My feeling is he has too much invested in this for him to bow out. They will just put a different mask on this , and Klaus will be running things behind the scenes . But still a good sign to see.

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You mean like Fauci and Obama? Fraudski and Obamination!

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For the past 51 years Klaus has been the head of the WEF. So the fact that he’s stepping down is HUGE! Thanks for covering this man, strongly recommend topic.

PS: the WEF is simply a large organization trying to control all aspects of our lives as you’ve pointed out. Here’s how other corporations use psychology on us to do so: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-corporations-influence-you-and

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They have messed with the growing season in Northern New Mexico, what used to be a source of organic produce and with a lot of independent minded folk who had their own gardens. There have not been any bees this year to pollinate the fruit blossoms that burst too early, then mostly froze.

Here's this. https://x.com/tpvsean/status/1794428166515114377?s=51&t=ksmrKYmwLYl68IefmZrKMA&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3yzeSgquVhHzEIb-VY1FoZvwa6Bg0wj-T6JMhaBdSyVlwl162b2xsjBYk_aem_AQwVcNw7jdS_aE-O0BaRL57kS8qfDzeDKcA0nF4njgFIhvwdcs41DT_208sI9108UpqMJxsLuKAWDC3K3DMBxLyD

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He had bad PR.

He sounded like Hitler, and had no currency with anyone in the world to usher in the Great Reset. People really dislke him.

The Deep State needs Mister Rogers. Watch for someone with more potential for popularity to replace Klaus.

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I pride myself in knowing more about what's going on in the world than almost anyone who's not being paid to do so. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Anyone who follows the "game" knows that one evil oligarch "stepping down" means that someone even more evil could be taking his place. Besides; a lot can (and will) happen between now and then, most likely sooner than later.

Most readers probably know about Blackrock and Larry Fink. I'm willing to bet that you're not aware of the real power behind this company and its TRILLIONS of $$$ in assets. It is not a person! It is not a stretch to believe that A.I. will soon take over this entire civilization.



As far as geoengineering/weather modification goes; yes, there is currently much discussion about SRM, SAI's, etc. (chemtrails). What "they" will never tell you, is that this agenda has already been in operation for over 75 years! There is a mountain of proof/info confirming this fact for anyone who actually knows how to uncover the truth. I have posted on this topic more times than I can count. One of the earliest examples is Operation Popeye in Viet Nam, when the military seeded the clouds to create a deluge that flooded the caves in the Ho Chi Minh valley, where the Viet Cong were hiding. Today, they are able to totally control the weather! There are also hundreds of patents on geoengineering/weather modification that aren't that difficult to find.

The biosphere is collapsing and it's mostly due to what is falling from the skies and entities such as HAARP and CERN. HAARP (High Active Aurora Research Project).

Remember the recent light show (Northern Lights) in the sky that people could see from all over the world? I found a site that along with hundreds (thousands?) of other "Fact Checkers" will tell you that HAARP had nothing to do with the light show, that they are "passive", that they are nothing but a "research facility". Like all the other "Fact Checkers", if you simply take what they are telling you is false and assume that it is true - you will have the truth!


If you don't believe that the skies are being sprayed on almost a daily basis, here's a little video to get you started, from the #1 site on the topic. It used to be on youtube; of course, it has since been deleted!


People all over the planet have taken photos of these trails that are being sprayed in our atmosphere. Here is a site that people have uploaded to, including myself (I have hundreds). They are not all legitimate; but most are.


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“The stupidity of this idea is unfathomable but yet it raised $26m. What they propose isn't even scientifically possible. The support from WEF and WHO is yet another indication of how they intend to destroy our human rights and freedoms. Wake the fcuk up everyone who is asleep and thinks this is conspiracy theory.

The evil behind it should no longer be tolerated. How is BG still free and not arrested and jailed for all his crimes against humanity and insider dealing”


Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines

Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans


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