Federal law NEVER NEVER NEVER trumps state law unless the federal law is constitutional and the law they talk about in this article is NOT constitutional and most of the laws written today at the federal level are not constitutional. And the states need to get up off their knees and understand the states and the people of the state are the final arbiter of what is or is not constitutional. Not the feds and that includes the Supreme Court. We have been indoctrinated to believe a lie when it comes to states rights, powers and authority. The EPA like most 3-letter agencies are unconstitutional because they take power they were never given in the Constitution. And we the people have allowed them to trash our Constitution.

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All of this is well and good, but we find ourselves in a so-called Constitutional Republic that has been trashed by Corporatocracy. We have no say in rules, regs, statutes that have been passed with no regard for “We The People”. Until people begin to understand how much has been stolen from us and begin to rebuild our Republic, nothing will change due to the deep pockets and swaying of our legislators. We have Corporate cities, counties, and states. Even the Sheriffs police the corporate courts. I just pray we have something left to save and it won’t be done in four years.

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Dead men walking.

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It was done a long time ago.

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Meanwhile Fla. wants to pass a law that puts the chem trail pilots in jail - and where is the EPA - those chemicals are cancer causing and poison the soil and our food

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Exactly this

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I think it is time for some people to read the Constitution. Art. Sec. 8 gives no power to the federal government over education, marriage, health or the environment and they have no constitutional power to spray our skies. WAKE UP. Read the 9th and 10th Amendment. Read Art. 1 Sec . 8, 9, 10. Start following TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. tncss.substack.com and visit our website tncss.weebly.com We are all about putting the federal government back into its constitutional lane via nullification.

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Unfortunately, this government has thrown the Constitution out the window!

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I somewhat agree. But it isn't "government" that's thrown the Constitution out the window. It is the civilian public, and the *cowardly* Constitutional sheriffs they employ. The Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) movement has been denigrated by a bought and paid for press. Sheriff Richard Mack has become little more than a circus shill...

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If you think the Totalitarians are going to give up power without a fight that’s silly. Clean Air has nothing to do with chemtrail poisoning no matter how many federal agencies are intertwined. The volunteers know how and what to do with such bureaucratic nonsense. I would dispatch the Tenn air national guard to ground such flights and treat them no different then the CCP using a bio-weapon on us. Make the federal government sue Tenn and see if a judge would defend the poisoning of his own state from the air. Plus the federal government will need to release confidential records in discovery.

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💯 agreed. We need to stop acting as if "we have no authority" was truth. Their power is illegitimately gotten.

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Let’s see - CO2 is a pollutant but it is ok to spray aluminum and other cancer causing chemicals in the air

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Just one more example of federal government over-reach by the Administrative State. Soon we’ll be like Colorado, where it’s illegal to collect rainwater!

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As predicted.

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We’re all being slowly poisoned. The air, water, soil, food supply.

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I had a feeling this would happen. The cabal hates states getting uppity and taking their power back. These are not emissions, however, these are poisons. Not a byproduct of burning fuel ... a distribution modality with intent to poison the globe. Different category I'd say. Intent to harm. The state could first reject the TDEC's interpretation and start grounding planes on state's rights grounds. Put some people in jail. Meanwhile, they could start an agency that has jurisdiction over intentional poisoning of the planet and its people. Lot of nefariousness could be addressed. There's got to be legal avenues there. And there's always getting the thousands of citizens calling the representative's office to call the TDEC all day long and hold a rally outside their offices in Nashville. It's time to stop bending the knee to pretend authorities who've been installed by organized crime.

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Please also know that there is another process anyone can take advantage of...learn about sending Notices of Liability as an individual. This is a great opportunity for education and personal empowerment. Look up Cal Washington videos or visit the InPower site for more information. World wide wave is on...

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Hello Karen Bracken. I've read all your comments on this page, and agree 100%. The 'executive' branch of government has been laboring under a thinly veiled coup d'etat since 1933. The majority of civilian Americans choose to remain enslaved by Treasonous and Complicit legislative and judicial officials. The FAA knows damn well what contaminants are being released by these aircraft...

An *effective* Governor would declare emergency powers, call out the Tennessee National Guard, and close all commercial airport runways to all military and civilian flights.

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The TN bill itself on the last page says "It is assumed that the action prohibited by this legislation is not currently occurring in this state, nor will it in the future; therefore, this legislation will result in no significant fiscal impact on state government."

There was never any real intent to actually stop geoengineering with this bill.

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So who can override a law passed regarding chemtrails over a state? The FAA is owned by a bunch of lucefarian globalists. We need the Jackel

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also the FAA is an agency, which means it's no longer protected by the Chevron defense ... I say sue if they come after the state for enforcement of its own law.

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Lawfare is not going to return control to the people. That route is there to protect the controllers.

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Disband the FAA and all of the three letter federal agencies NOW!!

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'The CCA is a federal law, meaning it apparently trumps state laws like SB 2691/HB 2063.'


Tennesee has a right to shoot those planes out of the sky. Personally, I hope they do.

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But surely they knew all this before they passed this bill. If I had to guess at the Patriots’ plans regarding this matter, the states passing bills that are being overridden by the feds is the opening salvo to attract the attention of the general, ‘staring at their feet all day’ public. After enough states follow Tennessee’s example (i.e. Ohio and Florida), it will become a national issue that will bring the globalist-controlled FAA into the spotlight - and a showdown with the Trump administration. Which the FAA will lose. Trump is all about states’ rights. Don’t fret! God - who is over all - is more concerned about the skies than we are. Satan’s mockery of God’s handiwork is at the bottom of this, and like all his other subversive activities, this one, too, will implode on itself and fail. The skies will be clear, again.

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