"Urging an immediate global moratorium, he states, “The overwhelming literature published - well in excess of 3000 manuscripts documenting the death and severe injuries from the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ necessitates an IMMEDIATE GLOBAL MORATORIUM.”"

Far more manuscripts than 3000 are in the published literature. My recent Op-ed on adverse health effects following Covid-19 vaccinations (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/adverse-effects-following-covid-19-vaccinations-as-reported-in-the-pubmedmedline-literature-update-and-expansion.-5d876b25) analyzed 12,000+ relevant Pubmed articles, and concluded: "The 12,000+ relevant articles retrieved for the present Op-ed and focused on adverse events following the Covid-19 vaccinations should be viewed as a very low “floor” of what exists in Pubmed. More articles could have been retrieved from a well-resourced study. Additionally, because of Pubmed proximity search limitations, the Abstracts were not searched to the full extent possible.

Because of the aforementioned censorship of the biomedical literature, credible papers on Covid-19 vaccination side-effects were retracted or rejected by the journal Editors. The number of Editorial rejections is unknown, since the public does not have access to what is submitted to the journals, and what fraction is accepted. Thus, the Pubmed published literature represents a fraction of the post-Covid-19 vaccination adverse events research has identified."

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My nursing student just had an emergent C-Section - 26 weeks. Baby then developed a brain hemorrhage. It’s absolutely criminal!

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