Jon, I want offer my abundant gratitude for your dedication to providing the back-up information needed to counter the endless deceit that has been ruling over us all. While I know dollars might be the better way to show my appreciation, in lieu of that ability, may my heart-felt gratitude suffice. Truly, I find your articles are excellent!
And according to Dr. David Martin, who was interviewed by Alex Jones on Monday, there are 63 more gain of function viruses in the pipeline within US universities. He said Trump needs to put a moratorium on every one of them. (the interview starts at two hours and seven minutes into the show.)
Do we know if Trump has taken any action to stop? Can a function research?
USAID was never to poorer countries that they looted, invaded, killed million and made thousands refugees, it was for the creation and funding of the terrorist groups to destabilise many countries, to create fake viruses and fake poisonous jabs as well as big pharma, Bill Gates of HELL poisonous vaccines since early 70's in Africa and India where he's banned. Also to MAFIA corporations and the making and distribution of weapons of mass destruction sent to rebels round the world to topple those governments who stood the the bully criminal USA! US, UK and their creation Israel are the AXIS of EVIL. The world would be a much peaceful place without them.
If only people actually knew what USAID really is about. The automatic assumption is made from the name is that it is a "charitable organization" about taking care of the less fortunate, and not about funding the ultra-fortunate. The compulsive allegiance and willful ignorance about what is actually behind so much of what we have been led to believe is the worst of what is happening in these sad days of the US, as well as the rest of the world. Endlessly sad...
Very good work. This is all by design and almost nothing is as it seems. Your post has been cross-posted ( with my comments and warnings. Blessings, Terral
That depends on what your definition of "it" is. The Global Bankster Cartel and their billionaire cronies (Trump, Musk, etc.) and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt govt officials, and their paid-off Media moguls are positioning the Sheeple in their collective Serpent-Beast mouth to be swallowed whole. The deluded Sheeple are slipping and sliding to utter destruction with smiles on their faces much like in the Days of Noah until it started to rain.
The dismantling of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will deliver a major blow to the globalist, anti-American efforts of Bill Gates, George Soros, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Jon, I want offer my abundant gratitude for your dedication to providing the back-up information needed to counter the endless deceit that has been ruling over us all. While I know dollars might be the better way to show my appreciation, in lieu of that ability, may my heart-felt gratitude suffice. Truly, I find your articles are excellent!
And according to Dr. David Martin, who was interviewed by Alex Jones on Monday, there are 63 more gain of function viruses in the pipeline within US universities. He said Trump needs to put a moratorium on every one of them. (the interview starts at two hours and seven minutes into the show.)
Do we know if Trump has taken any action to stop? Can a function research?
USAID was never to poorer countries that they looted, invaded, killed million and made thousands refugees, it was for the creation and funding of the terrorist groups to destabilise many countries, to create fake viruses and fake poisonous jabs as well as big pharma, Bill Gates of HELL poisonous vaccines since early 70's in Africa and India where he's banned. Also to MAFIA corporations and the making and distribution of weapons of mass destruction sent to rebels round the world to topple those governments who stood the the bully criminal USA! US, UK and their creation Israel are the AXIS of EVIL. The world would be a much peaceful place without them.
Depopulation included
If we don't get the work of the USAID back in shape we could have millions of deaths. Bill Gates
Sad that President Trump has said nothing about Bill Gates' involvement in all this sad.😭😭😭😭😭
In my understanding, USAID is only a side track:
Lots of taxpayer's money has been lavishly wasted ever since a foreign power took over the USA with The Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
The US taxpayer has been a government asset ever since:
Giving money to your enemies. Dems really have gone too far
not no more ;)
If only people actually knew what USAID really is about. The automatic assumption is made from the name is that it is a "charitable organization" about taking care of the less fortunate, and not about funding the ultra-fortunate. The compulsive allegiance and willful ignorance about what is actually behind so much of what we have been led to believe is the worst of what is happening in these sad days of the US, as well as the rest of the world. Endlessly sad...
Just defunding those three people/entities is worth more than anything I can think of.
Very good work. This is all by design and almost nothing is as it seems. Your post has been cross-posted ( with my comments and warnings. Blessings, Terral
What do you make of it?
That depends on what your definition of "it" is. The Global Bankster Cartel and their billionaire cronies (Trump, Musk, etc.) and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt govt officials, and their paid-off Media moguls are positioning the Sheeple in their collective Serpent-Beast mouth to be swallowed whole. The deluded Sheeple are slipping and sliding to utter destruction with smiles on their faces much like in the Days of Noah until it started to rain.
This is awesome news. Take out the funding of evil. Also, they need to stop funding, barbaric, and cruel animal experiments
Jon Fleetwood
USAID Funds Bill Gates, George Soros, World Economic Forum
Trump admin moves to dismantle USAID, cutting off billions in taxpayer funding to globalist operations.
JON FLEETWOOD 2005 Feb 5 Wed
The dismantling of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will deliver a major blow to the globalist, anti-American efforts of Bill Gates, George Soros, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
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