What i admire about Musk is his continuing concern over holding AI acountable and with high ethics so that it does not become a monster. He can use the money wisely... BUT i have little to no faith in Blackrock, WEF etc... maybe i have watched too many sci-fi movies and read too many books... i agree with Musk, tha AI can be of great help and value if its trained right and held within partial boundaries.
So pleased I took initiative to abandon these ill intended, life sucking, monsters - You all should too!
BDS Blackrock, Fisher Investments, Amazon and other groups corporate sponsoring the WEF.
What i admire about Musk is his continuing concern over holding AI acountable and with high ethics so that it does not become a monster. He can use the money wisely... BUT i have little to no faith in Blackrock, WEF etc... maybe i have watched too many sci-fi movies and read too many books... i agree with Musk, tha AI can be of great help and value if its trained right and held within partial boundaries.
I am almost despondent.