Weather as a Weapon of “WAR”

Weather was enhanced to destroy Humanity, lands & life -

Treason by stealth


Be blessed everyone, and pause to ponder the recent past actions, by our Leadership

in so many activities. Today I do not desire chat. This must be exposed to so many

who simply cannot wrap their heads around the Government being at WAR with we the

owners. Helene is just one example, of the silent war against humanity that has

transpired for years. Now, LA, and Environmental-ISM as the tool to “15 Minute Cities”.

Some historical quotes to gain proper understanding of Orwells Theory of Doublespeak

& Doublethink concerning the deception in Climate political language. Orwell noted:

Doublespeak: language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the

meaning of words. ( author ) this is major element of Socio-communissm.

Doublethink: is to know and to not know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness

while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which

cancel out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use

logic against logic.

Quote: “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to

unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water

shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human

intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be

overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome.

Quote: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change

provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”-

Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment.

Quote: “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data.

We’re basing them on the climate models” Prof. - Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for

Climate Prediction and Research.

Quote: “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced

resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” ( Read Eugenics ) -

Professor Maurice King —Director of the UN Rio Accord-

Quote: “the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but

less than one billion.” - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind.

Quote: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -

involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and

suburban housing - are not sustainable.” - Maurice Strong, 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Mr.

Strong was a Brundtland Commission senior member.

Now that the stakes are clear, this peer reviewed, and published Document has the

necessary elements to confront this UN “Humanist” and soulless assault if elevated in

the educational platforms over the pseudo-science of the paid “Elite” like WEF, WHO.


Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal

Vol. 9, No. 8 Publication Date: August

25, 2022 DOI:10.14738/assrj.98.12935.

Herndon, J. M., & Whiteside, M. (2022).

Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason.

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(8). 259-281.

Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason

J. Marvin Herndon

Transdyne Corporation, San Diego, CA 92131 USA

Mark Whiteside

Florida Department of Health, Key West, FL 33040 USA


Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric

ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly

ultraviolet radiation. This breakdown is a direct result of human activities

including the large-scale manipulation of processes that affect Earth’s

climate, otherwise known as geoengineering. We present further evidence

that coal fly ash, utilized in tropospheric aerosol geoengineering, is the

primary cause of stratospheric ozone depletion, not chlorofluorocarbons,

as “decreed” by the Montreal Protocol. The misdiagnosis was a potentially

fatal mistake by mankind. Coal fly ash particles, uplifted to the

stratosphere, are collected and trapped by polar stratospheric clouds. In

springtime, as these clouds begin to melt/evaporate, multiple coal fly ash

compounds and elements are released to react with and consume

stratospheric ozone. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, the stratospheric

ozone layer has already been badly damaged and now increasingly deadly

ultraviolet radiation, UV- B and UV-C, penetrates to Earth’s surface. Our

time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities, and to

reduce and/or eliminate all sources of aerosolized coal fly ash, including

first and foremost the jet-sprayed emplacements into the troposphere that

are systematically breaking down Earth’s support systems and poisoning

life on this planet. in simple words:


The information above provides the data to find, print or link to others.

From: Oregon's "Slavery" Gazette!

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Appreciate the set of references, most seldom seen elsewhere. Thanks for sharing them.

Quote: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

- Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment.

By this, it is meant that the globalist technocrats will control essentially everything and live lavishly, while everyone el se remaining will be equally impoverished.

Quote: “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models”.

- Prof. Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.

'THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY' - and the 'climate model' is not reality.

Computer models rely on the data fed to them. 'Garbage in - garbage out.'

An example of the 'garbage' being plugged into computer climate models includes the weather data stations near buildings, pavement etc that create 'heat islands', and the made-up temperature 'data' from hundreds of 'ghost' weather data collection stations:


Those, and other issues with what is being passed off as 'climate science":


Fly ash from burning coal injected high into the atmosphere is damaging - as is the aluminum and various chemical compounds being sprayed into our air. But CO2 in the air is essential for Life on Earth.

