Just scratched Honda off my car purchases. Ditto for appliances from Hisense ( at Lowes) and returning a Midea product this week for refund. Feel like a David vs Goliath but, a whole bunch of stones will eventually hit a Schwab as the psycho coordinator.
Just scratched Honda off my car purchases. Ditto for appliances from Hisense ( at Lowes) and returning a Midea product this week for refund. Feel like a David vs Goliath but, a whole bunch of stones will eventually hit a Schwab as the psycho coordinator.
Just scratched Honda off my car purchases. Ditto for appliances from Hisense ( at Lowes) and returning a Midea product this week for refund. Feel like a David vs Goliath but, a whole bunch of stones will eventually hit a Schwab as the psycho coordinator.
End result, Drop pretenses - live simply. Be less the burden. Be real without feeding the monster. Live in love with kindness and dignity ~
So tell me, what is to be done with an excess of roosters in your proverbial henhouse
Drop em, asa previously stated.
If one happens to count eggs in baskets and EDJo is one, cull'em.
I don't have any excess - Rooster or Hen!