What can I do. Idaho received USAID to spray our skies and it goes until 2027. I have contacted my governor and legislators and they lie and say those trails are harmless and from commercial airlines.

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Let's all agree to INUNDATE and keep sending the elected and appointed bureaucratic A-Holes links to the past 70 years of weather modification patents as well as test results of all the crap that independent researchers are finding in the water (lakes, rivers, streams, etc.), rain, fog, drizzle and all other precip as well as results of water testing that is a part of regular municipal water agencies and public health requirements. Get informed, visit https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Love his site!! He has hundreds of articles and videos proving that the stuff being sprayed is detrimental to human, animal and all plant life!

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Amen Judy! Since, just like the clot shot horrors, some people are too stupid to just look up and KNOW those are NOT contrails from planes! Fact...contrails do not cause a perfectly sunny day to become cloudy! The same people can't look around and see their healthy friends are dying all of the sudden, having stage 4 cancer out of the gate, dying in 6 months from onset of dementia, or just flat went from healthy and thriving to one foot in the grave! My mother-in-law's partner of 30 plus years did EVERYTHING...he cooked, cleaned, laundry, fixed cars and everything else! After they were both double vax'd and all allocated boosters he went from zero to dead in 6 months and had the audacity to call it Mesothelioma!!! YOU DO NOT GET MESOTHELIOMA SYMPTOMS AND DIE 6 MONTHS LATER! Even the Anesthesiologist took us aside day before biopsy and said...you realize that's not how this works?! BTW biopsy came back inconclusive, no cancer. Then they were trying to force us to put him on hospice and put him in a nursing home! My husband made them run every test known to man then said WE ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING UNTIL WE HAVE A DIAGNOSIS! Litterally had never said the word Mesothelioma to us! All the sudden they come back with we've sent it to another testing place. They thought THAT would give us enough to say okay we'll do hospice and get him into a nursing home! My husband said nope let us know when it comes back. Lo and behold next day it came back stage 4 nothing left to do! They never said Mesothelioma but that's what was on his death certificate! 🤬 I don't trust ANY hospital, but I trust the VA less! My mother-in-law was threatened by her son she'd better stop any and all vax's! She wound up in the hospital thinking it was from a raw burger. Even doctor said no that couldn't cause this. Huge cancer spot on her lip. Well it runs in the family. Went from getting cataracts fixed to all the sudden has wet md! Like they didn't catch that during cataract visits/surgery?! We can link everything to vax's schedule and she STILL believes vax's aren't the cause! It's makes me so mad I want to say then keep getting the damn things and when you're dying DON'T CALL ME! Because I'm the one that takes her to visits, etc because my husband works. However she's also the same person that chomps on lime ice, jolly ranchers, chips, and chocolate every day then expects me to drop everything to run her to 5 dentist visits! Her diet looks like a 5 year old picked it out! I don't mind helping anyone until you don't do your part or appreciate my time.

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That's heartbreaking about your mother in law's partner.

I watched an interview of Tucker Carlson interviewing a brother and sister talking about medical schools and big pharma!

What they had to say was shocking!


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They can't handle the truth!!!!

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Have you gotten soil samples tested? I've heard it can be expensive, but at least you'd have the results of the test to hand deliver to those who need to know!

I wish we all had the funds to have our own soil tested.

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Me too Judy! Our garden last year was pitiful! My daughter-in-law used to call our zucchini "home wreckers"! We usually have so much we can't give it away fast enough!

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They may say it is being done “covertly”, but all anyone with intelligence needs to do is look up at the sky to know we are being sprayed. It’s pretty obvious when the lines start spreading into odd clouds and they all crisscross and go back and forth so not normal plane traffic.

Yes, we passed a law in TN and the FAA pretty much thumbed their nose at us and said too bad. What Florida needs to do with their law is make it a felony and start prosecuting pilots and companies. Regardless of contracts.

After all, isn’t poisoning people attempted murder?

