'Higher Pregnancy Rate for the Unvaccinated' Compared to COVID-19 Jabbed in IVF Study: Journal 'Clinical and Experimental Medicine'
The unvaccinated“/not infected” group became pregnant 57% of the time, while the vaccinated group only became pregnant 23% of the time.
A new study published Tuesday in Clinical and Experimental Medicine analyzed the effect of Pfizer Inc.’s mRNA COVID-19 jab on in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment outcomes.
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
IVF is a fertility treatment wherein eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body, and the resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus to potentially lead to pregnancy.
It’s worth noting that Pfizer’s safety data—only made available by order of a Texas federal judge—show the company and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) were aware that the shot was linked to numerous negative pregnancy-related outcomes before making it available to the public.
These negative outcomes include spontaneous abortion, premature birth with neonatal death, and spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, to name a few.
The Israeli authors of the new study found “a trend toward a higher pregnancy rate for the unvaccinated group,” compared to the vaccinated.
The unvaccinated“/not infected” group became pregnant 57% of the time, while the vaccinated group only became pregnant 23% of the time.
Moreover, the study showed that the unvaccinated/not infected group delivered their babies 100% of the time, while the vaccinated group delivered their babies only 57% of the time.
Vaccinated men were also shown to have lower semen concentrations (65 ± 107) compared to unvaccinated/not infected (137 ± 165).

Nevertheless, the study authors claim that their multivariable logistic regression—a statistical method that examines how various factors together affect an outcome—for pregnancy rate “showed no differences regarding fertilization rates (p = 0.842) or pregnancy rates (p = 0.414).”
They also claim their study “found no differences between semen analysis among vaccinated and unvaccinated men.”
“We cautiously state that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine does not affect fertility outcomes, including fertilization, pregnancy and delivery rates, obstetric outcomes, and semen parameters, regardless of the IgG levels,” they conclude.
It should be noted that the authors apparently did not explain in detail what those various multivariable logistic regression factors were.
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
Cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough’s ‘McCullough Foundation’ X (formerly Twitter) account commented on the new findings in a Wednesday post.
“New study shows that women injected with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines experience a 34% lower pregnancy rate when undergoing IVF treatment compared to unvaccinated/uninfected women,” the post reads.
“The study also found that unvaccinated/uninfected men had more than twice the sperm concentration as mRNA vaccinated men, however, this difference was not statistically significant. More studies are urgently needed with larger sample sizes.”
The study authors’ affiliations include:
IVF Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel.
School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
IVF Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel.
School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Central Virology Laboratory, Public Health Services, Ministry of Health, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel.
You can download the full study below:
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
Believe there's a typo in the paragraph starting "Moreover..." The 57% statistic is for vaccinated, not unvaccinated, according to the table.
Thank you for the article.
My boys are in their 30's and when I was pregnant we took NOTHING! You were even discouraged about using hair dye! Why in the HELL do all these women believe putting man made chemicals into their bodies is NOT going to affect their babies ONE WAY OR ANOTHER?! It's like all these girls whining about not being able to pop a boob out in 90 degree heat by the pool or in restaurants because they feel a thin blanket covering their baby is bad for the baby! Why in the HELL are you poolside in 90 degree heat with a baby??? Why are you in restaurants during nursing time??? We were told to limit exposure to strangers for 6 weeks. To let them build immunities from our breast milk...NOT VACCINES!!! People dumb enough to inject themselves while pregnant...let ALONE not pregnant with a vax that took less than 4 months to create when EVERY mrna vax to that date had failed so miserably they ended trials early...doesn't deserve a baby.