Oh you know Piglosi's spawn of satan nephew in Comifornia won't get on board! Heck I bet our Texas Governor Hot Wheels won't either! He also stated on his campaign trail he'd stop chemtrails. Well this whole month every single day the skies have x's over every square inch! He bragged about transporting illegal aliens to sanctuary cities not using common sense they could just come right back! He could have shut down our border, but he didn't! Even Florida's surgeon general stated he doesn't recommend them, but did DeSantis stop them...nope! See politicians do what politicians do...talk a good line, but aren't ready to back up their actions if it goes south. People are the same way! I'd like to believe next Scamdemic 80% of the population cause such an uproar it's shut down day 2! We've always had the upper hand...just too stupid and weak to use it! If people would have just said nope not wearing masks, nope not working from home, not going to work period if no one else has to. We'd shut the economy down so fast their heads would have been spinning and boom it'd been done before they started killing people in hospitals with crooked cdc protocols! It ALL comes down to root of all evil and they LOVE their money more than playing along with the deep state! Heck can you imagine if just the doctors and nurses that knew day 2 would have vehemently stood up and left their jobs boom been done day 2! NO business can run on 60-70% work staff! Know how many of my nurse friends told me by end of week 1 it was rubbish?! ALOT, but NONE of them stood up and took as many as they could with them! One spark starts a fire! We need to remember that next time! So in that hopefully Louisiana will start a spark! Might not burn all 50 states, but hopefully more than not will follow suite REGARDLESS of the threats you KNOW are coming! He might want to get a bodyguard too so that he doesn't suicide himself in the back of the head twice. 🥴
Yes, I get it, these freaks of nature LIE! Although, this does not stop those who are good, decent and kind from doing the right thing and thinking positive about what may or could occur in our world. Blessings ~
This is at least a first step. Oregon is afraid to say anything about anything and is Home of the Moral cowards of Humanity. All our hospitals use covid-19 funds to stay alive. All doctors are afraid to loss their privileged positions.
Hurrah for Louisiana - Let the other states get on board this movement.
Oh you know Piglosi's spawn of satan nephew in Comifornia won't get on board! Heck I bet our Texas Governor Hot Wheels won't either! He also stated on his campaign trail he'd stop chemtrails. Well this whole month every single day the skies have x's over every square inch! He bragged about transporting illegal aliens to sanctuary cities not using common sense they could just come right back! He could have shut down our border, but he didn't! Even Florida's surgeon general stated he doesn't recommend them, but did DeSantis stop them...nope! See politicians do what politicians do...talk a good line, but aren't ready to back up their actions if it goes south. People are the same way! I'd like to believe next Scamdemic 80% of the population cause such an uproar it's shut down day 2! We've always had the upper hand...just too stupid and weak to use it! If people would have just said nope not wearing masks, nope not working from home, not going to work period if no one else has to. We'd shut the economy down so fast their heads would have been spinning and boom it'd been done before they started killing people in hospitals with crooked cdc protocols! It ALL comes down to root of all evil and they LOVE their money more than playing along with the deep state! Heck can you imagine if just the doctors and nurses that knew day 2 would have vehemently stood up and left their jobs boom been done day 2! NO business can run on 60-70% work staff! Know how many of my nurse friends told me by end of week 1 it was rubbish?! ALOT, but NONE of them stood up and took as many as they could with them! One spark starts a fire! We need to remember that next time! So in that hopefully Louisiana will start a spark! Might not burn all 50 states, but hopefully more than not will follow suite REGARDLESS of the threats you KNOW are coming! He might want to get a bodyguard too so that he doesn't suicide himself in the back of the head twice. 🥴
Yes, I get it, these freaks of nature LIE! Although, this does not stop those who are good, decent and kind from doing the right thing and thinking positive about what may or could occur in our world. Blessings ~
This is at least a first step. Oregon is afraid to say anything about anything and is Home of the Moral cowards of Humanity. All our hospitals use covid-19 funds to stay alive. All doctors are afraid to loss their privileged positions.
All War is Evil
— “
D A N G E R !!! DANGER !!!
ROBINSON ….. •••• !!!!!!!!!!!
!!!INDUSTRY!!! …..
N O M O R E …!!! —-
P O W E R ‼️‼️‼️
Yay! Way to go.
Wow! Trail blazers for Liberty
California gal here. I might need to move to one of the states that have acknowledged the harms of the mRNA injections.