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May 10
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I've had cancer with a recurrence and watched my mother and husband get "treated" by the cancer industry and subsequently die. I developed heart problems from the chemo I took the first time around. I was given TRUE RAT POISON, which is coumadin or warfarin. Fortunately, I showed an allergic reaction and was relieved from taking it within a few days.

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May 10
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I am aware of the theory that viruses don’t exist, or that at least the COVID virus doesn’t exist. I’m open to the idea. If you have any strong evidence, I’d love to take a look. Or maybe you’re implying something else. Regardless of what is making us sick with C-19 disease, virus or something else, ivermectin works to treat it. Thanks!

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For the record, Jon; I, as well as millions of other relatively healthy people were not sick at all during this entire covid PsyOps. The fact is that I haven't been sick at all since 2009 when I stopped taking the flu shot. There is not a "vaccine" (from now on - mRNA Gene Altering injection) in Big Pharma's arsenal that is ever going to make anyone healthier.

For those people (that would be most) who missed the excellent docuseries; "The Truth About Vaccines" and "The Truth About Cancer", you missed out on a lot of truth, a lot of remedies and a lot of cures. In fact; they just finished another series called "Remedies". I have it all in my Library of Truth. Our immune system protects us from just about every pathogen on the planet. Once people begin to destroy their immune system via "vaccines" or other toxic Big PHARMa drugs, as well as the GMOs and other toxins in the food supply, well...people just get sicker and sicker.

Chemo and radiation is basically a death sentence! How can anyone be daft enough to believe that further poisoning one's body, is going to somehow make them healthier! There are natural cures for cancer! Most people today are cancer factories. They poison themselves with toxic, nutritionless "food-like substances", don't exercise and are probably on a handful of Big Pharma's drugs. Society as a whole is very sick and it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Does anyone remember "Thalidomide babies" from decades ago? Do your research: and NOT through google! Big Agri is now using 2.4D (an element of Agent Orange) in their crop spraying; Saccharin was taken off the shelves decades ago, because it was proven to be carcinogenic...it's back! Thalidomide, which caused thousands of birth defects, is now part of cancer "treatments"! Fraud, Lies, Deception and Illusion is the world we live in!


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My only problem with ivermectin is that the batch I have is stamped "titanium dioxide". That's a whitening ingredient used in many so called medicines, both allopathic and OTC. It's a known carcinogen. I have taken it anyway when I felt I might be coming down with a very bad cold or flu-like symptoms. It worked a treat.

I tested positive for covid after I went on a trip with a vaxed and boosted friend. There were many on the planes who were masked, coughing, expectorating, etc. I got something like a bad cold that lasted for about 6 days. I nevertheless went on the private walking trips we had planned. My friend ended up in bed for 3 days. Because of her I tested and the test came out positive, for what that's worth.

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