I had often wondered and have asked many "how did I get "COVID" (or whatever hit me like a mack truck). I got "it" in November 2020. Since July 2020 no one entered my home (I had just moved to Bristol so I knew no one). I entered no one's home. I went into no stores. My human contact was ZERO. BUT I did take a walk (alone) every day and sat on my deck soaking up vitamin D each day. So you can imagine my surprise when I became deathly ill. The hospital was not an option for me because I knew I would never come out alive. A doctor friend prescribed HCQ and Ivermectin, prednisone, zPac, aspirin and NAC. After 3 weeks I had recovered enough to start getting back to normal. I had started trying to research how I got sick. The only conclusion I could make was that something in the environment while out walking or sitting on my deck. So maybe my conclusion is not as far fetched as people thought. I also do not believe it was a virus. I personally believe we were poisoned.
It's all but documented by the perps (Ken Caldera and Bill Gates) themselves that "they" had plans on the drawing board to spray us like bugs with pathogens from tanker jets. Since aerosolized geoengineering using nanoparticulate metals to "cool" the planet had already been normalized-- at least by those who actually look up at the sky every day-- no one thought anything of it, especially the thought that "they" could, and can still, add anything "they" want into the mix and you aren't going to know because "THEY" DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU, never mind that the law is there that says that indeed "they" do. LIARS!!!
Those in power are just people, people do sketchy $#!@ all the time. I don't know why people seem so shocked by the concept that those in power didn't operate by the "rules". 🙄🤦♀️
Yes the social contracts were broken, but really they have been broken ever since people collectively gave their power over to a few, in exchange for "safety".
Likewise, with the 32B dollar annual nanotechnology industries- they have been spraying stuff on the public for 70+yrs under the public safety narrative. Does anyone honestly believe that they haven't been adding stuff into public utilities/products as well?🤨
Well, fluoride in our water, and no, it shouldn't be there, duhh. And exactly what isn't shocking about spraying you with 20 megatons of nanoparticulate aluminum and gawd-knows-what-else? If this doesn't shock you then you've lost the ability to feel anything. The people doing this are not "just people." BECAUSE NONE OF THEM KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, MAKING THEM WORSE THAN ANIMALS. Duh. Sheeesh. YOU are stupid. Get a clue, dumbass.
I appreciate the reminder, and it may come across as unfeeling but the harsh fact is- we DO NOT have time for "shock", "trauma", "processing". It's been FIVE YEARS since this BS began, and everything is still on the publically available schedule!😐🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
We are being collectively, systematically exterminated.😐
Every single day that these damn shots remain accessible, continue to be given out, people are dying, being permanently injured, and having life years stolen from them. All for profit and because some elitist, meglomaniacs, in their ivory towers, wish to live forever and have decided that the rest of us must die for their own good!
The rest of the insidious and generational premeditated harms inflicted on us in the name of "Public health" over the decades, pale in comparison. So no, I didn't find them shocking revelations, so much as confirmation that yes, it's not a conspiracy theory- your government, my government, knowingly or not, are enabling powerful groups to kill us.
The sooner people get over their shock/trauma on THAT concept, the sooner we can freaking stop it.😐🤨
But the people who know are not calling the alarm. Everyone is just talking as though we are still in the 1950's. You are absolutely right - we are being systematically exterminated. That is the plan and many of us knew it. This is what it feels like to be in it - if you don't get to be one of the first round, it will get to you pretty soon too. They are out to meet those UN quotas and 2025 is a big year for loss of life, according to their scheme.
Wel-l-l-l, fine--You can just speak for yourself, but-- you have Z.E.R.O. right to tell me what my, or any other person's experience is or "should" be. So grow up and behave like a mature adult with an actual imagination. We don't need more narcissists who behave like you own "The Truth" on this planet ;-)
The people that are doing this are "ordinary people", the ones who make the rules don't go delivering the fluoride to the municipalities or putting into the water, they don't fly the planes that release chemical trails. It's the people ourselves doing it to each other. I wish people would wake up to that.
