Can we get people from Tennessee to post regularly here with updates on whether they still see them or not? I'm a bit skeptical on the individual state bans since the Military can still seem to do their their wherever they want.

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I've been using satellite loops to document chemtrails. Satellites show that the chemtrials can drift for hundreds of miles. Other research points out that the particulates may travel thousands of miles before reaching the earth. I'm afraid this ban will do nothing to protect the good folks of Tennessee from the toxins being used in SAI. Even if the entire US bans it, the US can still be contaminated by SAI ops in other countries. For instance, Mexico banned SAI about a year ago, but I have satellite documentation showing chemtrails being laid down in the US drifting well into Mexico.

If you want to see photo documentation of how SAI is carried out go here.


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The community appreciates your efforts. I hope more like you present findings such as the ones you describe to local representation. The bill is a step in the right, not wrong, direction.

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This is also what I was suspecting. Great page by the way. I just subscribed.

I have also written extensively on this matter with a 300+ page investigative series. Here is Part 4 which shows intent and all:

- Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada, Part 4 (Addenda, Updates, Overall Conclusion & Open Letters)


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Wow. That's exhaustive. Thank you for doing that.

I hope folks check it out.

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Very very strange. Thank you for digging. The law explicitly forbids the “intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.” That’s what chemtrails are. I have predicted the bill would not stop the problem though, so these problems were expected. What she said in her email to you is vastly different from what the bill says and how the legislators behind it characterized it. Wow.

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Jul 1Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Yes, we need to hold them accountable. I can only hope they stop, but it’s the government that’s doing this to us.

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Jul 1Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Wish we could post photos. Beautiful blues skies this morning, and now I am seeing active spraying. Pisses me off.

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Me too

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Jul 2Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Me too!!!

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Jul 2Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Sarcasm alert:

And laws can always be trusted to accomplish what they appear to to be trying to accomplish, and so please consider this issue "resolved."

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Jul 3Liked by Jon Fleetwood

On Monday, July 1, there were planes still releasing heavy contrails over Nashville skies. It will be interesting to see what gets done about the violation of the law and whether these activities will be truly stopped. Here's to a true-blue Tennessee Sky!

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Jul 3Liked by Jon Fleetwood

I intend to take photos/videos of this activity and send them to my representatives including the authors of the bill.

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Excellent. No one is coming to save us. But we have the numbers!

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Jul 1Liked by Jon Fleetwood

I live by the sea in the UK. If they're so concerned about the sun's heating affect on the earth, then why do these aircraft only spray over land. Often I watch them fly over from the sea; only then do they begin to spray. Yet another observation; often they won't spray on public holidays or during other periods such as Easter and Christmas (no doubt because the these pilots are on holiday/vacation too). So how is this consistent with achieving effective spraying of the skies? It doesn't make sense.

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Jul 1Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Knoxville, where Oak Ridge Laboratories is located, has some of the most concentrated stratospeheric "chemtrails" over it I have ever seen. Doubt this legislation will impact anything, how can they enforce it?

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I have a bad feeling they will keep spraying despite the bill going into effect today. If they do keep spraying, We The People will need to do what we've been doing: hold them accountable when no one else will. We cannot depend on government actors to come save us. We can't let their inability or unwillingness be our excuse. We need to take pictures and video and send the evidence to our local representatives until they do something. We have the numbers and therefore the power.