One tipoff:

Cows (why do they single out cows, and leave out heifers, calves, bulls and steers?) are supposedly harming the planet - but the carbon emitted by crickets isn't, because the carbon emitted by masses of insects raised in artificial settings is somehow "natural" while carbon emitted by cattle grazing on pastures, or eating harvested pasture along with some seeds, is somehow "unnatural". ???

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Herndon and Whiteside are quacks and based all their "research" on a lie made up by The HAARP Report on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6r0GqbH9Os&list=PLfN7m5OaSZKTvdJKrKLYhX-8ZE9vZttuL&index=2

Herndon and Whiteside tried to attack me after I appeared on Del Bigtree's The Highwire:



The problem with their argument is that this paper is personal, not factual.

They literally said this:

"One further observation is necessary: If chemtrail-producing particulates are being added to aircraft fuel, as alleged above, why are chemtrails not being observed during takeoffs and landings? The answer appears to be related to atmospheric optical depth or thickness."

Because they are contrails, and contrails don't form below 20,000 feet!

This proves that the nuclear physicist knows nothing about atmospheric science or cloud formation.

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Steady on Jim. What happened to "remember, attack ideas, not people."? They seem to be attacking your ideas in that paper, not you personally. "Like any other expert’s

allegations, the veracity of Lee’s statements should be subject to question, and, if found

deficient, should be corrected." You make some good points but this undermined by such abusive language.

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After reading the report, you are saying the chemical applications do not exist?

Their questioning of your statements is appropriate, as in science there is no consensus - Their questions, with the physically viable testing poses a relevant question - The news fan engines literally produce little atmospheric heat gathering

processes, unlike WW2 bombers for example.

The question would seem to be, are you a proponent of arial weather manipulation?

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MAHA needs to make themselves useful and get these things outlawed federally, until then it matters not if a few states outlaw them. The spraying travels through the air and knows no borders.

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Having been an airline pilot for 33 years, I can verify that commercial jets can be directed to fly at altitudes that will either leave contrails, or not. Depending on the time of day, doing this can either result in surface warming or cooling. At present, this specific control of commercial airliners is not being done, so the effects we get on the surface are completely random, but are there. There are no switches in the cockpit to turn contrails on or off. The appearance of them turning on or off is due to the condition of the air masses they fly through. Directing commercial jet aircraft to fly at specific altitudes or over specific geographical areas will have huge impacts on costs for the airlines, so there will be significant pushbacks. It is also possible to inject hygroscopic chemicals behind jet aircraft to prohibit contrail formation, but now we’re injecting harmful chemicals with environmental and physiological impacts that could be worse than random weather modification. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/look-up-in-the-sky?utm_source=publication-search

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The planes I see aren’t commercial airliners, they are drone looking, likely military things. They look white from the ground, and blend into the skies, except for the deliberate trail of crap sprayed behind them. They all look the same, are difficult to spot on the days where hundreds of them are not criss crossing the skies at the same time, and are made to NOT be noticed. Their patterns are predictable and spraying happens heavily right before “severe weather changes”. They fly at altitudes that commercial airliners used to fly, but now, they fly lower (dangerously so) to accommodate these other things. If you watch them long enough (and I have), you’ll know damn well that the only reason these military ghost things are in the skies is to spread poison.

The “contrails” narrative isn’t going to work. There is too much actual data now.

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I've read your many posts with the awareness that you are a shill. Commercial aircraft have been photographed releasing chemical traces hundreds of times. In my opinion, ALL aircraft present an environmental hazard and should be permanently grounded.

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You're playing right into their hands. They want you in 15 minute smart cities, no travel for you. That's what you want?

