I collected a rainwater sample from my back yard early last year (Western Massachusetts) and sent it to a lab for testing; what came back were high levels of sulfuric acid, lithium, strontium and barium. At the time, they didn't test for graphene or aluminum.

- None of this crap should be in rainwater. The evidence is right out there in plain sight for anyone who wants the truth.

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All those impurities in the rain water come from coal generating power plants spewing waste in the atmosphere which argues for getting coal out of our energy mix, doctor.

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Including aluminum, a toxic, heavy metal . Same ingredient that's in vaccines Causing brain issues. Autism, Parkinson's, dementia, bipolar, ADHD, etc..

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Yes, I featured her among many other whistleblowers in Part 2 of my Geoengineering series. You can see them here:

- 2.6 Whistleblowers Spill the Beans

2.6.1 Blue Jay 1, a United States Air Force (USAF) Pilot

2.6.2 Kristen Meghan Edwards, a United States Air Force (USAF) sergeant

2.6.3 Jens, an aircraft technician from Germany

2.6.4 Bill Deagle, PhD, M.D.

2.6.5 Locke, a private contractor employee

2.6.6 Alexandra May Hunter, Environmental Law Specialist

2.6.7 Ted Gunderson, FBI Special Agent


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Thank you Dan!

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My pleasure

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Aluminum is an adjuvant in most of the "vaccines" on the childhood vaccination schedule. Think autism.

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Think aluminum foil …

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Jon…once again an amazing job putting this out!!! This must be stopped worldwide!!!


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Questions for consideration:

1) How does Tennessee plan to stop the geoengineering of skies above them? What is the precise mechanism for how the ban is to be enforced?

2) Assuming Tennessee could completely eliminate geoengineering in their skies, how would that prevent the atmospheric contaminants from other states/countries geoengineering activities from diffusing into their airspace? If not, is the ban only effective if a global ban is enacted/enforced? If so, what are the practical implications?


In addition to aluminum and strontium, barium, other metals, materials and biologicals have been documented in rainwater samples.

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It's obviously a statement of belief in this nefarious business and a condemnation. In the hopes that other states and countries will get on board and follow suit. Eventually solving the problem.

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I've seen this wonderful Patriot and she is telling the truth.

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A brave young Lady!

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Out here in deep-bluepilled California we get the damnable chem trails 24/7/365. They're putting dimethylamine in the mix and it's making people have these inexplicable red rashes on their faces that the stoopid doctors will treat as bacterial or fungal infections (NOT). Since these over-schooled eedjots never go outside or look up, they have NO idea how the rest of us peons have to spend our days. When you're an avid gardener or outdoorsperson the chemtrailing, er, GEOENGINEERING just makes your life miserable. Besides making us have headaches, stiff necks, sore and tight muscles, irregular heartbeat, mineral deficiencies, poor sleep and heavy metal poisoning, it's killing whole forests, contributing greatly to the massive forest fires used to roust us peons outta the countryside and into "fifteen-minute cities," where we're all more easily surveilled and controlled, as the smoke, billowing high into the atmosphere, cools the planet ;-). GET INFORMED. Listen to the weekly Global Alert News and visit geoengineeringwatch.org.

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On tbe southeast and dealong with facial rashes, burned skin, etc. Staying away from dr.s.

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Chemtrails need to stop now, RFK Jr pledged to end them

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Motive is of great interest. We're told fluoride in water for kid's teeth was/is pushed so that there would be a plausibly legal way to dispose of fluoride, a pollutant, harmful chemical. So is it possible that government and industry has hatched a new way to "dispose" of other pollutants disguised as climate therapy... or something. Follow the money. Always follow the money. There's a very obvious reason that the camel and the eye of the needle example explains the unexplainable.

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Been going on for at least 60 years

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Imagine thinking that Stratospheric Aerosol Injection is a conspiracy theory. Then, in the process of trying to debunk this conspiracy theory you find that you yourself are a central part of what turns out to be a compartmentalized conspiracy.

You just can't make stuff like that up.

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First time not gardening in 26 years. Soil is hard as a rock despite amendments and has been for the last 4 years. Never was like this before. Food doesn't grow just the toughest plants and weeds do.

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Same here. I’m in Europe. However, I noticed my garden started suffering about six years ago what I can no longer grow cucumbers. I’ve just stopped gardening because I know that when it rains chemicals are just covering my organic food. I’m considering getting a greenhouse just to protect them from the rain, but then I need to figure out how to get a clean supply of water to them

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I met with Stratospheric aerosol researchers at Desert Research Institute in Reno already in 2017 They knew something was going on. They do full on modeling on this.


Today it would be good to have them do further analysis and reports on Hunga Tonga now that we know that we should be seeing increasing ground level temperatures for not just one but several years due to the stratospheric 10% more water vapor from that event in 2022.


The Katowice climate talks I attended in 2018 (COP24), had a breakout session that looked at this as a last ditch program to reduce global temperature increases. For a .2 degree C reduction you need to inject materials into the upper atmosphere that have been posed to be anything from nanoparticles, aluminum, sulfur, coal fly ash etc. To make it work you need 60,000 flights a year. We really need to be aware that this can be already in play. The photo today of the sky has had these persistent trails of materials well after a plane has passed. Not saying that they are but soils and rainfall analysis has given many folks suspicions that it is indeed happening.  This all needs a programmatic environmental impact statement to be done. President Elect Trump shouldn't cut such work from the EPA.

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I cant find any technical report or whistleblowing document from Kristen Meghan former air force officer.

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