These tree devils,how much lives did they kill and destroy!!!How much familiys they destroy and toddlers,babys,elderlys they kill and make em sick.Injecting New borns with so much technology and diseases attacking the babys developing immune system and walking laughing arround.playing as they where clean, correct high class people.With evry breathe from their mouth they plan and comite only evil things.when they will be hold acountable for the crime against humanity they did and for terrorrism with bioweapons against their own society???
These are the people America must hang death penalty
These tree devils,how much lives did they kill and destroy!!!How much familiys they destroy and toddlers,babys,elderlys they kill and make em sick.Injecting New borns with so much technology and diseases attacking the babys developing immune system and walking laughing arround.playing as they where clean, correct high class people.With evry breathe from their mouth they plan and comite only evil things.when they will be hold acountable for the crime against humanity they did and for terrorrism with bioweapons against their own society???
Sounding a bit partisan today, Jon? Didn't the same people that brought us "Warp Speed" just try to further fund 'gain-of-function' and strengthen vaccine mandates for the next planned plandemic? No weaker minds than partisan ones...