Let's get this straight - I am not apologizing. I do not want a needle, in my anything. I am First Nations Indigenous of the BIrD clan and I DoN't want to slaughter any living thing, including my heritage and their meaningfulness to the world at large!

People eat pork, they ARE pork.

People eat cows, they too, are bovine -

People ingest bird meat, and you guessed it, they derive from that lineage as well!

We need each other to remain in solidarity and to be healthy - Not to tear asunder our world and it's people, by the words of those who are wealthy, unwise and unhealthy.

But to complete the cycle of love -

What happened and is happening here is:

Those who find themselves, somehow superior, want you dead!

DoNot, under any circumstances, co-ply (comply) to the evil intentions of a few or select idiots -

Just dont do it - Just dont do it!

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Thanx Jon - Bless you friend.

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Sheep being led to slaughter world wide...And the sheep are paying for it by tax dollars paid to the governments that support all of this! Insanity has come to roost in this world. When will people realize that we cannot vaccinate against ALL death? And do it ahead of time. Fear is a mighty tool against sanity. This is what is worthy of fear.

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The next time they try to pull off another fake pandemic there will be riots in the streets. Even the slow learners have figured out that they got scammed on the "safe and effective" vaccines.

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There is similar legislation at the state level (in some US states) to give unlimited power to government and health officials for the next pandemic. Check out HB1531 in Washington state that they are moving ahead with, despite over 10,000 citizens testifying against this atrocious bill. They think we aren't paying attention but we are. The quarantine camp and redefining a communicable disease in WA state were passed in 2022. They are gearing up for complete tyranny.

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Sanctuary, liberal, corrupt Washington state never suprises me. I and several of my friends left Washington state about a decade ago just because of the criminals and corruotion in government there. I only spent 6 years there for a job and the seafood experience. Now back in my native state of Montana, where there's some sanity left. Still plenty of corruption, but nothing compared to Washington. I feel sorry for all you good folks who have to tolerate the system there, as the country side and nature there is great. 🙏

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Oh wow, I'm from Montana! What a great state to live in, nice people, gorgeous scenery. Hunting, fishing, hiking, camping - you name it and the people there are normal. God bless Montana! I might not stay in this state if it continues down this path.

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Huh, they’re not getting me

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