Currently don't 'operate by' rules they themselves have created. What shocks me is the fact that over 22 MILLION people were intentionally murdered by these mentally insane perverts, have found more ways to do it again and still... hmm, crickets...
Everyone now has "allergies," never mind outright irritation and POISONING. We got waaay too many stupid people here who never look up, just stare at their spy devices, get loaded on grass, fentanyl, painkillers and whatever, and watch vapid sh!t and porn on the small screen. Yeeeuch.
Burning eyes by end of the day many times. Have to wash them with rinse sprayer . Air purifiers don’t work. My indoor waterfall plugs up within a few days .
Looks like Snott in the distilled water . I believe it’s polymer in the air . Polymer strands on everything in morning and evening sun.
People are sooo dumb they don't even know where to look for information. If they'd actually read at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org they'd actually know that the particulates being sprayed on us are so small that there are no air filters that'll keep 'em out. And how 'bout that weird "fog" all over the U.S., all at once? There are warnings to stay indoors, I'm hearing on YouTube.. Too many chemicals in it. This IS chemical warfare and the perpetrators need to hang!
"...the little gal at tinker AFB purchasing director.." ? WHICH air force base, WHERE? Are you talking about that Megan Somebody who blew the whistle a few years back? There is no such thing as "fresh" air anywhere any more since this aerosolized spraying started 24/7/365. Good luck with your fantasy world, l.o.l.
Tinker AFB in Oklahoma. She was head of purchasing. She spilled the bean on this . Gov threatened to take her kids and commit her to an asylum . I’ll see if I can find her videos.
Thanks much, will look forward to reading, you can DM me here on substack. FYI: Today on NPR's Radio Lab the discussion was about geoengineering, you know, "cooling off" the planet by controlling how much sunlight gets here, etc. I believe they're now starting to try selling it to what's left of the Blue Pilled voting "power base." Yeeeuchh!
On the flip side, I traveled to the so called "COVID epicenter" with my children in the very height of the propagandemic, April 2020. I did everything I could do to get sick. I never wore a mask except to don those used discarded masks found everywhere in shopping center parking lots. Many said that was suicidal and reckless endangerment of my children, to which I asked why we were not sick or dead two years after the fact. I touched every public object I could including hotel elevator buttons, bannisters, take-out restaurant door handles, cash currencies, etc. without gloves, and without washing my hands ate the food prepared by minimum wage sweating food preparers who wore their required face diapers around their chin. I ate all of my food without utensils using only my unclean hands during my experiment. When I returned home, I met with a friend who was diagnosed with and suffering from the imaginary virus. She warned me to stay away. Instead, I had her cough and sneeze directly into my face. More than two years later my family became sick with "flu" like symptoms. One of my children still has not recovered the sense of smell. Certainly no virus has ever been claimed to take two years to "incubate," so we are left to wonder how we were all eventually poisoned. None of us ever accepted the poison jab. Were we sprayed? Was it EMF? Was it dormant childhood jabs activated by some means? It is unlikely the result of shedding since I spent most of a year around the willfully vaccinated. Still I can't confirm it wasn't shedding because half of the first round of jabs were confirmed to be placebos, though the distribution of them remains non-public information. It is possible that my entire neighborhood received only placebos. By the time we eventually became sick, the sheep had begun getting 2nd doses and some fools as many as five! I'll likely never know for certain the source of our poisoning, but I can confirm with absolute certainty that no matter how grotesquely I tried, I could not catch a virus that allegedly decimated Elmhurst, NY in 2020.
If your story's true and goes exactly as you wrote it above, then maybe you had very high vitamin D levels already so you didn't get sick. I didn't go anywhere, no one came onto my property, but I got sick right away with the pathogen on March 18, 2020. Felt like a bad flu, body aches, headache, and burning lungs with a lot of fatigue, especially on exertion. Took about 2 months to get completely well. I am SURE that the pathogen was delivered by aerosolized spray via the tanker jets that spray whatever into the skies here above the left coast of the U.S. daily. We watched maps that showed new cases of COVID shooting up higher daily. Santa Clara County was the worst hit followed by Alameda and San Francisco counties. It was all over the state, in fact, all over the U.S. in less than a week. Everyone should be asking just how a pathogen could move so swiftly in just five days?
