They are furiously geoengineering here. I see it day & night! According to geoengineering watch, these psychopaths are covering their poisons & blanketing forest fires which causes heating. See Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch. org

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Many of us know this but the fools that push the climate change narrative won't believe it.

I live a little over 20 miles from PCMS which is now part of Ft Carson.

I have watched the Chemtrails pop up and believe they are used for keeping the rain off of the site because maneuvers can't be run in the mud. I have it on good authority this is an EPA rule which is a good rule BUT all neighboring area people shouldnt have to suffer dry conditions.

This land should never have become a training site but they took over 200,000 acres by eminent domain. They later tried for far, far more.

No doubt in my mind that they can use Chemtrails and HAARP to control the weather.

As to temperature increases, blacktop pavement increases the temperature. Temperature is usually monitored in cities. The blacktop in the USA if in one area would cover almost half the State of Colorado.

I haven't had a 100 degree day in my unpaved yard in the country for over 10 years. In the 70s and 80s we hit several days as high as 107.

Natural rain from clouds left to nature actually cooled us off.

LBJ said whoever controls the weather, controls the world.

If they control the weather they control the food supply.

Then they control us all.

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When they came up with UN Agenda 21 (global communism) they knew no one would ever go along with this plan of global governance under communism. SO they invented a global boogie man. They has to come up with something that affects the entire world. First it was global warming and when they exposed that as the lie it was they changed it to climate change. A very good friend of mine was a NASA research scientist. He was invited to present to Congress every year (until Obama was elected...he was uninvited but sent his research to every member of Congress each year). He warned of global cooling and its impact on food. He said the sun goes into hibernation approx. every 235 years and it was moving into a period of hibernation. CO2 is the foundation for life. The more CO2 the better. Food grows with CO2 so it is clear to me why they targeted man made CO2 as their target. My friend, John L. Casey wrote a book called COLD SUN........he like many REAL scientists know the sun controls the climate except for the climate our government creates in order to scare people into compliance. I recommend getting John's book. He had a stroke some years back and no longer is doing research. He also used to track earthquake activity too.

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• Why are they using our tax dollars to subsidize solar panels?

• so we buy solar panels?

• then use more of our tax dollars to fly all those planes?

• "they" add to "their" carbon footprint?

• spray all those toxins to poison the air, water, soil, livestock, wildlife, farms, and food?


• WHEN do people ask?

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