Jon, We need to figure out how to duplicate NH across the country!

I'm in Vegas and it has become completely ridiculous. The weather report can change 3 times in one day... in Vegas! Wind is their enemy. I enjoy watching them try to cover the sky on a windy day! We need to hold any pilot who does this guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Once the first one is convicted and swinging from a rope, all the money from Gates or our government won't prevail.

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It's much more accurate to use the term "Stratospheric Aerosol Injections" than "chemtrails"...really cuts down on the "Conspiracy Theory" nonsense!

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It doesn't matter what you call it because it's still referring to the same thing, and why is it nonsense for people to think people conspire especially with how many so called Conspiracy Theories turn out to be true ?

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We need help in Ottawa Canada where the skies are being turned grey, the sun is blocked producing dreary weather, and the atmosphere and biosphere polluted with toxic metals due to spraying by jet planes day and night. The impact on health may in fact be worse than the lethal Covid injections.

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It doesn't matter if it's Ottawa or Vancouver. It's the same evil and it's been ongoing for decades. Weather Modification is a global agenda.

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It is very hard to comprehend. I first noticed the toxic chemical plumes in Ottawa about ten years ago and they appeared at our farm in New Brunswick where we spend the summers in 2019. I have counted over 20 jets in one day crisscrossing the sky and blocking out the sun. And I hear the roar of jets at night. The crazy part is that most people won't even acknowledge what is taking place and many become angry if you point out the plumes and explain what they are. The level of mind control is similar to that which occurred during the Fake Pandemic and rollout of "safe and effective", aka lethal, Covid injections that killed an estimated one person per 800 injections. In Canada, this translates into over 100,000 killed by the Covid injections.

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Unfortunately and criminally; the evil scum are STILL pushing their "Safe and Effective" garbage rhetoric (while at the same time, fear mongering about "disease X", measles, H5N1, etc.) - even after admitting in the mainstream media that the bioweapon (I prefer to call it what it is!) neither prevents infection, nor stops transmission. FYI; the plan, from here-on-out, is to make every injection mRNA! Millions more are going to die from these Gene Editing shots - and many will wish they had! Try to find "The Dumbing Down of Society" by Dr. Russell Blaylock...This should help. It's short and quite old now, focusing on the toxic chemicals in our food and water supplies - many years before ConVid, Ukraine and so on.


You're absolutely right about the "mind control"; most of it coming from the Lamestream media! Whether we call it "Mass Formation", "Normalcy Bias" or something else...the majority of the population are totally oblivious to what's really going on in the world - just the way the oligarchs like it!

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Most nations of the western world are led by certifiable traitors, most of whom were installed in rigged elections. That is why support for these so-called leaders is hovering around 30% or lower in the case of Biden (10-20%?). Justin Trudeau is a hated man in Canada, hated even by most "liberals" who voted for this incompetent, unqualified, uneducated and corrupt person. He is merely a puppet controlled by strings connected to the puppeteers at the WEF and central banks who pull the strings from behind the curtain. A quote from Cicero seems appropriate here as it was in Roman Empire.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

Attributed to a speech by Marcus Tullius Cicero in the Roman Senate in 58 BC as "Recorded by Sallust" in the fictional novel 'A Pillar of Iron,' by Taylor Caldwell (1983), ch. 5. Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC).

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Trudeau should be hung for TREASON! Recently, a group of pro-Palestinians were blocking entrances to an event that Trudeau was supposed to go to. They were waving flags, shouting and harassing people trying to attend. Trudeau decided not to show up. Did he call them disgusting names, like he did, the peaceful trucker convoy? NO! Did he invoke the Emergency Measures Act (formerly - War Measures Act), like he did, the peaceful trucker convoy? NO! Did he freeze their bank accounts like he did, the peaceful truckers convoy? NO! Did he do anything to these migrant agitators? NO! They get a pass because it had nothing to do with the Rights and Freedoms of Canadians, but only added fuel to "Divide and Conquer" and the "Order Out of Chaos" agenda.

Trudeau, Freeland and Singh are all graduates of Klaus Schwab and the WEF's "Young Global Leaders". Both Trudeau and Freeland have attended meetings of the WHO, WEF and UN and I know that Trudeau even co-chaired one of the UN meetings.

This piece of garbage and human excrement has already sold out Canada to the WHO, WEF, UN, the "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty", "The Great Reset"

and "Agenda 2030".