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Well Jon,

I contacted the authors of the bill, and an assistant answered back. She said the media mis-characterized the bill. She said it addressed dispersion of chemicals from the ground or from a boat. She said Chemtrails are under the management of the federal government. On Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 01:07:11 PM CDT, Nicole Ussery <nicole.ussery@capitol.tn.gov> wrote:

Good Afternoon, Mary

Thank you for reaching out with questions about HB2063/SB2691. There has been significant misunderstanding about this piece of legislation, due largely to what has been said in the media and on social media. This legislation does not and cannot address the issue of the chemtrails Those are created by aircraft. Non-military aircraft are under the control of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This has been the case since aviation came into existence when the U. S. Congress passed the Air Commerce Act of 1926. Later, they passed the Federal Aviation Act in 1958, which established the FAA as its own entity with the responsibility for overseeing civilian aviation activities. Actions of military aircraft are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, which is also a federal agency. Only a law passed by the U.S. Congress can regulate what those aircraft do. If you have not made your concerns known to those who represent you at the federal level, you should consider doing so. Again, the law created by HB2063 is a state law passed by the Tennessee General Assembly. It can only regulate those activities that occur within the borders of Tennessee which are not already under the authority of the federal government.

Being the first state to pass this type of legislation, we are in some uncharted territory with respect to how all of this will work. We can say that this legislation will prevent experiments that involve injecting chemicals or chemical compounds into the atmosphere from the ground or from a boat for purposes of “affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of sunlight”, like one conducted by the University of Washington from a decommissioned naval vessel in San Francisco Bay, from being conducted within Tennessee. Things like cloud-seeding within the state cannot occur.

This legislation does not prohibit activities like crop-dusting because the purpose of crop-dusting is insect control, not control of the temperature, weather, or intensity of sunlight. This legislation does not prohibit aircraft in airshows from using colored smoke as a part of their performances. The purpose of that smoke is for entertainment and so falls outside the scope of this legislation.

Our law may also create a basis by which the State of Tennessee can take action against other states that allow these sorts of activities to occur, if it adversely affects our State, but that will be for the lawyers to figure out. As with any ground-breaking legislation, it is going to take a while for all of this to be figured out.

I can appreciate your concerns over what is potentially being injected into our atmosphere. However, this is a very large and complex problem. The legislation that we were able to get passed has, by design, a specific scope. Chemtrails do not fall within that scope. I have attached a copy of the Public Chapter created by the legislation that went into effect on July 1, 2024 so that you can read for yourselves exactly what the law will do.

It is important for you to also understand that, given the separation of powers written in to the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, no one from the General Assembly (the Legislative Branch) can be involved in the enforcement of laws. Enforcement functions, depending upon what they are, will fall within either the Executive Branch, which in this specific case will be the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or the Judicial Branch (the courts).

Thank you,


Nicole A. Ussery

Legislative Assistant to Rep. Monty Fritts

425 Rep. John Lewis Way North, Suite 430

Nashville, TN 37243

Office Phone: 615-741-7658

Office Fax: 615-253-0163

I replied to her about my frustration about this, and she wrote back:

Nicole Ussery




mary ismail

Fri, Jul 12 at 11:39 AM

We 100% agree with you about overreach but we, the people, have allowed this to happen. It is going to take a great deal of effort by we, the people, to take back control. It really cannot not be done solely at the state legislative level. Once anyone has power, they are reluctant to give it up. It’s human nature. It just means we have to be diligent in our efforts.

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But who is doing this? Get to the actual planes that have been carrying this and dispersing this. Are pilots required to flip a switch to turn it on?

You can tell if they have a flight pattern of sorts.

Inspect the planes. Not that hard !

Follow the chemical orders. Who is ordering, what is the specs for these chemicals used. Who is manufacturing and what company(s) are doing the contracts and for Whom?!!!

It’s simple unless this chemtrail thingy is well hidden.

There must be trails left to follow.

Just imagine all our” fellow” humans who participate in this. And do not, never, say a word. Just imagine how many you’d need to pull this off.

No whistleblowers. Yet being complicit is slowly killing us and the(their) planet.

It’s very hard to imagine this to be happening.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Has a podcast where he had a person on who was deep into investigating this topic. It first was brought to his attention when he couldn’t figure out why his solar panels ( he lived in the desert and was off the grid) were producing energy at half of what had been normal energy production.

Check it out and check out the others who have been blowing warning horns for years now.

God Bless🙏

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