How is charging someone with conducting Geoengineering (aka Poisoning the Sky and Humans) a misdemeanor when, in fact, it is a crime against humanity? It has been an ongoing project for decades by the CIA that came out of the mouth of CIA Director John Brennan at a summit on climate change which, of course, is all bullshit as well! Jaywalking is a misdemeanor! Who is going to be held accountable, the feckless government, the pilots, who? We have a Government that starts senseless wars, allows dangerous drugs to be imported into this country, and is involved with child sex trafficking and we are going to fine them for what trying to kill us by spraying the sky with dangerous chemicals ala Bill Gates!

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I agree. Here's a bunch of lame rhetoric from the State of Montana: Senate Bill NO. 29 >>> Legislature State of Montana >>> Effective October 1, 2021


The dumb shits want to "regulate" the dispersal of toxic chemicals into our common atmosphere, rather than Enforcing a complete BAN. Fines for violation should be in the $1,000,000 range Per instance. A guy wonders WTF these legislative asshats are thinking...

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Billion dollar fines. Restitution to injuries parties. They are enemy combatants and should be so tried and judge.

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Hello Rebecca Coleman. Whilst I agree that restitution (settlements) should be available, the efforts to sue in private lawsuits will only serve to shift more power to our 'legal' classes. Civil reliance on administrative judgment, have pretty much destroyed common civil liberties and behaviors.

The "enemy" (defined as corporate ownership) has hijacked common decency and common sense, and replaced human consciousness with the vast machinery of commerce. Everyone wants to invest in Armageddon profits.

There are literally thousands of privately owned "rain making" companies polluting soils and groundwater's with toxic chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency, United States Forest Services(s), and US Departments of Agriculture are aggressively complicit and corrupt. That is where the focus needs to concentrate.

I hope you agree with my positions on these issues. Best regards.

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Oregon Needs to make it a criminal offense and authorize our State f-16's to shot down any weather modification aircraft. Fines should be $5,000,000 per day and any damage to our forests by the crashed weather modification aircraft.

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This would be a great thing. Not likely though.

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Yeah Hot Wheels on his campaign trail said he'd stop chemtrails. Yet all day every day 24/7-365 x's and lines all over our skies!

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Yes. In New Mexico we don't see the spraying much anymore. They do it at night. However, we have obvious pollution from Albuquerque to Taos that seems permanent. The white sun is shining and the land is drying up. No precipitation for months, not even fake rain and snow. I'm waiting for the big fire in a month or 2. The last fire was 341,000 acres. Can anyone help? I wonder. Here's a poem that I found poignant.

A slow death by Tuyet Van Do

saving Mother Earth

they uproot

thousands of Joshua trees

to make way for solar panels

saving Mother Earth

they tell us

stop using plastic straws

and yet they sell

things with plastic wraps

saving Mother Earth

they tell the masses

to use electric vehicles

which firefighters warn

of enormous fire consequences

saving Mother Earth

they block

our sun

paying pilot

to spray daily

O Mother Earth

In saving the environment

they soft killing you

a slow death

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It's been seriously ramped up here for the past 6 months. They can legislate all they want. Will they enforce it. It's bio terrorism.

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How sweet is the smell - Lovin this - Come people, Don't stop now!

Thank you Jon, Blessings ~

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Misdemeanor? Why not a felony? Better yet, why not a crime against humanity?! Aren't forced chemicals on people without their informed consent a violation of the Nuremberg Code?

If it could be construed as chemical warfare on the masses, wouldn't we have the right to shoot down those planes?

Just thinking out loud here, exploring the bounds of sanity while enjoying my afternoon espresso.

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Hello Larry Kiehl. There are hundreds of civilian aircraft involved in 'weather control' and rainmaking activities. Which aircraft are you going to shoot down?

Large scale geoengineering such as Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) is paramilitary or military subcontracted. The military will not shoot it's own deployments down. Details, details...

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I guess I have to say it, I wasn't being literal about shooting downs planes, I was just making a point, and being rather facetious with it. Read my last sentence. Shooting down planes over America isn't very feasible, let alone ethical or moral.

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After the first NO Geo-Engineering Spraying Bill was passed in Tennessee we were still getting sprayed everyday, I contacted the Agriculture Committee that was in charge of implementing the bill and I was told they COULD NOT STOP THE SPRAYING, because the FEDS informed them they were in complete control of the airways. I called the Governors office and was told that the Spraying was a Conspiracy Theory. I was shocked to say the least, but then I remembered they said the same thing about the Jab, seems like there is obfuscation going on with the staff at the Governors office.

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Hello Jean. The original Tennessee bill was likely *introduced* to the Department of Commerce and squashed right there. As in all other States where anti-geoengineering bills were submitted, licencing and regulatory constructs were assigned to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture for comment, then shuttled to the Departments of Commerce for further analyses. No regulatory graft = No regulatory interest... That's how corporate business is run in Amurika...