Also; UBC, Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Aquitas Therapeutics own the patent on the Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP's) that are in the "covid" mRNA Gene Editing injections from Pfizer and Moderna. They get paid for every injection; as does the Canadian government (Trudeau). This is exactly why Trudeau refused to have a meeting with the representatives from the Trucker's Convoy - he didn't want anything to stop the flow of $$$! In a just world, Justine would be long gone! "The love of money, is the root of all evil".

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Watching this Bill closely in GA. Chemtrails increased so much during the Summer up to now. I have an incredible pic from a couple of days ago. Spraying over our rural Subdivision & Elementary School! Same 2 planes over & over, grid technique. Takes forever to dissipate & then blue sky turns weird hazy w/sun blocked out. Residue on cars is typical now. Can see pic on FB group “ Chemtrails and geoengineering” In Facebook.

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The artificial clouds increase surface temps. This is the fake global warming agenda using chemtrails. The 1999 IPCC report on Aviation actually found this to be true. Look at the document on page 7 under "contrails" - Look for and click on the "IPCC Special Report" at his link - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/chemtrails-are-not-contrails-a-radiometric?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fchemtrails&utm_medium=reader2

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Also; since when, in the winter, does the temperature rise after sunset; when the sky is covered with those cloud-like creations? I've been around for many decades and I seem to remember winter days always getting colder after "sunset". I put it in quotes, because we don't get a lot of sun around here anymore. Even when we do have some sun; such as today, I can still see that greyish-white canopy beginning to cover the sky.

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I have hundreds of photos that I took myself. Some of them are quite surreal! I saw a long trail today and took a few photos. They didn't come out, because I was shooting toward the sun. It's almost as if they plan to fly under the sun; as most people (if they even look up) won't look into the sun and unless a person has a really good camera, they won't be able to even show that trail that's covering half the sky - unless they can shoot from a different angle (I was at home). One thing that Dane Wigington often mentions; and I believe it's in the documentary "The Dimming", is a plane that actually turns the spray nozzles off and then back on again. I've witnessed this myself. The pilot turned them off, then on again 3 or 4 times while I was watching. I can't remember which, but regardless. It's the same as pilots turning the nozzles off and on as they're spraying crops with poisonous chemicals.

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For those who don't know what's raining down upon us; here's the short list: Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Manganese, Surfactants, Polymer Fibers, Graphene and pathogens.

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Florida is inundated with chemtrails and rarely do we have a blue sky anymore. When we first moved to Florida 6 years ago we had blue skies most of the time. Now, we are lucky to see 1 or 2 days of blue skies a week. Chemtrails are sprayed early in the mornings. Letters and emails have been sent to Governor Desantis and our representatives… crickets.

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Help Arizona!!!

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I am shocked that areas such as Arizona and Florida that are normally characterized by a high percentage of sunny days and blue skies are being deliberately polluted with toxic chemicals sprayed from jet planes which no government will acknowledge. Here in Ottawa, a bright sunny day is becoming increasingly rare and a starlit night even more rare. They spray day and night.

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I don't understand how any of this is legal to begin with.

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The Bill does not mention "chemtrails". --- You won't find the word in the text - To be precise, New Hampshire House Bill 1700 bans Polluting Emissions, Weather Mod, Cloud seeding, Excessive EMF


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I see your point.

Here's my take: The bill bans that which the term "chemtrails" refers to. Headlines often utilize colloquialisms for reader understanding. I used the "chemtrail" colloquialism as a summary of much of what the bill bans and for reader comprehension. I also added to the headline specific terms mentioned in/explicitly banned by the bill, adding a colon to grammatically signify that those terms clarify the colloquialism. (Note there are no quotes around the word chemtrail).

An honest question for you: Can you define chemtrail in such a way that it doesn't apply in any way to what the bill bans?

Thank you for your time!

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Look at section IV. ---- "A report to the department of environmental services of apparently harmful nuclear, biological, transbiological and/or chemical (“NBC”) emissions shall trigger investigation of the source(s) and contents of said emissions, without limitation. Spectrometry of air and rainwater and other testing may be used to determine specific contents of emissions. Where the emissions are harmful to humans or the environment, per primary scientific study, enforcement shall ensue pursuant to RSA 12-F:5."

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Presumably, the state will respond to complaints of many types, including Aircraft contrails or Chemtrails. Actually jet aircraft engine pollution is a significant contributor to airborne pollution even with no chemtrails or contrails to complain about. This Bill is sponsored by 2 Republics and has little chance of passing. - https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234

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Lets be optimistic! It's hard enough to be healthy these days. We don't need the government dropping chemicals on us from the sky. I'll be praying this passes. Thanks again for your time!