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With USAid $ cut off, maybe those ridiculous experiments can be halted immediately, and the people should NOT allow any continuances on illegal, unrequested, and unvoted dangerous activities with pure theory and definite negative environmental and human fallout, literally!

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That's what I was hoping, but still day in day out our Texas sky is filled with x's! Monday there was one that was 20 feet wide and stretched ALL across the sky. I'd actually not saw one that big! When I pointed it out to my husband and said whoa that's huge...that's different!!! He looked and shook his head and said yep that's not good!

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These chemtrails need to be stopped yesterday! Anything to move the ball rolling is a step in right direction. Go Florida! Not only does this block vital sunlight ( who in their right mind would do such a thing, playing God) 2. There is no global warming.

3. The aluminum strontium barium is poisoning us, the soil, the plants the animals. The question is who

Is directly responsible, they need jailed and publicly

Humiliated. Stop 🛑

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We need to get others to head down to the Capitol bldg and protest! There is strength in numbers!

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Protest the pilots...hang out at airport entrance! (NOT blocking entrance.) My good friend who's a chiropractor has another friend that isa pilot and he said...oh I'm just spraying stuff to deflect the sun. My friend said he was speechless! I said next time tell him God doesn't need YOU or the crooked GOVERNMENTS help with the weather!!! My husband said they know what they are doing, but in this economy the money's too good to pass up! 👹

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I've heard it said, "the DOD, DARPA and those associated with them" are neck deep and fully involved in this madness!!

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We are getting closer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-42I6n_k2I

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Awesome! I know it’ll never happen here in California but I can have a little hope with Florida starting the ball rolling. The south, especially, has been manipulated for decades. I have no doubt that the hurricanes are strategic as well as the so called drought in California.

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But will it be enforced? It’s not in TN!

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Tennessee claims the federal government has a law in place which overrides state rights in this area, which I'm sure you already know.

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I do know that, and I also know it's a BS excuse. It's just the tranny loving lee being a globalist traitor. People in Tn need to start really cranking up the pressure on the tools. Their children, and granchildrens lives depend on it.

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Obviously they don't care about their children, their grandchildren or ours!!

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I know, I'm hoping the citizens themselves care enough about theirs.

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It’s almost as if what we conspiracy theorists have been preaching about for years is coming to light. How interesting. After all this time. Validation. Hats off to Mellowkat!

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Tennessee passed a Bill, which was signed by our Governor to stop the spraying in our skies, the head of the Committee to implement the bill stated that they Could NOT stop the spraying because the FEDs refused to stop it. What happened to States Rights, they must not matter at all to the tyrants who are getting paid to poison our Skies, Water, Soil and Food Supply.

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Does everyone remember the Vatican City "coin" that shows the globe with a jet spraying trails of crap coming out the back end, and the bullshit "Metabunk" so-called "explanation" of "what it really means.." ? https://www.metabunk.org/threads/explained-vatican-chemtrail-spraying-coin-part-of-set-depicting-popes-travels.9472/

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In reference to mosquitoes being genetically modified with vaccines to stick humans with is just a double treat for those behind it all.

1. They can kill off a few, both, humans and animals during the same period.

2. They will then order more chemicals sprayed to kill off the mosquitoes they released to accomplish # 1.

Such a vicious cycle, indeed.

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Research what was found in the "fog" and "snow" that happened in Florida. It's insane and we're all contaminated. Maria Crisler has studied it. This stuff needs to end as soon as possible and not just in Florida....E-V-E-R-Y state!!!

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Well said Anita! I've said for the last 2 years...between chemtrails, vax's in pork and Lord knows what else, supposedly vax's in lidocaine, bpa in plastics, foods with 65 preservatives, medications with 65 preservatives, and the vaccinated shedding their nasty spike protein...they'll get us one way or another!!!

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That's excellent news! Now same for the rest of the UNITED STATES!!!

We can't waste time messing around! We need laws passed in every state.


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