Aug 26Liked by Jon Fleetwood

They're trying to block Kennedy from being on the ballot here in MA. They are refusing to process the thousands of signatures.

‪I will still vote for Kennedy since I'm not in a battleground state. Hopefully a third-party can be created and by some miracle Kennedy could end up in the White House if Trump or Harris do not get the electoral votes they need. 12th amendment would be applied. Praying for a miracle.‬

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

I heard they’re locking down in Massachusetts because of “mosquitos” too. Is that true? Wonder if it’s connected 🤔

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Aug 26Liked by Jon Fleetwood

I don't know. I'm in Massachusetts. I heard Harris is mandating the vaccine for her campaign workers. If she wins, Does that mean she will mandate them for federal workers? Contractors? Military? This is why we need Kennedy one way or another. I think his support for Trump was brilliant, even though I'm not a Trump fan.

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Aug 26Liked by Jon Fleetwood

That’s EXACTLY what means!

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If Only Kamala will take the real shot herself. Maybe she will croak before Joe!

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I just found info regarding the mosquito issue. They're going to be spraying in the Plymouth and surrounding areas... near the Cape. Another excuse to spray poison.

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Right… is this going to happen after all the vaccinated are dead from adverse reactions or the coming immune escape virus? I know it sounds all great but seriously… we have poisoned and genetically altered the immune systems of 70% of our population. It’s questionable if we will even have a functioning government after all the dying done. So this is much to do about something that will never happen.

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Trump is making great strides toward vaccine truth lately. He has not in the past, but seems to possibly be waking up to it. I think this move with RFK is the BEST decision he’s made in a long time. I want to give credit when it’s due. I am more hopeful for the Trump movement than I have been in a long time. We must brace for a reaction from the cabal.

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Aug 26Liked by Jon Fleetwood

What is your perspective on this? It seems concerning.


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As an academic, I have grown disillusioned with the principles of DEI. I was stripped of my Ph.D. studies:


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I hope Kennedy can make a difference and not just be talk.🙏🏻

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