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Nope. I know Paul quite well having read his posts for many years at geoengineeringwatch.org. I can tell you with complete assurance, neither he nor I want what you're insinuating by your use of a semantic trick of false logic and false dichotomy. We DO want the spraying, AND THE LYING ABOUT IT, stopped.

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Modern turbofan jet engines produce virtually NO water vapor. Some commercial jets are also being fitted with spray nozzles to deliver coal fly ash to act as some kind of "solar radiation management," be ause, after all, dimming sunlight is The Answer to global warming but we can't call it that any longer because it'll frighten the horses you know ;-).

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Of course they emit no water vapor. They emit hot exhaust gasses that condense the water vapor that is already there. The relative humidity determines whether you see it or not.

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I have been yelling this for 50 years

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Thanks for this work man! I’ve written how this is the greatest threat in our time! I’m curious to check out the document to see WHY they even spray it — but glad it’s out there.

Here’s why chemtrails need to be stopped: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/there-is-no-greater-threat-than-chemtrails

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It looks like too many people are starting to notice and the psychos have to come up with talking points as to why a perfectly sunny day becomes laden with spray, then gray. They are controlling the narrative: nothing to see here, just some water vapor.

Which, is bullshit, of course.

And we cannot let them control the narrative to “contrails”. I no longer let a single climate change lunatic off with a warning, they get the full monty now: you CANNOT talk about climate CHANGE without addressing climate ENGINEERING. Then they get schooled, and I always have geoengineeringwatch.org awareness materials on me. People are starting to wake up, and they are getting pissed, hence, this “explanation” of “contrails”

Except, uh oh, there is too much to the contrary, and we are being poisoned in real time:


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Thank you Jon When we charge one pilot, just one, with a crime against humanity. JUST ONE MR TRUMP the problem will cease. It is worth paying a whistle blower millions for the data to convict just one pilot and then watch the rats come out of the woodpile.

www.watersheddebacle.ca fight these council commies.

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They did NOT ADMIT adding chemicals for the purpose of geoengineering to jet fuel / exhaust. They said it was inherent in jet fuel and jet engine design.

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Thank you Lloyd!

Does nobody here remember the advent of catalytic converters and the removal of lead from gasoline ? If those things had not happened we would still be sitting under black clouds of car exhaust. Yeah, we are still sitting under clouds of airplane and jet exhaust. But people will not consider practical steps to address that, and just want to go on about secret government spraying programs instead.

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Which is a lie. Jet fuel with no needless additives leaves almost no 'trail' - which is made mostly of water vapor, hence the term 'contrail', short for 'condensation trail', because the water vapor condenses as it cools coming out of the engine.

Airline mechanics, several pilots, and one engineer with training in jet propulsion have all explained this to me in no uncertain terms.

Anyone who paid attention and was around 30 years ago can attest to the true contrails that disappeared within seconds.

Documentation: https://GeoengineeringWatch.org

Attorney shares FOIAs proving the federal gov't has been engaging in geoengineeering, aka 'solar radiation mitigation', and allowing corporations to, as well. Note also the LOW LEVEL spraying over residential areas via drones, and preparations to spray 'vaccines'.


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And on top of that, modern turbofan jet engines produce virtually NO water vapor, also found at geoengineeringwatch.org. These commentary sections are the new battleground in the fight for The Truth!! Start spot fires of awareness!!

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In other words, they will admit to that which they have already been caught doing for decades. How big of them. They're laughing at us while destroying not only us but themselves as well, for they do breathe air like the rest of us. Evil always participates in its own demise. God will prevail!

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Hello CA. Your's is the first comment on the page that points out the real problem. Thank you. >>> We're *breathing* this shit into our lungs, absorbing it into our skin, and drinking it via municipal water supplies. The public remains stupid and preoccupied with taking selfies...

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They have been admitting these things for years. Few have paid attention. That is all. I am convinced they vastly underestimate the global forcing from aviation induced cirrus however. There are other documents that few pay attention to. Here's one.

