Jan 30Liked by Jon Fleetwood

I’ve no doubt that shedding is a great way to start an epidemic. How many have died directly,and indirectly from the flu shot.

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Jan 30Liked by Jon Fleetwood

How very curious that anyone should be getting measles, Stefan Lanka having proved that it didn't exist....

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I was not aware of that. Im not being skeptical, but what are the symptoms known as measles?

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Jan 31Liked by Jon Fleetwood

Yes, sorry to be unclear...no measles VIRUS exists; so heaven only knows what, precisely, is in its vax.

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Yeah I keep hearing about this idea that there are no viruses, and variants of that theory. I need to look into it some more…

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IMHO THE CONTAGION MYTH (Cowan & Morell) is a good place to start.

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So if there is no measles virus, what causes the fever, and rash? I’ve had measles, but don’t remember much about it. I do know that it is no where near life threatening as suggested by the vaccine pushers.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Good Q! I doubt it's been researched much, bcuz researchers hitherto have focused on a) keeping ppl from dying from it and b) making money from it (selling vaxxes). A) was achieved decades ago, & as for b), researchers research what the ppl w/ money are willing to pay them to research, as few of them are independently wealthy. Another argument for a UBI that's high enough to live comfortably on, IMHO, but I digress. Did you know that you can have these childhood diseases w/out showing symptoms? Anyway, IMHO Cowan's & Morell's THE CONTAGION MYTH is a good primer on the subject.

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