Yes, my story is true, but this wouldn't convince you any more than the truth I wrote in the story, so why lead with "if it's true." Just state your doubt. Spraying is observable here on my side too. It is but one way they poison us, and they've been doing it for decades among other routes. Nobody died in the street, so most deaths can be easily attributed iatrogenically during their regular seasonal detoxification processes. However, the number of hospitalizations did not increase in 2020 indicating any new "disease." Whether poison is delivered by aerosolized stratospheric injection or even concentrated more locally, I find it difficult to believe that vitamin D, though integral to a so called "immune system," prevented my family and I from poisoning in 2020, not my neighbors sharing the same southern Vit D sunshine, and not my family two years later. While in the NY "epicenter" in April 2020, we visited area hospitals to witness what the television called a "war zone" yet the hospitals were nearly empty. We witnessed only ONE ambulance siren for the entire week long stay and search, and only ONE man enter an emergency room. He entered by ambulance stretcher in a panic. The hospitals were exceptionally quiet, and since bodies weren't collected from the gutters, where were all the victims? NY hospitals and funeral homes were instructed to store bodies until there were enough to overwhelm cemetery crews and news agencies could film what looked like an unusually high burial count and appear like the "war zone" they called it. I know this first hand, because it was my mothers medical murder that brought me to NY. My family's multigenerational funeral director confided to me the instructions given by the governor's office. I literally chased the News 12 Long Island news blonde presstitute and cameramen off of the cemetary grounds! I then interviewed a burial crewmember and asked how many burials they had to perform that day. He told me the exact number and it was in the low twenties to my recollection. I asked how many the day before. He said 4! I asked how many on average. 3-5! I called the very next day and they buried 2! There were no more deaths or illnesses than any other year. The entire 2020 event was a coordinated television production. They've been poisoning us for a long time and it eventually gets all of us. Vitamin D won't prevent my poisoning as I suffered the effects of the poisoning two years later, yet same Vit D level. This Christmas eve eve (23rd), my entire family once again took ill, as did several of my neighbors. It hit us hard. No 7-10 day spread and incubation period. All at once. This isn't disease. This isn't any imaginary virus. This is a chemical attack. Certainly we in the tropics do not suffer low Vit D levels.
Add cadmium poisoning to the list (see Mathew Crawford), and why hardly anyone mentions mycoplasma anywhere now? Cf. Donald Scott, Mycoplasma Weaponized, 2016.
roflmfao-- hee hee hee!!-- you're behaving like a 20-year-old asshole whose asking for a meetup in a dark alley with about six bros... with baseball bats and broken bottles-- that's where your bullshit karma's taking you. Nobody here needs this. And you don't see it yet but neither do you. So grow up, child. Your karma's on the way ;-)
I agree that the speed of the spread is as suspicious as the whole cursed plan flew about in msm. We all have experienced the pain and suffering induced by our own govs. I hope the solutions evolve as quickly as possible.
Could you please post a source to the info you share that " half of the first round of jabs were placebo?" Im asking because Saha Latypova claims no placebos were ever found among all and any that were examined.
I obtained that information from a table regarding the human trial period during the Emergency Use Authorization supplied online directly from Pfizer, the only manufacturer supplying my neighborhood at the time. My computer was hacked and destroyed before I could preserve everything I had downloaded. I did save many links on other devices, but many of those links were deactivated to please the censorship gods. I can go through them (hundreds if not thousands) and look for it, but it will require time I scarcely have as I am currently preparing for two court cases. The table was publicly released and a trial period was required, so I would think Sasha should be able to request the data directly. I'm curious, by "ever found," is she referring to samples independently tested? That could easily explain her finding. All of the independent laboratory testing I am aware of was to determine the ingredients of the actual "vaccines," and so no placebos would have been uncluded. There is no need to determine placebo ingredients. Did she request the trial data from the manufacturers' initial distributions?
I have a hunch that humans differ with respect to the ability to fight off the poison. There were undoubtedly different manufacturing and handling inconsistencies too.
