"People who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons, [are] probably responsible for an additional 200,000-300,000 deaths in this country," says former NIH director.
Jon…what MTG said yesterday was absolutely showing more balls than those men there!! Dr. Death definitely show be put in jail…tried for crimes against humanity…and extreme accountability for his part.
I'm no doctor; although, I've been researching this ConVid PsyOps from the start and to the best of my knowledge, the "Spike Protein" that's in those mRNA bioweapons, is a SYNTHETIC Spike Protein, created in a lab. I don't know about others; but, I would never knowingly take an injection that contains synthetic anything!
Here are a couple of things that I 'do' know: There never was a global "pandemic". I know this; because had there been a pandemic - I would have noticed! Also, I haven't been sick (at all) since 2009, when I stopped taking the flu shot. It no longer made sense to be taking a "vaccine" that is supposed to prevent the flu, when I'm coming down with bad colds and the flu every year. I've learned much since then! Also; "covid" was 100% fear mongering. There was no covid monster killing people! If it's such a "deadly" virus, why didn't it make me sick; why didn't it make anyone I know sick - or anyone I see around my neighborhood? The coronavirus is a collection of cold viruses. There has never been a "cure" for the common cold!
I can guarantee you of this: millions of people around the world are now sick and dying from the mRNA nanobot shot - the shot that scientists have NEVER had any success with in the past! There is nothing to fear, but the fearmongers themselves!
Oh; and that shot is also modifying people's DNA...just in case people may have missed that little fact. We've known about reverse transcription for a few years now.
If unvaccinated people are responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 extra deaths, who is it that died? The unvaccinated? Or did the vaccinated give the disease to those who were vaccinated and then the vaccinated died? Is he accusing the unvaccinated of spreading the disease in general while the vaccinated did not? This needs some explanation about what Fauci is saying.
No explanation necessary...Fraudski lies about everything. He's a pathological liar! There is no way that a healthy person (such as myself) can make another person sick.
Given that Fauci would not take the real thing, this means he is unvaccinated. Therefore he is responsible for the extra deaths. He is also responsible for other vaccine deaths.
An anagram of his full name, Anthony Stephen Fauci, is 'Chief phoney nut Satan'.
I challenge ANYONE to PROVE to me that even one person has died from the "coronavirus" alone!
The military has a long and sordid history of conducting chemical and bioweapons experiments on civilian populations. They were also a huge influence in the FAKE pandemic. It's in their "job description" - they KILL people! Pick one:
Jon…what MTG said yesterday was absolutely showing more balls than those men there!! Dr. Death definitely show be put in jail…tried for crimes against humanity…and extreme accountability for his part.
I agree. Most of our “representatives” represent the globalists, not We The People. Accountability is 100% necessary, IMO.
Sure; and pigs probably fly. Let's hear it for "science".
I can't think of any bi$$ion reasons why he would double down on the "wonders of vaccines" narrative. Anyone?
181 - Spike Protein
I'm no doctor; although, I've been researching this ConVid PsyOps from the start and to the best of my knowledge, the "Spike Protein" that's in those mRNA bioweapons, is a SYNTHETIC Spike Protein, created in a lab. I don't know about others; but, I would never knowingly take an injection that contains synthetic anything!
Here are a couple of things that I 'do' know: There never was a global "pandemic". I know this; because had there been a pandemic - I would have noticed! Also, I haven't been sick (at all) since 2009, when I stopped taking the flu shot. It no longer made sense to be taking a "vaccine" that is supposed to prevent the flu, when I'm coming down with bad colds and the flu every year. I've learned much since then! Also; "covid" was 100% fear mongering. There was no covid monster killing people! If it's such a "deadly" virus, why didn't it make me sick; why didn't it make anyone I know sick - or anyone I see around my neighborhood? The coronavirus is a collection of cold viruses. There has never been a "cure" for the common cold!
I can guarantee you of this: millions of people around the world are now sick and dying from the mRNA nanobot shot - the shot that scientists have NEVER had any success with in the past! There is nothing to fear, but the fearmongers themselves!
Oh; and that shot is also modifying people's DNA...just in case people may have missed that little fact. We've known about reverse transcription for a few years now.
If unvaccinated people are responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 extra deaths, who is it that died? The unvaccinated? Or did the vaccinated give the disease to those who were vaccinated and then the vaccinated died? Is he accusing the unvaccinated of spreading the disease in general while the vaccinated did not? This needs some explanation about what Fauci is saying.
No explanation necessary...Fraudski lies about everything. He's a pathological liar! There is no way that a healthy person (such as myself) can make another person sick.
Given that Fauci would not take the real thing, this means he is unvaccinated. Therefore he is responsible for the extra deaths. He is also responsible for other vaccine deaths.
An anagram of his full name, Anthony Stephen Fauci, is 'Chief phoney nut Satan'.
I challenge ANYONE to PROVE to me that even one person has died from the "coronavirus" alone!
The military has a long and sordid history of conducting chemical and bioweapons experiments on civilian populations. They were also a huge influence in the FAKE pandemic. It's in their "job description" - they KILL people! Pick one:
I'm still waiting for legit science (valid and reliable data) that shows the C19 jabs were/are SAFE and EFFECTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone?