I guess New World Order is already here. So many traitors. War mongers. All sellout quick for money. Worst than prostitutes

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A global coup d'état

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Yes and it seems nothing can be done about it. Speaker definitely sold out. Imagine if he wasn't a Christian

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America can do one of two things IMO: 1) pass legislation preventing these conflicts of interest and elect America-first candidates, or 2) Revolution

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It seems the way the USA is captured the only way is revolution. Can't trust FBI,FDA,CDC,CIA,NSA,Pentagon, and many more. Oh and definitely the DOJ. And as far as republican party they need too all be changed except for very few. It's hard too differentiate Maga and rinos. They will all say what you want too hear. Until they are in office helping demoncrats

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Those contribution levels are quite low. So not only a prostitute, but a cheap prostitute. I'm sure there's more in the way of insider trading. How did Mike Johnson's role model Nancy Pelosi get to be a multi-millionaire, verging on billionaire.

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It isn't only the corrupt politicians. The willfully obtuse people I'm around neither have a clue nor do they want one.

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Jon…Mike Johnson was SELECTED by all his pals like Kevin McCarthy for this position!!! When this man goes out of his preview to speak at Columbia I believe he signaled to mobs being payed to start the chaos in universities then to the streets. Excepting anything from any politicians is a trap we all have fallen into believing they are making us safe, our country great, and we are living happier lives. Other countries are protesting what the WEF and their governments are doing…where’s the AMERICANS😠

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This is good to expose this fact. Speaker Mike Johnson is a traitor and puts the USA and its citizens in harms way for personal gain.

Link to this important article which may be the "theory of everything" that explains the Luciferian, coerced, and totalitarian nature of our governmental leadership, actions, decisions and laws.

(Read the fully hyperlinked original article in its entirety.)


Joachim Hagopian,


April 22, 2024

James Fetzerblog

By Joachim Hagopian


"A topic that I’ve been extensively covering like no other for over ten years now is how politicians in our puppet governments around the globe, particularly in the West, are groomed, bribed, blackmailed and extorted into doing the dirty bidding of their elite puppet master controllers, often with their private army of global intelligence services. Deep State mafia henchmen entice, coerce, strongarm and threaten compliance from politicians as globalist order-followers. In all the most infamous pedophilia scandals that I expose in my 5-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State, the primary coordinators of all these scandals are invariably the intelligence services that answer to their masters – the controlling elites. " SNIP


John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. https://biblehub.com/john/8-32.htm

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