I suppose anything is possible, but which poison are you considering? None of the people in my written account were jabbed. Not one. Furthermore, all of us got very sick on 12/23/24.
Craig Paardekooper is a megadata analyst who found that the three vax companies, Murderna, Pfizer and Janssen (now pulled from the market because of clotting dangers) were all rotating their different formulations over a three-months long period. The information I read at the time was that there were 3 formulations: 30 mg, 100 mg and placebo. I don't know where Sasha gets all her information but she also doesn't believe in the existence of viruses. She also is not a scientist but attacks them with great vitriol and vigor, all the time. It's really unprofessional and most likely quite self-defeating because she turns her brand of nasty-nasty onto any and all subscribers with whom she most violently disagrees, hunting them down personally. She really needs to stop it because she's going to get hit with a harassment lawsuit at some point if she can't learn to let s hit roll off her oh-so-sensitive back and keep her nasty premenstrual pre-teen comments out of print.
Craig Paardekooper's website is howbadismybatch.com. His stats are from VAERS & are clearly there to see. The lots varied significantly as did the deaths associated with them.
The three dots presents me with "share," "hide," and "delete," no edit. My app is fully updated. I used to have the edit option, but no longer. I don't use a computer. Typing with thumbs.
That's so interesting and I follow Sasha but never heard her say that. Are you referring to only first round? Maybe you could you start a thread in her substack messages. It would be great to hear her clarify that no placebos were found.
I remember I heard her say that in I think two interviews when she was asked about it. I don't remember which one. I watched many if not all interviews she had given. I doubt she was refering to " first round". I think she meant overall.
I think howsecureismybatch.com revealed that some of the vaccines distributed haven't given any sort of symptoms to those being vaccinated. If this was a bioweapon, it would make sense to cover tracks of the distributors making some people believe what they felt: they felt great, nothing happened to them and they never got sick. That way perpetrators might have gotten many advocates for their cause. True advocates mean much more than fake actors playing a role, don't they?
("Innocent 'til proven guilty" is why I'm careful, is it an old, unnecessary idea?)
Wow, that’s all eye opening. Unvaccinated I caught Covid from my triple Pfizer vaccinated husband. My Dr thought I needed to be vaccinated to protect him. Duh. 🙄
Hi, Aneette. There is no "COVID" to "catch," so whatever made you ill had to be caused by toxicity (a broad general term). That could have been one or many things. Shedding is a real process. Perspiration is a form of shedding, as is the electrical field we emit, and more. It is may be that shedding is a signal for others to begin detoxifying—what we call illness—which is really a healing process. It seems unlikely to me that your husband shed his vaccine and you acquired something that made you ill. There are no viruses, so at best he would have had to shed a chemical toxin. People are exposed to copious amounts of chemical toxins every day in the air, in their food and drink, in their personal hygiene products, in the water they bathe with, in their household cleaning products, through a simple stroll down the cleaning supplies isle in their grocery store (notice what you are smelling next time you do this), and emf radiation in and around their homes. It is unlikey that you would have become ill from an insignificant amount of something shed by your husband other than a signal for you to begin detoxifying from all of the above listed accumulations. If this is the case, you are now healthier for it. Your husband received three injections, obviously not in the same day. Did his first one make you ill? His second? If it was his third, why not the other two? Did you become ill after each of them, and how soon after his injections? We know from the Rosenau experiments in 1919 and hundreds of other disease transmission studies that sick people do not make healthy people sick. In these studies, the sick individuals were thought to be made ill via microbial pathogens, however they were most likely poisoned, and regardless of the cause it could not be passed to any of the healthy test subjects. Your greatest concern should be your husband's health and detoxifying him from all the poisons he injected into himself before he realizes the catastrophic potential. At worst, his shedding of a chemical could only have been a contributing factor to your detoxification process, and the hundreds of disease transmission studies strongly suggest not. I pray your husband clears himself of his terrible mistake and his eyes are safely opened.
My husband had 3 Pfizer vax at their recommended sequence of time. Two years later he passed from a turbo cancer 10 days after diagnosis. I blame Pfizer and the entire group of Covid associated deceptions for his murder, yes murder. Whatever caused my illness is irrelevant now. I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to me though. Thanks.