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Yes, if passed the bill could do the job to stop what we call "chemtrails". But when naive people look for word "chemtrails" in the Bill it's not there. But the Bill is more inclusive to include other than chemtrails. For that reason it may have a better chance of passing, even if it's a partisan Bill. - I found your substack at this FB video link Ha! - https://www.facebook.com/reel/1425321891412375

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I hear you and appreciate your input.

Wow! That's really something to see people sharing these articles—very cool to see.

Thank you again for the dialogue and for pointing out how others are using my pieces!

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Scroll down to the bottom to see the "Chemtrails manual". I re-constructed it from borrowed microfilm. Took me 5 days.... It now downloads into a PDF. So it was tax dollars the paid for the Chemtrails manual .. Ha! Anybody asks where the name "chemtrails" came from now you can tell them they paid for it back in the 1990's and that's not a conspiracy theory - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/chemtrail-conspiracy-no-longer-a

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ICYMI ....Mike Decker is in Wyoming with a big Nikon camera capturing black and red Now the military has started using turbo-pros to spray. Check out his channel. - https://www.youtube.com/@MikeDeckerSkyMilitia307/videos

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The air above is controlled by federal law, not state law.

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According to....who, or what law?

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Jon: I went back to my emails and had a look at those "chemtrail" photos. They perfectly illustrate what's been going on in our skies for decades! There aren't very many days when I don't see this type of sky. Movie buffs might even want to watch for these sprayed skies in the movies.

Here's food for thought for the unbelievers: I live near a busy airport, where hundreds of planes fly in and out each day (one every few minutes). Now, If I only see 2 or 3 chemical trails crossing the sky, on any given day and people "assume" that they are nothing but contrails (and that all jets have them)...logically (if they're nothing but contrails), that would indicate that there were only a few jets flying on that day - would it not?

BTW: With the current technology, most passenger jets leave very little, in the way of a trail. This explains it a bit:


FACT: Contrails usually don't get very long. They dissipate quickly. Chemical trails, on the other hand, do not dissipate; and can stretch from horizon to horizon. They end up spreading out - eventually covering the entire sky with that greyish/white haze, which I recognize in a nanosecond.

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For those who are skeptical in regards to geoengineering/weather modification, I just remembered a "Private" company (definitely not the only one) that I found a few years ago that will guarantee a perfect wedding - WITH NO RAIN! If they can prevent rain; then they can also create rain, which they do - globally. Here's a page from Oliver's Travels:


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Go to https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/Search/NameResult

Just type in “weather modification” under the name link and you’ll see a list of 14 aircraft that are used for weather modification and who owns them. These are just the ones open about it. There are other companies that are more subdued who have contracts with the government to carry this out as well as military aircraft.

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By the way, you’ll see U.S. Department of Interior as the owner for a few of these aircraft.

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Are you aware that Raytheon and Lockheed Martin supply the "Weather Forecast" to the media. The "Forecasters" don't forecast anything. They merely read from the same script. These two companies are also heavily involved in what we see going on over our heads! That makes it kind of easy to "predict" the weather - doesn't it?!

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Absolutely…all part of the MIC

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Weather Modification has been going on for over 75 years! Have you never heard of Operation Popeye? In the midst of the Viet Nam war, the American military created rain by SAI and flooded out the Ho Chi Ming valley with the tunnels, where the Viet Cong were hiding.

It is quite easy to figure these things out, if you understand the human condition. I never make spurious claims. There is plenty of documentation and proof of what I post (thousands of patents). Here are a couple of links with Lyndon B. Johnston from 1962; stating: "...and he who controls the weather, controls the world!". Fact: Geoengineers now have the capability and capacity to not only CREATE hurricanes, but to increase their intensity and STEER them in any direction they choose. Science fiction?... So was A.I. 50 years ago! Dane Wigington plays this clip at the beginning of every Saturday podcast at geoengineeringwatch.org.



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Sorry; "Ho Chi Minh". I don't write Vietnamese very well. ;)

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Here's the #1 source for info on geoengineering:


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Colorado runs a relentless cloud seeding weather modification program. They use massive amounts of highly toxic Silver Iodide to augment the snowpack in the Rocky Mountains. Not only do they feel the need to do this for their own benefit, but they also get paid from the Colorado River downstream states to carry out the weather modification program also. The people, the wildlife, and the plant life suffer. No studies have ever been conducted to accurately monitor the long-term exposure effects.

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And now in Idaho they are performing an open-air experiment by using liquid propane and methanol mixture to seed clouds from 6 generators along the Payette basin. They are getting riskier! And cloud seeding operators received special liability exemptions in 2021 & no permits required.

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