BlackRock, Vanguard, & State Street own each other (meaning they are essentially one entity). Via your 401K they control almost every company on earth (meaning all of that control is in the hands of one company). They essentially act as a one-world-government as a result (ESG, DEI, CEI, HRC spring from their funding via the WEF). Everyone on the planet needs to watch this:

Orwellian BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: We Are Forcing Behaviors To Change, How? By OWNING Everything!: https://old.bitchute.com/video/ei6QD8ZPl6DU [45:35mins]

The reason the elite parasites are in pursuit of a one-world-government is so that all power, wealth, freedom, & assets will be concentrated into the hands of a few, let's say the .0001%. A nightmare world will ensue. BlackRock must be shattered and splintered into a million pieces, or the cancer they represent will fully metastasize and we will wake up to that reality.

Meet BlackRock's ALADDIN: The Autonomous AI in Control of Nearly Every Market On Earth: https://old.bitchute.com/video/u7yIHKgIShfZ [7:35mins]

George Soros's HRC: Controlling Schools, Companies, & Municipalities With Woke Investment Funds: https://old.bitchute.com/video/7bwmUp5PHzxd [1:30mins]

Companies Are Following the WEF's Trans Script bc they Will Lose Their Funding Otherwise ESG DEI CEI: https://old.bitchute.com/video/LVsG0hV38oHj [2:51mins]

Best of luck everyone...

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If you own shares in a company - you will receive a ballot which allows you to participate in the election of directors and other proposals put forth. The weight of your vote is proportional to the number of shares you own vs the total outstanding shares. If you own shares in various funds that include companies - I believe your voting rights, if any, extends to the management of the funds and not for the companies individually. This would mean that the fund managers get to vote total of the shares held in the fund. So they can put the directors on the board or remove them and/or recommend proposals or vote for or against certain shareholder proposals. Essentially they can control the direction and policy of a company. Shareholder votes for compensation are usually advisory only but you can vote for or against the Ratification of the selection of auditors.

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That’s exactly what they do. They’re using American’s retirement fund to drive the world off a cliff and into their false "savior" spiked and piercing arms.

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Plus .. rarely do shareholders ever fill out those annual voting forms & it goes right to proxy voting… and all those companies know that ..

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My dad started warning me years ago about this day coming .. but I doubt he imagined it happening this way 🙏

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Great reporting. Larry Fink is a globalist sociopath. I would bet the Black Rock influence might affect Trump's Greater Israel decisions. I am sure Fink would love to be on the ground floor of Trump's Gaza resort by the sea development initiative. He gets a bigger Israel footprint to make his friends happy and a cool investment along with it. I will await Steve Bannon's perspective on this.

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Would love to hear Bannon's take on this too. I doubt he will because this isn't being reported, on MSM or nonMSM. So I don't think he'll see it lol

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You would think the Lefty press would want to disclose investor influences. So interesting they do not care about such things anymore. The Bannon populists have taken the moral center on big money influence.

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People who have cognitive dissonance regarding Trump, RFK,Jr. & Elon Musk are helping the globalists drive Americans into homelessness through the buy up of properties by these criminal monopolies.

Further evidence which is UNDENIABLE showing this administration is a Trojan horse for the NWO: https://open.substack.com/pub/booty/p/elon-musk-is-helping-us-intelligence

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Certainly is a Trojan Horse. JD Vance is a staunch globalist mentored by Peter Thiel

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This is not unusual. When you have big ideas you have to have big money. The capital needed to go to Mars isn't something even a big venture capital company like Benchmark can bankroll. Musk realized this early on and got our tax money for Tesla back under Obama. The issue is not whether this compromises people like Trump and/or Musk...although interesting - it's how do we keep companies from getting to a size that essentially means they own us. It's not a free market when there are only 3 companies that have most of the money. It's a big issue but it doesn't mean that people taking the money are compromised....everyone has to take the money...there is no other money that scales.

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You're right that it's not unusual in the sense that BlackRock has financial ties to EVERY company that matters. Trump supporters, like myself, have the right to know the money arm of the globalist cabal is a top shareholder of Trump's media company. Handwaving BlackRock investments is how the cabal has come to control every Fortune 500 and 100 company. This tie to BlackRock is NOT GOOD.

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True - and as a trump supporter too - it's dependent upon his behavior. Under biden blackrock was the wokest of the woke and exerted stupid on many companies they owned....be it toilets, sex changes, they/them/bs, it's a long list. Since Blackrock - and the big three - own so much, we have to monitor how Trump, and any politician or corporation behave. I don't see any other choice. Right now, there are huge movements in the West against globalism. The big three are pro-globalism. Corporations appear to be compromising towards MAGA despite Larry Fink et al.

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Trump should give Truth Social to his son in law.

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Blacklist these investments - Over the past many years, I have; including dropping "EJ" and their affiliates. All for them, none for you. It's your hard earned life's wages, and their evil ways that get them to where they wish to be - Owning the world!

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Jon…BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street always ends up in some control over large companies. We all know the only way to stop them is get your money out of them. As bad as it was and more bad information coming out daily it’s hard to have faith in anyone who holds any kind of power.