Peace is hard to find, I’m working on it. Revenge seems more appropriate…..a firing squad is sufficient but the lineup might be too long. The list of Covid scammers continues to grow.
There are lists of batch numbers and distribution locations for the cv19 poison, i viewed these way back, but were not readily available. It was muted that you can request the batch number from your doctor, who was maybe recording all pharma received as usual
Same here! My husband, my son and I hadn’t been around anyone. I have really wondered since then if it could have been sprayed in chemtrails. Everyone said it would become inactive before it got to the ground. I guess drones make better sense now.
Remember that God’s everywhere to! He’s just letting this drama play out to open people’s eyes to sin and evil so they will turn to Him. The true source of peace, joy and love! If it wasn’t for Jesus they would have destroyed us by now.
so strange...I was very sick following the 2020 Flu shot, about the same time. Refused all shots going forward after being told I had Covid instead of an adverse Flu shot reaction...
Interesting. Not only covid but the chemtrails contained something this summer that changed the pH in my swimming pool from a normal (last 6 years) of 7.6 to something less than 5.0, not to mention many of the private gardens in my area failed.
Lockheed-Martin/Raytheon have been spraying the world skies for 75+ years, Barium, Strontium, Aluminum, Nano Polymers, Surfactant, Graphene...found in every drop of rain, soil, snow and animal life, including humans world wide
1949-1969 US Army conducted many 'fog' experiments on the 'uninformed' citizens of the US
LBJ stated in 1963 to Texas State College grad class, 'he who controls the weather will control the world'
1947, US military dropped 100 lbs of dry-ice into the eye of a hurricane, it intensified and changed direction within a few hours......how far have they come since then?
Fact is, they (the so called elite) want the world population down to 500 million
Deagle Report in 2018....the US population will be less than 100 million by the end of 2025.
Does ANYONE REALLY think the government is wanting to 'HELP' people???
I lean towards agreeing with you Karen. While my wife and I got sick just after going to RFK Jr/Children's Health Defense Stop the Mandates rally, i had been to other protest actions without getting sick. Our experience matched the length you described and I saw planes and helicopters going over the rally which could have dropped something in the air on the rally. HCQ and Zinc seemed our best med, but also Ivermectin and vit D etc, got us over it after about 3 weeks. For more on history up to 2022, see my film Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics, free on Tubi and other places.
It's both, Darlin'. And it's 5G, and/or 5G worsening nanotech construction in our "petri-dish" / "guinea-pig" bodies that they also infested with via aerosol and aerial spraying, and the "vaccines", as well as via "vaccine" shedding. To the Ashkenazim globalists, we're all nothing but animals who should be eradicated (even though they are far worse; besides, to them we supposedly don't have any free will and freedom of choice, and that they are gods, playing God, who have the "duty" to decide who lives and who dies, and have long been convinced that most or all of humanity "has to go", thus they are carrying out the beginning of their mass-extermination program, at minimum a crime against humanity).
Welcome to the Monkey House! When the evil PsTB say that they're supposedly "inoculating" us (against our will), they are speaking "double-speak", and mean the exact opposite, exterminating us. We're all considered "pests", "dumb-stupid animals", and "useless eaters", etc. The people who had six million Jews, and "Jews" (see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9), eradicated, have expanded their program and expedited their timeline to kill us or make us extremely ill, or both in reverse order.
Remember the song? "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I (DON'T) feel fine..."! But the PsTB have successfully gotten most people to believe they shouldn't worry about any of the things going on, or worry about standing up against them. "Blocks", or "firewalls", have been installed in their brains, so they have no room for independent thought,, except only about mundane or inconsequential things, no room for facing that they're neck-deep, actually drowning, in a control matrix that has made them slaves, and usurped their birthright of 'Life, Liberty and (the Pursuit of) Happiness', making them satisfied with being part of the blind collective, and no room for fulfilling their duty(ies) to stand up against the elimination of our human and civil rights, thus helping to save not only themselves and their own, but other people as well.
