Will the current administration expose the bioweapons program?

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It's interesting Kathy—I was working on a project his AM that required I pull up an old article of mine to reference a link. The link to the White House document detailing the goverment's new GOF rules has been SCRUBBED. Dunno why yet. But that's huge. Could be to hide. Could be Trump admin quashing the whole thing. Time will tell. Luckily, I know how to archive these websites before they get scrubbed :)

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Oohhh. That's interesting. 😲 is there a way to contact Kennedy on this ? Would he be allowed to expose it?

I keep thinking how Elon (DOGE) uncovered the funding for the Wuhan lab but what about the funding through NIAID for Ralph Baric at the university of North Carolina who first made Covid dangerous before offshoring it to Wuhan? It's not a China virus as Trump keeps calling it. It's a US virus that escaped from the Wuhan lab. And No one in the government is talking about the harms of the Covid vaccine yet. Will Kennedy be allowed to talk publicly expose it? I guess we have to wait and see.

I also believe the bird flu is part of the bio weapons program.

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I saw some job postings w our state for mosquito surveillance today. Good gosh, here we go!

I know it's good to keep track of such things, but this surveilling everything may be going a bit far.

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That's a whole nutter kettle o fish.

I had posted this elsewhere, but so many are unaware so I will share here again as you mention Mozzies.

We are all lab rats.

Gates had funded "flying syringes" a Japanese scientist being funded for a study arming mosquitoes w/vax, 2008? WP



Novel" ideas for health by the foundation, 2008


Cannot find original article, but found these are 2013 re a NJ school working in arming mozzies:


"This Biotechnology Company Run By High Schoolers Is Developing A “Flying Syringe” https://schoolleadership20.com/m/discussion?id=1990010%3ATopic%3A136151 2010 MIT article re flying vaccinators: https://www.technologyreview.com/


2022 "A box of 200 mosquitoes did the vaccinating in this malaria trial. That's not a joke!" FL


And we wonder why so many are sick? C-vid or other? Man's tinkering with nature & arming insects with concoctions that inject into all animal life-what could possibly go wrong.

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Actually, after some obiden tricks, there was what appeared yo be a new agency. When job searching on the indeed jobs board, I saw an advertisement for Data Specialist. Job descrition included many things, but also reacting documents and immigration documents. I looked at the company, which ended in .gov. something like JAS...can't remember. Clearly a new agency bc there were hundreds of jobs posted from upper mgmt down to data specialist. I did report this when it came out.

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Measles Vaccine Virus Is Product of Gain-of-Function Experiments Compliant with Bioweapons Creation Rules: 'Journal of Infectious Diseases'

Measles vaccine was created through the same process used to generate potential bioweapons.


Jon Fleetwood X Substack 2025 Feb 27



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Both of my boys had a terrible reaction to those. My youngest lost his ability to speak. Took a couple of years intense speech therapy and a few years catching up on lost time in the classroom. It really does affect so many things.

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I believe it’s very possible that there are no safe and effective vaccines. I for one will not get any……

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These must stop immediately. Of course we have the right to know what experiments are being unleashed on us. We have a right to research and a right to say no. We must never lose that.

Every action has a reaction. Remember that.

These evil people need to be stopped. We need accountability.

And if it is in a bio warfare lab, it garners certain protections for the perp. If not, and fraud, we have measures to give consequences, right?

I am seeing fraudchi and hus pals as nothing more than the n a z I. Look at all the experiment and death over the years, on many, many animals. It appears he has ordered death do often that he believes himself privileged and it really appears that he gets satisfaction out of maiming, torchering and killing all that he can. Nothing more than a demon. He must be held accountable. Seize all assets- personal & family. Any ngo or hidden accounts and any business. These are ill gotten gains. Nothing truthful or transparent. All for his satisfaction. Throw him in the deepest, darkest dungeon, alone & forever.

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This is a real reach! Gain-of-Function research is a CLASSIC genetic technique. It is used to investigate the important functional domains of a protein. G-o-F in a pathogen is rightfully banned research if its goal is to make the pathogen capable of infecting and causing disease in humans.

In the case of the measles vaccine strain, an EXISTING human pathogen was genetically "trained" to grow in chicken cells so that it could be cultured in quantities to be used in a vaccine and to be poorly viable in humans, "attenuated".

It's a real stretch to call this a bio-weapon. By this definition, so is the polio vaccine strain and probably others.

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Many are thinking that polio could have come from the vaxx. I know I spent nearly 6 mos in bed after a strange illness nearly killed me when I was 8. A childs clinic opened up to help ill children. I was one of them.

A recent search said it was during the polio outbreak. Check it out. Hattie Bs in Omaha, Nebraska. It's a little suspicious. I had been top of my class b4 that and studying was very difficult after. I'm just thinking through it all, but I'm suspicious. I also worked in a rehab hospital. Most of the children there suddenly had problems using their legs, mostly. Some whole body weakness. Adults there w the same. Guillane Barr and other. Interesting, bc I had two years of having difficulties w my legs. I felt like I was dragging my legs behind me. Very weak. Easily fatigued. I took a series of in jec tions for a gov job and went hiking soon after, in the Colorado mountains- only differences. Which was it? I tested negative for Lyme 2 years later. My dr then wouldn't touch it. Didn't want to hear me. Refused lab. When my sis bought a test and we took it to our lab, I was told it was "lost". They wouldn't retake. Dr said Lyme doesn't exist. Said "it's political".

So, what was it? Why did they not care to help me? I needed to work and finish school, and I did, but not without a lot of trial.

Mad is not a strong enough word. We need to address this. We need to look at it in the eye, not hide it. We need to stop experimenting, especially when not advised its an experiment, and no consequence for the experimentor when it goes wrong.

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I cannot comment on your situation. I do know that the polio vaccine that WAS administered in the US was an "attenuated" form of the virus. There were break-through infections. Current polio vaccines in the US, and there are several different vaccines available, are different from what was administered in the past. Other countries still use the "attenuated" virus vaccine. When individuals who had received this version of polio vaccine enter the US, they bring any break-through virus with them in their gut.

PS: Lyme disease is real. It is a bacteria and is treated with antibiotics. Must be treated in the early stages of the infection. The bacteria releases toxins when dying from antibiotics so body aches are common after treatment.

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