It’s almost as if they are spitting in our face & daring anyone to do anything about it. Dane has been fighting to awaken the sheep for decades but then what? Most folks will not care until they can no longer breath, then it’s too late. I’ve written to CongresS & the DOD , NOAA & even sent an open letter to the AF & those doing the spraying all to no avail.

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I've posted this before and elsewhere. The NOAA employees are just doing their jobs. Heard that somewhere before.


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It breaks my heart that masses of people are utterly brainwashed. Particularly those who trusted the “experts” and received the jab and more. I fully believe the nanobots that have crossed the brain blood barrier in these people are already being used in this indoctrination. Those that are surviving it I should say. I say this with experience with my 85 year old mother who took at least two, maybe more. Her health is fine, thus far. However, she becomes near belligerent when I attempt to talk to her about any deception being possible!

Now given, she’s been indoctrinated her entire life! However, I know I’m not the only one to see family or friends have these alterations in personality. She refuses to trust her own daughter, believing the evil parrots on tv, nor wants to even is capable of having a civil conversation regarding anything that goes against her bias. We see it everywhere. The division they’re causing goes so much deeper than politics. Pure evil from satan coming to fruition as we are witnessing the last days of earth as we know it! The Lord God Almighty says, “Vengeance is Mine!” His Son cannot come soon enough! 🙏🏻

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Yes, it was definitely man-made. The whole contrived hurricane and another thing we can learn from it. Is that most of the radar stuff on TV with CGI?

Just to scare people, make them move, make them uncomfortable and scramble. The manipulators got kick out of it I guess however I started to suspect that a day or two ago before it came through with all the hype they were giving it.

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OK people we gotta stop telling each other I guess in our echo chamber that people are not awake. Yes they’re awake but a lot of busy and are afraid to look up. you just gotta tell them and they’ll believe you. It doesn’t take as much work as it used to. They got all this on the peripheral, even what we might think is an npc.

It’s almost like a third of the comments all through Substack claimed that people are not awake it sounds like the people that say that must just now have awoken

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