Of course, labelling food to disclose mRNA (or anything else) doesn't do much for anyone eating institutional foods, e.g., those in nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, the military....

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thanks demtards ! masks when they don't work, clotshots that kill and don't protect and possibly rewrite human dna and now they will support this going into food

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Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and others are insane madmen and should be taken fishing NOW.

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Yes, absolutely, a great idea but how many know your meaning and would actually "go fishing" if they had the opportunity.

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Shark bait?

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Since the DOD/government has made changes to the Emergency use Act Laws, and they are not required to provide informed consent and the products no longer are subject to investigation and requiring no clinical trials, and now you want to add to our food supply??? I say, no way!

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You can't buy a "home vaccination kit" in the drug store, so why should vaccines (let alone mRNA "vaccines") be allowed in food? It's so weird, the same people that scream and rant and check their cereal box labels to make sure there's nothing GMO in it are okay with eating mRNA food?!?!

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Dr Richard Bartlett was the one who led in a discovery of how to treat his c19 patients in the early days successfully.

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I dont really know what’s left to poison in the USA ... food water air frequencies . They are really doing the most here. Thank god for Chinese medicine and herbs or my arse would be toast by now.

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Vaccine in foods must be blocked. If a person wants or needs a vaccine they should seek medical assistance through their doctor.

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This is a catastrophe. Vaccines are supposed to be administered in specific dosages, by doctors who know the recipient’s medical history, in an appropriate setting in case of unforeseen problems, and they are supposed to be for a specific purpose. These “food-borne vaccines” violate every one of those norms. Clearly, this has nothing to do with protecting people from illness, and everything to do with contaminating the food supply by stealth, in service of some other end that cannot possibly be good. Apart from the dosage issue, there’s the basic principle of the thing: We should have the choice to eat pure, unadulterated food. Will these vaxxed foods be sold as organic if they satisfy the other requirements for being organic? How do we get out ahead of this and stop it?

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The whole point of this is THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO HAVE CHOICES

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Bill Gates needs to be investigated.

Investigate the mRNA biotechnology companies...Start with Aldevron...owned by Danaher (DHR). Bill Gates has investments in DHR which bought Aldevron for 9.6 Billion in 2021. Gates invested in DHR in 2022. The three locations of Aldevron are Fargo, ND, Madison, Wisconsin and Lincoln, Nebraska and have a presence at North Dakota State University, University of Wisconsin and University of Nebraska. Investigate Aldevron and the mRNA research at each of these universities. Investigate why Bill Gates has bought farmland in Nebraska, Wisconsin and North Dakota. Is all of this just a coincidence? Cofounder of Moderna is on the board of directors at Aldevron.
























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Wow! Great post!

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Thank you!

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Fabulous article. Really well written and also, so over the top scary, like a Stephan King novel. Thank you so much and lots of new information.

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Conflict of Interest is rampant these days! Billy boy has his thumb in every evil pie! I just did a very quick search...of course, it's all just the tip of the iceberg. Billy boy's "philanthropy" really does make me want to puke! 35,000 "grants", globally...who else enjoys that amount of power and influence?

Thanks for your links. I'm going to have to increase my storage capacity; 30+ Terabytes isn't looking like that much anymore!





I've posted this before; although, for those who haven't seen the extent of this evil minion's grants -


For those who missed this really good docuseries on Big Pharma, it's replaying all weekend. You might want to download all 8 episodes.


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Do grocery stores have a license to administer drugs to customers ? How about dosage ?

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It's population control Bill Gates style...

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Democrats now aggressively take control over everything that involves people's rights. They don't even ask us anymore if we want to or not. What gives them the right to make choices for us. I don't want anything added to my food. If I choose to eat natural foods and catch a flu or cold and die it is my choice. No one has the right to force anything on anyone. But the democrats as of late think they are already the one party rule that they have been trying to instill in our government. We need to vote them down and bring them down a few notches so they can know we are still America. The land of the free.

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Then folks need to VOTE them OUT!!

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Pardon me, it was trump who took 100 billion dollars and gave it to operation warp speed. And, as it says right here, it was operation warp speed who made this possible. Also, it was he who locked us down. This is really beyond politics.

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OK the bill in Tennessee the sponsor of the bill brought up an issue where in Texas they had not given enough vaccine to cows. Which was to stop a some sore of fly. Like Bot flies. Now with that being said. How much vaccine is to much. To me all vaccines are to much. Them adding vaccines to food was the last straw where we all know that fast food will be handing out food laced with vaccine like candy. What's to much. Just heard a story where the USDA gave the mRNA vaccine to 100 of his pigs and 90% of the pigs either died or had to be put down. Sound like the 90% reduction planned by the WEF, WHO & Gates

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The pandemic is over. Covid19 is no more. So, if Alex Azar was empowered to single handedly implement then extend the Prep Act, what is stopping RFKJr. as incumbent HHS, from rescinding the Prep Act extension, thereby removing Big Pharma’s liability shield?


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Ironic the sky may become chemtrail free, yet the food needs to remain poisoned. And yes, the dosage does not matter. So long as the sheep get their meds.

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