Anybody have any thoughts on what would be a medical/herbal/natural way to fight these new flus? Stay healthy obviously

What real things to combat this shit?

We learned after cofid started what you could take

Curious about peoples ideas

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Zelenko protocol , D3 with K and ivermectin worked for me during the scamdemic. I never got sick and didn’t take any poison shots

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No surprise, $$, power and death are their goals.

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How did they know they would have a covid vaccine in 6 months???

Fuckers are trying to kill everybody

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I noticed Aquitas Therapeutics named in the story. You know that's a Canadian company - right?

Along with UBC and Arbutus Pharmaceuticals, they hold the patent to the Lipid Nanoparticle delivery system. This is exactly the reason why trudeau refused to meet with the peaceful trucker convoy people...he's making money off every shot of Pfizer and Moderna's "covid" mRNA injection. He couldn't "afford" to stop those injections!

We're told that the new mRNA manufacturing plant in Canada has not produced any "vaccines" yet. I'm sure they will; very soon!


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