I'm sure sources of funding will be found regardless. They haven't had (transparent) funding since July 2020. I remember when my liberal former friends spouted sophistry they heard on NPR and read in the NYTimes about the scientists who had absolute proof the virus came from the wet market. I looked the scientists up and found they all worked for Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance. It wasn't really hard to do your own research.

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While this a good news he is just a small fish in the corruption and murder that has taken place. Either Peter will be paid off handsomely to keep his mouth shut or he will sing like a Canary or he will have a convenient heart attack

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Errect the gallows and start the procession of scumbags marching to their deserved justice! There's but one way to cure our ills, and letting corrupt, criminal, money grubbing politicians, who were involved with the millions of plandemic deaths, continue to be involved in or health choices isn't it.

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Great example of "shutting the barn door after the horses have bolted", IMHO. What about all the zillions of pennies HHS has already wasted on Ecohealth Alliance?

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