“Satellite and balloon measurements show that the presence of cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere near the tropopause strongly reduces the heat loss of the atmosphere by infrared radiation. Thus, a cirrus cloud cover over warm northward-moving tropical air will prevent it from cooling as rapidly as does southward-moving cooler air, which has no cirrus cover.” P61

“It is interesting that this phenomenon has the basic ingredients of a possible control mechanism, i.e. a small amount of cloud, such as a vapor trail, released at the optimum altitude, has a large influence, will last a long time, or may even grow.” P 61

The report also referred to the proposals of the prominent Russian scientist, Mikhail Budyko to remove the Arctic ice.

“Budyko, 1962, concludes that if this ice cover were removed, the central Arctic might enjoy summer temperatures of +10 °C to +20 °C and winter temperatures of +5 °C to + 10°C, which obviously would imply decisive changes in the climate of Northern Siberia and Canada.” P 61

“Weather and Climate Modification Problems and Prospects”.


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Does nobody here remember the advent of catalytic converters and the removal of lead from gasoline ? If those things had not happened we would still be sitting under black clouds of car exhaust. Yeah, we are still sitting under clouds of airplane and jet exhaust. But people will not consider practical steps to address that, and just want to go on about secret government spraying programs instead.

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They’re trying to control the narrative by focusing on “contrails”. They can call them whatever, but skies that go from blue to gray after planes criss cross endlessly, requires the planes to be grounded until further notice.

See how fast they suddenly panic when Joe Normtard can’t go on his golf outing with the Frat bros from college and finds out why the planes aren’t flying.

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Can a SuperDARN, Super Dual Auroral Radar Network affect contrails?

If yes, what?

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Making every thing sick

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This new report looks like an attempt at trying to control the narrative. Basically they are confirming what everyone is observing (i.e., lines in the sky) and that these lines are affecting the weather. They are claiming that chemicals in the exhaust are causing these lines and it is normal. We have cameras so we can see where these plumes are coming from - and it is not from exhaust. I anticipated this type of report when I noticed that many of the folks that had been reporting on chemtrails for ages were now telling us it was from exhaust. This concept was introduced by interviews with former pilots and "whistle blowers" who explained that it has to do with additives in the fuel, condensation and increase traffic. But some of us have taken samples of rain water and snow while others have managed to take air samples - their claim does not hold.

We have also seen gaps in the spraying, or where spraying is turned off completely, or planes flying at the same height without trails -yet the planes don't fall from the sky. I have photos of 3 planes flying together -2 laying trails and the 3rd with no trail at all. There are differences in colors and some planes lay trails of more than one color coming from different areas of the plane.

If it is coming from exhaust - then one would suggest this could be eliminated by going back to the fuel that was used before the skies were painted. If the fuel is so dirty that burning it produces massive amounts of chemicals - one would think it would cause substantial wear on the engines and present a potential hazard to flights. Yes there probably has been more commercial and private flights over the years, however, most of the planes producing chemtrails that fly over my somewhat remote area - do not show up on flight radar. So I am of the belief that these are military funded operations.

The report does not mention controlling the movement of these expanding trails. Waves and ripples and linear formations are what you see naturally in the ocean not in skies. There is an artificial energy source being applied to the sky after a full day/night of chemtrails. I believe it is microwaves coming from NEXRAD stations, perhaps HAARP and other sources.

These operations greatly reduce the efficiency of solar panels, which governments are pushing to prevent the dooms day global warming narrative. They also interfere with communication signals.

There may be other sinister reasons for them to continue their terraforming operations. They could say that air pollution has become so bad that they need to restrict air travel, and sell it as a temporary measure of course. Or they could say that humans have so harmed the environment, that they must continue undertake these measures to prevent total collapse. Sort of like what they claim as to the necessity of vaccines – the body God gave you is so inefficient in its response to germs that the wizards must provide vaccines to protect you – and without them you will surly die.

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