At my age of 74 all I want is for my grandchildren and the children of the world is to be happy, safe, kind, caring. These young children deserve chemical free food, clean air, fresh clean water. I truly want to trust President Trump, VP Vance, RFK, Jr., and all those just nominated to do the right thing god would want them to do. I believe god put President Trump back in the White House to help expose all the decades of corruption, and it’s happening!! If we can’t have faith there are still good people…then we have lost everything.

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A good reveal. But at this point I don't see Trump/Musk being globalists, e.g., WEF-like. I think Trump won't let BlackRock run him or his TruthSocial site; that he'd close TS down (since he is in fact now POTUS) before being controlled; he's not big on being controlled...by anyone, including Musk. Time will tell.

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All War is Evil. No More War.

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I have difficulty understanding how BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street could have amassed such astronomical amount of "money". Do they really have the money as their own or just using our money? I never was happy how 401K worked. It forces us to invest in stocks, and then they penalize if we need the cash we put in. I felt it was a racket. Is there a way to force them out of the market? What if the market crashes? Can we get rid of them?

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They really own most of the World 🌎…

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Having followed RFK Jr's lead into voting for a man I would never in a million years have voted for otherwise, it is with growing concern that perhaps he (and we) may have been snowed into an unwarranted trust. What was our choice???

Though a powerful Cabinet has been put in place, and it is easy to see the necessity of DOGE and other things that are happen, it is happening much too fast and far too cavalierly, with seemingly no thought whatsoever to the repercussions on so many lives and fronts. Seeing Musk last night dancing around in sunglasses and gold chain like he was a rap star while wielding a chainsaw, was frankly horrifying. How better to turn people away in fright than to witness the behavior by one of the most powerful men on the planet, who has been granted unlimited powers. I fear the power granted him by Trump has gone entirely to his head by feeding his massive ego.

Bobby is no doubt swamped with the start-up of a whole new version of HHS, as we voted for. However it would certainly be grateful to hear him speak about what he is witnessing and his views on it. In all honesty I feel like he owes his supporters this transparency. Of course this is not likely to happen, both as he has so many things on his plate, and because he cannot really give a critical analysis of the current administration.

All to say, it has become increasingly difficult to counter the fearful and angry narratives people are making about all this, and to continue to "support" what is taking place.

Welcome to the Kali Yuga!

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Is that like maybe 10%? It doesn't matter. It might only matter if it was close to 50%.

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Trump is owned by the WEF. He's nothing more than a puppet!

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no surprise, they own everything

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Thank you for the excellent information. Everyone should know this.

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Of course! The rise of technocracy

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I guess Trump can’t tell anyone they can’t invest in a publicly traded stock even one founded by himself. Surely that would be unconstitutional. If you are suggesting Trump is aligned with these globalists you’re mistaken.

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Trump’s $500 billion AI/mRNA Big Pharma project isn’t aligned with the globalists? Warp Speed wasn’t? We can chew gum and walk at the same time. He’s done good and bad things. We The People deserve to know when Trump acts questionably. Otherwise, he’s gonna put us through another pLandemic. It’s good Trump pulled us out of WHO and Paris Climate Accord, put troops at the southern border, got Mexico to put troops on their side of the border, put RFK Jr. over HHS, is auditing federal agencies into welcome oblivion, and so on. But Warp Speed, the jabs, the government pandemic response, his apparent enabling and orchestration of an apparently inbound bird flu pandemic, the $500 billion mRNA cancer jab project, and these deep financial ties to BlackRock/Vanguard are NOT GOOD. He is not the messiah. He is not perfect. No one is but the Lord. He will do bad things and good things. We call them as we see them. MK Ultra does not work on us. Trump has certainly at times done what the globalists like. He’s done what they hate, too.

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Thank you 🙏. You sound so sane .. I find everyone to be so one-sided right now ..

All in .. no questions allowed. How did that happen to free speech group

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Yeah Trump was naive his last term, how could he have known how many years the pharmaceutical companies involved in COVID had invested in the long game? They played to his vanity making him believe they were providing him a warp speed response to this pandemic that they had been planning. He got the okie doke from Fauci. We know the vaccine was already completed before COVID was released. I believe that haunts Trump and potentially is why he was eager to bring RFK in to parse out the BS for him. That SOB, Fauci, publicly guaranteed Trump would have to deal with a pandemic in his administration. What? Did he have a crystal ball? Pam Bondi must find a way to prosecute that sick bastard.

As far as MKUltra- pretty sure they still use that on vulnerable people. There are a few assassinations that reek of that black op program. There’s one very high profile case right now that is suspect.

AI is a security concern that can’t be ignored. Hopefully, mRNA tech as vaccines will be outlawed- with the exception of the biologics that are disease specific treatments, for that I’d give them quarter but never vaccines again.

And finally, BlackRock and Vanguard are in everything. They have invested in anything and everything for their contracted retirement clients, provided the ESG score was sufficient. I hope that crap is over and done with, too. And no one ever suggested Trump is the messiah. There is only one Yeshua and Trump is more close to Him than ever before.

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When has mRNA Genetic therapy been shown to be studied with successful outcome.

The Covid jab was a big Tuskegee experiment on Gene Therapy

And so far it’s ALL BAD.

.. it’s not a vaccine or tech.

It’s GENETIC THERAPY and why was that kept a secret 🤐..

No mRNA genetic therapy….

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