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Thanks for your input Paul. Thru Correspondence with the Committee with the Dept. Of Agriculture that was tasked with implementing the Bill when it was passed, they did indeed try to stop the spraying, but was met with harsh push back from the Federal Government. There was no further analyses that was needed. IMHO, we had better start speaking out about corporate business running amuck in our government.

Moreover, the Geo-Engineering goes far deeper and is much more sinister than the good people of America can imagine.

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Hello again Jean. Yes. The Federal blockade is via the Federal Aviation Administration (a corporate entity). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the agency of the United States Department of Transportation responsible for the regulation and oversight of civil aviation within the U.S., as well as operation and development of the National Airspace System. All aviation flights are registered through FAA systems, and the majority of air traffic consists of multiple interstate traffic. As this involves interstate traffic - See: Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce is also involved. All these agencies are corporate entities, and the civilian populace remains invested in the company store... Thank you for commenting.

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I guess it's progress but selling most illegal drugs is a felony. So poisoning a few people is a felony, poisoning everyone is a misdemeanor. The lawsuit part is good though.

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Fantastic. It's a start.

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As you've reported a number of states are trying to pass or are passing legislation to ban the sky spraying activities. Whether they'll be successful in actually stopping it is questionable, unfortunately.

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Excellent! I've encouraged anti-geoengineering persons to upgrade anti-geoengineering legislative hearings to include *Enforcement and Penalty provisions* within legislative bills. Ohio was one of few States that designated strict Enforcement and Penalty provisions from inception.

Many other States (such as the original Tennessee "Ban") failed to include Lawful Enforcement. I'm glad they've gotten the message...

Here's a page of other State's proposals: https://americans4acleanatmosphere.com/

You'll have to scroll down the page for various entries.

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All involved need to be arrested & charged with distributing harmful substances wirh intent to harm millions of people They k ow damn well what they are doing. It’s part of the depopulation agenda.

This group knows all the facts.


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The fines should be MUCH higher. And these actions should be felonies. Even capital crimes. I suspect big pharma is behind this and 100K is nothing to them. This stuff kills people, causes chronic sickness, destroys the water, soil, air, plant life and all the other life forms. The ppl at the top should be tried for treason and appropriately punished. And those down the line need to be held accountable. Today our skies were clear and blue except for the plaid patterned straight lines of chemicals in the sky, up there, visible, from early morning til sunset. Not just criminals, enemies of the people and mass murders.

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Great news, now if North Carolina would do that but unfortunately another governor was voted in even worse if possible than the last one. Heart breaking but maybe Trump somehow will be able to remove him from his office and replace him!!!🙏🙏🙏

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Here in VA ( hey neighbor!) we have a Republican governor but I doubt he’s going to jump on board with banning chemtrails. And there is talk about a Dem gaining support for the next gubernatorial election coming up. The struggle is real and it never seems to end.

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I have been writing to my MP about this for a couple of years. I live in the UK.

They have been cloud seeding here too and the weather is artificially cold and rainy, with unnatural haze and odd cloud formations.

I have twice witnessed cloud seeding operations carried out by small plane over my home. The small plane sprayed a small patch in the centre of an otherwise clear blue sky on a warm sunny morning. It sprayed in a grid pattern first one way and then at 90 degrees like a small tartan patch. This took about twenty seconds to do and the plane flew off.

The patch lines coalesced into a small grey cloud, then it sank lower in the sky spreading outwards as it did so. As it spread it cut out the sunlight the temperature dropped by a surprising amount. In five minutes, this tiny patch had covered the entire sky from horizon to horizon with a grey overcast and cold haze and it remained like that for the rest of the day.

Even if this technology is not being used this technology exists and can be used to manipulate temperature and rainfall to farmers’ disadvantage.

I have heard rumours that cloudseeding planes are flying in circular paths at night off the Cornish coast and the chemtrails drift to blanket the UK via the dominant south westerly wind patterns. These planes usually turn their transponders off, but those that do not can be tracked by internet apps and their unusual behaviour spotted.

The chemtrails can transform a bright sunny morning into a permanently overcast cold day.

Those carrying this out want to gain monopoly control of the food supply. Farmers cannot plant and crops cannot ripen in the unnaturally wet and cold springs and summers we have experienced for the past three years. They are using “climate change” as a pretext for the spraying.

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Please let us know if Trump makes regulations to stop this. I wrote to my MP telling her that three US states had passed laws outlawing this...she had to respond to that. Generally I am just fobbed off and she pretends she knows nothing about this. This practice is clearly classified and cannot be acknowledged.

"This past week, President Trump addressed governors from the 50 states. One of the topics was chemtrails or “spray”. As Trump said, we spray all over the place and other countries don’t. He also suggested the rising rates of autism among children could be linked to the U.S. government possibly spraying something in the air. Then he hinted that we are going to figure it out."


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Geoengineering implies mitigation of Climate change. It's not mitigation it's decades of weather modification & climate engineering. and the dispersal of nano particles/ nano sensors, calling it #geoengineering, is a cover up & the use of Neurolinguistic Programming. Words Matter.

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Not strong enough

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