elements to confront this UN “Humanist” and soulless assault if elevated in
the educational platforms over the pseudo-science of the paid “Elite” like WEF, WHO.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Vol. 9, No. 8 Publication Date: August
25, 2022 DOI:10.14738/assrj.98.12935.
Herndon, J. M., & Whiteside, M. (2022).
Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(8). 259-281.
Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason
J. Marvin Herndon
Transdyne Corporation, San Diego, CA 92131 USA
Mark Whiteside
Florida Department of Health, Key West, FL 33040 USA
Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric
ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly
ultraviolet radiation. This breakdown is a direct result of human activities
including the large-scale manipulation of processes that affect Earth’s
climate, otherwise known as geoengineering. We present further evidence
that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the
primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons,
as “decreed” by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially
fatal mistake by mankind. Coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the
stratosphere, are collected and trapped by polar stratospheric clouds. In
springtime, as these clouds begin to melt/evaporate, multiple coal fly ash
compounds and elements are released to react with and consume
stratospheric ozone. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric
ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly
ultraviolet radiation, UV- B and UV-C, penetrates to Earth’s surface. Our
time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities, and to
reduce and/or eliminate all sources of aerosolized coal fly ash, including
first and foremost the jet-sprayed emplacements into the troposphere that
are systematically breaking down Earth’s support systems and poisoning
life on this planet. in simple words:
The information above provides the data to find, print or link to others.
From: Oregon's "Slavery" Gazette!
MAHA needs to make themselves useful and get these things outlawed federally, until then it matters not if a few states outlaw them. The spraying travels through the air and knows no borders.