Believe there's a typo in the paragraph starting "Moreover..." The 57% statistic is for vaccinated, not unvaccinated, according to the table.

Thank you for the article.

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Fixed! Thank you :)

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My boys are in their 30's and when I was pregnant we took NOTHING! You were even discouraged about using hair dye! Why in the HELL do all these women believe putting man made chemicals into their bodies is NOT going to affect their babies ONE WAY OR ANOTHER?! It's like all these girls whining about not being able to pop a boob out in 90 degree heat by the pool or in restaurants because they feel a thin blanket covering their baby is bad for the baby! Why in the HELL are you poolside in 90 degree heat with a baby??? Why are you in restaurants during nursing time??? We were told to limit exposure to strangers for 6 weeks. To let them build immunities from our breast milk...NOT VACCINES!!! People dumb enough to inject themselves while pregnant...let ALONE not pregnant with a vax that took less than 4 months to create when EVERY mrna vax to that date had failed so miserably they ended trials early...doesn't deserve a baby.

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WHY in the HELL are all these women believing stupid stuff? Because it's WHAT THEIR DOCS TELL THEM.

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Always good work!

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