Jon…Doug Mastrinano is an amazing common sense guy! Thank you for keeping this subject in the public’s site. This is more amazing truth coming out and people are waking up to this intentional poisoning of our earth and our peoples. Still working on De Santis here in Florida 😒

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👏 I'll push MD, next door.

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I am trying to get my senators in Idaho to do the same thing but they refuse to admit it is happening. We see it in our skies almost every day!

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I'm sorry your senators are not listening. It may be helpful to: 1) show them all of the states with anti-geoengineering bills, like PA and TN, and 2) show them the White House congressionally-mandated document that confirms the U.S. funds geoengineering on page 43 (https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Congressionally-Mandated-Report-on-Solar-Radiation-Modification.pdf).

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This seems like good news. Here's a video that everyone should watch that warns of what the powers that are can turn such a bill into and how the bills need to be carefully written.

Watch to the end where she warns about how the bills could be interpreted.


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Jon, I appreciate your advice. I am putting together this information and taking it the my legislators. I can’t guarantee the right people will receive my information.

We are foolish to believe one state is getting chemical free spraying when those state you shared are banning the dangerous spraying in their states. People must wake up.


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