See list of 30 reports from this year warning readers of coming H5N1 avian influenza pandemic, including safe and effective treatments.
This is rubbish. Pandemics are just a pretext for removing our legal and civil rights. The perpetrators have planned for this attack on us for decades and already have set up institutions to surveil us - but only to keep us safe of course, for our own good.
Do stop this nonsense Fleetwood.
They are planning draconian new laws to remove our rights "because of health"
In the meantime Gruesome Gavin Newsom is at his restaurant French Laundry sucking down a Kobe Beef steak while he is telling everyone else to eat cake!! This guy is a real piece of work!
Dang! China makes itself a world leader and crappy U.S. plays lets scare our citizens with drones the size of cars in the sky and make some more bioweapons to poison their citizens.
I think California enacted laws designed to give chickens and hens more space than any other State, this should have made California bird stock healthier by having more space.
Will the Supreme Court Save Us from Bird Flu Pandemic Tyranny? Erm... The Supreme Court has zero credibility in "legal" matters. That's why they're supreme...
Does everyone see the pattern here? First, test for the presence of genetic material in snot and spit outside the body where it normally gets stuck, not inside the body where it needs to be for a confirmed infection. Call the positive findings "cases". State that "the cases are spreading", even though they are not cases, merely findings that don't mean anything. Have a politician that knows nothing about epidemiology declare a health emergency. Then, hope that panic ensues so countermeasures can be mandated. This time panic will not ensue. Too many of us see through the bs.
Greetings and heartfelt gratitude from Ireland! Thank you so very much for this information! Please Listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan as they discuss these issues including Covid 10 in great detail at also
God bless each and every one of you in America. 🇺🇸 🇮🇪 ❤️ xx
How come the bird flu doesn't affect eagles, sparrows, flamingos, penguins, ducks, geese, etc. ... only chickens, cows & pigs (aka our food supply)?
They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
The entire bird flu narrative is an illusion!
Jamie Andrew's interview with the Weston A. Price Foundation sheds some light on the bird flu story.
Podcast below! 👇
It just another lie.
The lies keep piling up and the gatekeepers keep on gas lighting and deceiving us.
Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!
Just wait...Everything will be effected. Or, put your foot down, Now!
Because, THEN the USDA can waste taxpayer dollars by declaring the birds have to
be DEPOPULATED. The 27+ largest poultry prison companies, mostly factory farms,
were "bailed out" in 2021-2023 for a total of nearly $1 BILLION. Try to find these details
in searches, it has been largely scrubbed.
See my other comments....have a wonderful holiday season.
Heh, heh... It also affects bats and pangolins... Eat ze bugs! Bird flu doesn't affect ze bugs...
This is rubbish. Pandemics are just a pretext for removing our legal and civil rights. The perpetrators have planned for this attack on us for decades and already have set up institutions to surveil us - but only to keep us safe of course, for our own good.
Do stop this nonsense Fleetwood.
They are planning draconian new laws to remove our rights "because of health"
In the meantime Gruesome Gavin Newsom is at his restaurant French Laundry sucking down a Kobe Beef steak while he is telling everyone else to eat cake!! This guy is a real piece of work!
Dang! China makes itself a world leader and crappy U.S. plays lets scare our citizens with drones the size of cars in the sky and make some more bioweapons to poison their citizens.
Sadly, all countries seem to be currently led by souless demons.
Lets pray the light exposes the deceptions, lies, and traitors.
I have faith in Mr. Trump, he has Davids' courage to tackle "goliath".
We would not want to live in China.
Scumbag Newsome, while Congress passes a spending bill CR, that includes 14 additional bio safety labs for gain of function research
Fight back. Get rid of Newsom and his satanic whore admin. Take them down.
I think California enacted laws designed to give chickens and hens more space than any other State, this should have made California bird stock healthier by having more space.
I think they are trying to push another vaccine!
It’s the “things” that make you go Hmmmmmmm??
Will the Supreme Court Save Us from Bird Flu Pandemic Tyranny? Erm... The Supreme Court has zero credibility in "legal" matters. That's why they're supreme...
Holy Shite Mateca, Dave, you are in trouble!
Does everyone see the pattern here? First, test for the presence of genetic material in snot and spit outside the body where it normally gets stuck, not inside the body where it needs to be for a confirmed infection. Call the positive findings "cases". State that "the cases are spreading", even though they are not cases, merely findings that don't mean anything. Have a politician that knows nothing about epidemiology declare a health emergency. Then, hope that panic ensues so countermeasures can be mandated. This time panic will not ensue. Too many of us see through the bs.
Read this great BIRD FLU article by natural doctor sherry tenpenny:
There is a lot of censorship on search engines, and I do not "google".
Truthful information is being hidden, while industry/corporate/Govt
information surfaces.
Here is a great article on american taxpayers paying corporate bailouts
to over 27 poultry corporate prisons, totalling nearly $1 billion. No one
in the USDA asked our permission to spend our money. The information
was discovered by a freedom of information request:
Greetings and heartfelt gratitude from Ireland! Thank you so very much for this information! Please Listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan as they discuss these issues including Covid 10 in great detail at also
God bless each and every one of you in America. 🇺🇸 🇮🇪 ❤️ xx
Hear we go again