Jul 3Liked by Jon Fleetwood

But Trump keeps taking credit for the warp speed Covid vaccine. Toxic heavy metals in vaccines are responsible for autism, bipolar, ADHD, Parkinson's, dementia, Etc. The metals penetrate the blood brain barrier. Ie aluminum. toxic metals also come from other sources i.e. Chemtrails - aerosol, aluminum, deodorant, metal appliances, and many other sources.

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Jul 3Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Donald Trump promised the same thing during his 2016 campaign and when he won the nomination invited RFK Jr. to his NYC office and asked him to head up a commission to study vaccine safety. Of course Kennedy agreed. The even did a press conference. I remember it well because I was so happy to see that finally the dangers of childhood vaccines was going to finally be exposed. Then Kennedy was denied the establishment of that commission. Trump brought in 2 Pfizer people onto his administration early on.....WHY????? He to this day has never admitted to the public that he was deceived about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID bio weapon. He could have saved a ton of lives by warning people to think twice before putting that poison in their arm. This is not a game. This is genocide. It is depopulation. Lets hope this time he is serious and lets hope he makes RFK Jr. the head of HHS and then shut HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH down. They are all unconstitutional agencies and they need to go!!!

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'Highlighting his understanding of the pharmaceutical industry, Trump remarked, “I understand Big Pharma, I believe, better than anybody else. I know where they’re coming from.”'

Even if it were true that he understands them better than anybody else now, (and there is literally NO way that it's true,)much to everyone's chagrin, he didn't understand them yesterday. If he had've, he wouldn't still be alive today.

Anyway, typical Trump BS bravado.

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He knew exactly what was coming. Don’t forget his executive order three months before the so-called pandemic hit. He signed an executive order to fast track a flu vaccine in case of a pandemic. He’s in the club and he knew exactly what was coming. Go read the executive order.

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LIES from the pits of hell!! I don’t believe he kept any of his campaign promises last time. He ran on putting a wall up. He ran on locking Hillary up. He is nothing but an actor. He is controlled. He’s never apologized for the vaccine. he’s never apologized for warp speed. He was behind all of it. He hired all kinds of big Pharma people around him, and even said Anthony Fauci was a good guy. You’ve got to be kidding me are people falling for this??? he loves warp speed. He says he’s the father of vaccines. This is all a lie just to see how many more they can scoop in and they’re sitting back and laughing. Many people have died. We have babies that were never born, and he was behind it by pushing it. He has blood on his hands!!!! Just a campaign lie

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Hi Jon☺️ this has nothing to do with this subject here…but wanted to pass this along because you have written on this before and we MUST get this stopped worldwide!!!


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The agencies that oversee these corporations CDC FDA,EPA are useless. They lost their mandate. It’s a revolving door between these companies. I never seen anything so revolting they could just stand by and watch this happen to the population of their own country.

At times, I don’t think these people are human. I can’t process the thoughts that goes through these peoples head, the obfuscation it must take day in and day out.

I believe Trump will do the right thing and it annoys me after 3+ years “but he’s responsible for operation warp speed”, to me it’s obvious that he was buffaloed.

I never admired the man much until that inauguration speech in DC where he said there’s a small group of people in this town, I’m paraphrasing they want to continue to fuck you over and steal all the money out of the treasury.

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