The PREP act is unconstitutional. It violates the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment by denying the right to get compensation for injuries caused by medical countermeasures. It gives the HHS Secretary powers beyond what the constitution provides for the executive branch. It preempts state laws, violating the Tenth Amendment’s reservations of powers to the states. In 2020, a federal district court in California ruled that the PREP Act's liability immunity provisions were unconstitutional, but this decision was later reversed on appeal. Proponents of the PREP act state that it is necessary to ensure the rapid development and distribution of medical countermeasures during public health emergencies. Operation Warp Speed under the PREP act gave us rapid development and distribution of the COVID shot for a false flag emergency, and look at the price we’re paying for that.
The fate of Socrates was the product of Democracy!
Socrates was sentenced to death by a democratic Athenian jury, meaning his fate was sealed by the very system of government he lived under, which is often seen as a paradox given his critical views on democracy; he was accused of "corrupting the youth" and
WHY do we need a Dept of HHS in the first place? Unelected ppl, making decisions which carry the weight of law, while relieving Congress of responsibility, & all at enormous, wildly-regressive taxpayer expense. INSANE!
As all so-called first world countries were in lockstep during the covid hoax, makes you wonder how this will be mimicked throughout the world second time around. Of course, the first thing they'll all do is invoke emergency use authorizations on the back of a fake pandemic. Guess we just have to be alert to the first steps.
The PREP act is unconstitutional. It violates the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment by denying the right to get compensation for injuries caused by medical countermeasures. It gives the HHS Secretary powers beyond what the constitution provides for the executive branch. It preempts state laws, violating the Tenth Amendment’s reservations of powers to the states. In 2020, a federal district court in California ruled that the PREP Act's liability immunity provisions were unconstitutional, but this decision was later reversed on appeal. Proponents of the PREP act state that it is necessary to ensure the rapid development and distribution of medical countermeasures during public health emergencies. Operation Warp Speed under the PREP act gave us rapid development and distribution of the COVID shot for a false flag emergency, and look at the price we’re paying for that.
More needs to be done to prove that a legal carve out for mass murder is still crimes against humanity and prosecutable:
Now we’ll see just where RFK Jr stands.
Here's something for the public to know and understand:
The fate of Socrates was the product of Democracy!
Socrates was sentenced to death by a democratic Athenian jury, meaning his fate was sealed by the very system of government he lived under, which is often seen as a paradox given his critical views on democracy; he was accused of "corrupting the youth" and
WHY do we need a Dept of HHS in the first place? Unelected ppl, making decisions which carry the weight of law, while relieving Congress of responsibility, & all at enormous, wildly-regressive taxpayer expense. INSANE!
As all so-called first world countries were in lockstep during the covid hoax, makes you wonder how this will be mimicked throughout the world second time around. Of course, the first thing they'll all do is invoke emergency use authorizations on the back of a fake pandemic. Guess we just have to be alert to the first steps.