Anyone that injects this shit is an absolute fucking moron, considering what we all know today. It's stunning how aloof these people are that they still try to push this shit on people. They're gonna have to kill me to be able to give me this poison shit.

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You need to be more direct and definite with your beliefs, ha ha

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Ill do better 🤪

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Another reason RFKjr should be confirmed

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No, they just need to be able to aerosolize it.

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Is that what all the drones have been about?

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It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test...

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One of the problems is that even those of us who reject the siRNA vaccines are at risk from the shedding (apparently, an even greater risk than with the mRNA vaccines). So, one can pass the IQ test and still be rendered ill, disabled, or dead.

Seek Jesus Christ while He still can be sought.

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Kill me faster please...🙄

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Loose terminology - This 'man', is the contagion, contaminant, chronic dis-ease of the world!

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Gates leaves behind new millionaires he's just bribed to do his dirty work. It's beyond me how so many countries have fallen for the vaccines. Just bribes, coercions, threats? Only stooges for the vaccines would fall for these killer shots. I do not believe Gates sells eugenics, I think he is a fountain of bribes. He's public enemy #1, is there any doubt?

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I hear he invited himself to Trumps Mara Logo. No doubt to counter any Kennedy moves.

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Yep, bought and paid for, by birthright - As are the lot of them 'fall guys'. Only in it for the privilege and the green bucks!

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Excellent post and thank you for covering this. They always quietly push these things through, as public attention is on other things like sports, entertainment or tragedies like Christmas Market slaughters or women being lit on fire in a subway.

Do not trust ANY jabs your doctor recommends and or are pushing. They get kick backs, for their parts in mainstreaming these genetic poisons.

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This is horrifying

No one is safe

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Satanic driven agenda

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Exactly. Aerosolize mRNA means they are polluting the air with this - the plan to reduce the world population to 500 million is not heeding any warning from legitimately honest and ethical scientists and medical professionals. These people who want to greedily monopolize the world’s resources need to be the first to go. Anyone investing their portfolio in BlackRock means you could randomly be among the victims of this depopulation agenda of the WEF and all of the globalists psycho-sociopaths.

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PRAY against it, we have free-will

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The people pushing this poison are not Sociopaths they are fill blown Psychopaths. They are at the top and in control. They have no conscience, they do what is best for themselves and that is how they got to the top. The path behind them is littered with their victims.

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More nasty chemical soups. Please, all PRAY daily to have the light and disclosure shine though

the darkness, PRAY over Trumps family, children, grandkids--the demons may target them...PRAY over the demonic drones designed to fill the sky and scan us...here is a short

video by a prophet who talks to God. This is SERIOUS stuff, watch his other video's as well.

Last Days Brandon...https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U5_DCfzfJ-E God bless

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Drones over my home every day gor months. I keep asking what they are up to. No response.

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Wow. But, you ask WHO, those who do not tell the truth?.

Why would they disclose their plans?.

Watch Last Days Brandon video I shared.

One other guy said they spray something and he "got" sick.

And, there was a lone gunman?.

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Bill Gates definitely identifies with the definition of a psychopath. This troll is destroying humanity with biological weapons of mass destruction. Kostaive samRNA available in powder form drone aerosolization Self-Amplifying mRNA COVID-19 Injection, raising potential concerns about environmental exposure and unintended distribution! While he is busy poisoning everybody, what makes this lunatic think he is immune?

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I'm furious with all these arrogant stupid lab workers! All these new methods... aerosols, mosquitos, food.... do not address how to keep from being over vaccinated! It's like they think breathing it for months, or eating it or being bit by many bugs will have no adverse events. I pray they may all fall by their own sword and soon!

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What could possibly go wrong

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He / they are not happy they are desperate to kill more people. Unbelievably evil

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Authorized & rolled out b/c not nearly enough have died screaming yet. This is what comes of being a compliant lil ole jackass.

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These genocidal maniacs must be put down.

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Haven't all three of those been responsible for mass deaths and plan on more? Why are they still relevant? Who are they sucking up to?

Stop these tyrants already.

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I am having trouble thinking of a good way of getting the dosage (within an “acceptable” range) right on a large scale if this were aerosolized. I’m havent thought about it that long but so far all I’ve been able to come up with would be wildly expensive or obvious to all. Thoughts?

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