I wonder if there will ever be accountability? Maybe at judgment day

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I am not religious, but all is seen by God. No one gets away with anything.

I believe we get back what we give.

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The Ugly Truth: Poor Long-Term Covid Vax Immunity


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I'll be 71 in a few days (https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/repeated-mrna-covid-jabs-lead-to?).

Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff:

- Covid

- Influenza

- VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial)

The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now.

I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home."

We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.

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Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. We were brought up to trust doctors who

were "educated" and wore white coats. Yet, for over 100 years the medical system has

betrayed us. Have a great day, and thank you for your awareness.

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Thank you for saying that, the medical system has never truly wanted good health. Doctors were once considered quacks, now they are in the main highly educated quacks.

I like looking at anagrams and find 'medical system' can be 'mam sly deceits' or 'yet misleads cm'.

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There are a few caring doctors who think freely, but sadly most

serve up a cocktail of drugs and offer patients no other choices.

Some free thinking Dr's have also been railroaded to stop

practising, and some have been murdered as well....cheers

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Thank you for sharing. About 18 months ago I saw an informative video that discussed

the Covid jabs and stated, those who got both jabs have only 25% of their immune system left.

How sad.

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Plannedemic 3.0: Bird Flu Summit Oct 2-4th 2024 (Media Blackout) & Covid Panel Subpoenas NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ for Deleting Emails (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plannedemic-30-bird-flu-summit-2024

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Really… this is “news”? The refocusing and damage to immune systems happens to “everyone” who is injected with this genetic modification. Surviving this for very long (no matter what age you are) is just not possible. The end.

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Yes it is news. News the big media orgs are not reporting. We The People deserve to know the peer-reviewed data showing the truth about the jabs. We deserve informed consent. IMO.

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