Well it’s official there is a god.... I’m hoping people have the balls to send this to their local officials. I may do so. I may print your whole story in fact ... although I haven’t read it yet... please just stop the madness. These people are traitors and they’re planes should be shot down if they keep doing it. Poisoning Americans should never have been allowed..

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www.saveourskies.org. A grassroots movement

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The state of Tennessee is a leader for the whole nation on this matter. Hope the bill passes!

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Actually, I see at the end of the article that 6 other states have introduced similar bills. Great going! We need more momentum as regard other states.

Wonder what kind of showdown will happen if the DoD, the Army, and the Air Force refuse to abide by the will of the people in a particular state?

Our illuminati-compromised military are the finks who’re presently poisoning mankind & all Nature. With the use of HAARP, they are also causing fires 🔥 all over the world! For all you “Q” supporters out there, “the military is” NOT “the only way”!

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Omg omg…Jon this is AMAZING NEWS!! Thanks for staying with this😍it Must BE STOPPED Worldwide !! I have been on this for several years explaining and giving out cards everywhere I go to get people to wake up!! We Live in Florida and they pound us almost daily. Did you notice the app that on iPhones (weather) has over the last year or so alerting rain coming say as an example 10:02 but ending 11:22 🤔 these precise times can only be happening…because they are manipulating the weather with chem trails. Just heard that the planes that fly the chemicals are not recognized by radar…why🤨 maybe you can find out? The pilots KNOW their payload…they should be brought up on crimes against humanity!!! As always, I will keep on it. THANK YOU THANK YOU😍

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They've been saying for decades that this was all a conspiracy theory. The fact that they passed this legislation is just another "proof" that they are using these chemical sprays to alter our environment, health, food, etc. A win for TN!

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