A nice definition of what is 'fascism': "Its control of these ports means a convergence of public and private power unlike anything seen before."

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Globalist continue to take over. 🇺🇸US Military should control the Panama Canal, Toll Charges to use this Canal should be paid to the US government in Cryptocurrency and that income should be added to Americas Strategy Reserves💰

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you know it amazes me to no end that the Likes of Gerorge Soros Blackrock/ Vangaurd and thier a.i. a.l.a.d.i.n. program has yet to be charged with Fraud and treason. Im very sure there is a anti competion law suit in there somewhere.I for 1 believe that wallstreet is nothong more than a zionist ponzi scam. (ex:AMC/GME 2 sets of cooked books sold the world over worth more than theyll ever admit but where did the money go? Ukraine?Is real Hell? a day when weapon manufactures are legally obligated to pay compensation for the terrorism genocide crimes against huminty to the people and thier societies that have been decimated..... then and only then will there be justice and peace.

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Nothing will happen to them, they are all in lockstep.

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all ports on whatever contry soil its located on should be owned and operated by that country not a foreign advisary. To benfit the people and thier country.

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YIKES! Feeling grand - Knowing I have ditched these MFR's years ago! Just hoping others will soonly see the devastation, the likes of which they cause -

Blessings ~

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'Ditched them years ago'?

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Great Article! Thank you for getting it out to us. I’m not sure if I understand but it sounds like they did this without Trumps knowledge or was this the only way he could wrestle the ports away from China. Do you have intel on clarification of that aspect. Sounds like we are still in a precarious position. There has to be some compensation to US if we take Panama back. How long is the world going to allow Blackrock to have that much financial/political power!

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Fake news right?

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Is Trump going to allow this? This would give Globalists way too much power over our future

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