With the COVID injection being the first using the mRNA platform I believe this data will end up being true for ALL mRNA injections. It was noted long ago that mRNA was not safe for human use and this was prior to COVID just like Remdesivir was proven in the ebola trials to be dangerous and 54% of trial participants lost their life due to Remdesivir but that murdering twit Fauci pushed it here in the US.....no where else just the US. Of course other countries used other methods to kill people. The solution is DO NOT trust the medical "professionals." They are more about sickness, death and money than keeping people healthy. Take your health into your own hands. Exercise, eat right LOSE WEIGHT, get out in the sun. They will never inject anything into my body. NOTHING. Most people are sick today because of lifestyle, childhood vaccines, adult vaccines and looking for a cure in a pill jar or the tip of a needle.

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I still can’t believe how many people failed their IQ test. Critical thinking needs to be taught in schools or from the parents.

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Five states are suing Pfizer. Pfizer knew all along about the side effects and concealed the info. I'm assuming that means they can be sued and the liability shield will not hold up since fraud is involved?

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Makes sense to me.

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1200+ SIDE EFFECTS OF THE COV-2 VAXX, AS RELEASED IN COURT - 45 OF WHICH ARE DEATH (SUDDEN DEATH) - 40 ARE CANCER: https://vaccinadead.com/pfizer-vaccine-side-effects/


We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis.

• Earth Seasonal EMF = Flu (No Virus): https://talknet.substack.com/p/earth-seasonal-emf-flu-no-virus-from

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change, it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment.


1918: Spanish Flu - The flu Exploded with the distribution of WW1 radio comm / Ten million Bell phones in service across US by 1918.

1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

• Spanish Flu, SARS, COVID-19 Followed the Same Pattern/Expansion as Radio, 3G, 5G: https://talknet.substack.com/p/spanish-flu-sars-covid-19-followed

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years (As of 2020): https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases

• Vaxxed Biology is Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphine, Luciferase, 5G to Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signaling and Cellular Processes: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable


Close to 600 Million dead and injured and then this came out: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-james-thorp-585-million-global?publication_id=581065

Real sudden death numbers (stats): Global shipments of smart phones down 4% annually since 2020 (hundreds of millions), huge drop in telecom + movie streaming subscribers. With openvaers.com stats factored in, we get 600 million dead and injured. Factor in declining birth rate (vaxx induced), we get 2.8% annual loss of global population that adds up to billions in the next 5-10 years. Death in correction facilities are up 56% since 2019.

• 180 vaxxed Canadians doctors have died SUDDENLY - https://www.europereloaded.com/180-canadians-doctors-have-died-suddenly/

Sky News - Airlines Warn Passenger not to Fly if Vaccinated

This report came and went June 2021 - Covered it up and forgotten!



• Practical Self-Healing Insight - RIFE, Autophagy, Energy, Frequency, Stem Cells


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When these injections rolled out, many of the outspoken doctors and scientists said that the “vaccinated” would ALL be dead in 3 to 5 years. We are at 3 year mark now. The police last night right up the road from where I live found a car pulled off the road with the engine running. A 62 year old man was dead in the driver’s seat. I don’t think anyone is going to survive these injections. Any that do will be killed by the immune escape variant that WILL soon evolve and sweep across the planet like the Black Plaque.

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