It would be interesting to see who these fact checkers are getting paid by.. and hold them, and their employers accountable for blocking the truth.

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Jon, this makes me so sad. I’ve been following Dane for years & I can hear his cries over the destruction of everything, so he cries not alone! Thank you for all of your posts pulling back the curtain

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Thank you! I won't stop reporting the truth.

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Is this video available to "share" on any other sharable media platform beyond substack?

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Thank you for asking! I added links to the video as it appears on Twitter and Rumble to the article, per your inquiry. Here are the links:

Twitter: https://x.com/JonMFleetwood/status/1846958253458043136

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5j1tql-exposing-fact-check-hit-pieces-targeting-jonfleetwood.coms-nexrad-weather-m.html

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