Many of the slaves are well compensated, giving them even more of a false sense of security, sightless and/or willfully-ignorant of the apocalypse riding in on a false "white horse" and "inoculating" us to our deaths; because, you know the LIE, all air-breathing lifeforms on planet Earth, and then some, are breathing out "too much" carbon dioxide, so "keep your blinders on and enjoy the ride; if you don't make it, we will be sorry for your loss". Wanna buy some swampland, anyone? That's how successfully we've been indoctrinated and conditioned all our lives to accept the matrix fantasy world, run by Satan and his minions, without our even knowing it. A whirlpool is sucking us down into a black hole.
Wolfe, on 4/20/23, the 5G release date, in the wee hours people broke into my home in Canandaigua, rendered me unconscious & put chips in my body, as they did in the Victor Macy's dressing room 3/4/23. They don't even need to put the chips anymore, but they made a grandmama of an experimental TI out of me. Paid stalkers, contributing LE, aerial spraying just by me, continual torturous EMF's. I'm not even a grandmother, but I wish for that even though my grands will likely have blue green blood and be mind controlled borgs, as you speak the truth. The Cabal operates out of Hollywood Hills, mind controlling powers at the Army etc to push buttons at Schriever & Peterson.
Wow, Karen!!! I just learned this about you. God bliss you can attest to this. The Govenor of Tennessee ought to know this since he banned the geoengineering trails.
Hi Karen, just a question. I know you said you are getting plenty of sun and you’re taking vitamin D 3 supplements but did you measure your levels of vitamin D3 in your blood just curious.
It’s because it is radiation poisoning from the newest 5G frequency, at the time. We have 6G now. Havana Syndrome is from weaponized direct frequencies, radiation of horrendous effects.
This ceased being funny long ago. With the drone activity releasing something recently in NJ, and Hotez's warning about everything dropping on Trump the 21st of Jan, I have to wonder if we are in an incubation period. I am not amused.
UPDATE- Hotez specified Jan 21st. Is this where "they" fire up the 5G? Asking for a friend.
Okay, sooo.. why in He'll did "they" pick another RNA virus pattern to hit us with, when they already know that we've learned we can treat these with with hcq, ivm and neutraceuticals?
I, for one, really want our Constitutional governing system, based in Rule of Law, to function and serve justice in this entire universe of pfuckery we’ve seen in the last four years. It’s possible. Reserving opinion on the likelihood.
That requires honest brave people, not parchment, especially parchment with a fraudulently and systematically enforced 14th amendment by dishonest shadow cowards who pay everyone handsomely to wear jackboots.
Well, realistically, that's the only way the pfuckery's going to stop.We HAVE laws, they just need to be enforced. Yes, it's going to be an uphill battle and we have to keep going! It will take more than one 4-year admin to change the culture.
Might get to that point. But they are heavily protected no. Fraudster has gotten paid for security. Why? He should be made to pay for it himself not the taxpayers....hey Elon and vivid can we reduce the waste by shifting the cost? Just saying...
Maybe. But, then again, if you KNOW its coming,get prepared. IVM, abx and supplements on board NOW. Extra food stuff, dried eggs and milk powder, canned meats and veggies/fruits. Just remember, its all in baby to kill you. And only YOU can avoid it, and try to beat it. They can't stop you from trying. And they can't help but warn you. H5N1, the monkey pox, the measles what ever else they have cobbled together... all those immune deficient folks with 2x 3x jabs? Toast. Not to mention the cancer wave. Alcohol is bad they say, causes cancer. Hum.. and somewhere I thought I heard they didn't like alcohol because it interfered with the nano tech... not sure about it, but I always wonder why the war on tobacco and alcohol? Could it be they help you not harm you?
I read early on in Covid that smokers were not getting the WuFlu - I smoke, organic loose leaf tobacco with no additives. I have read it again recently, I think it was even on Coffee&Covid that he said smoke 'em if you got 'em - or perhaps it was Chris Bray. Regardless, I got it once early on, daughter brought it to us in June 2020 and it was a cold only with the exception of losing taste and smell for about 3-4 months. I am unjabbed, not so the rest of my family. I am waiting for the ax to fall on them.
On another note, early on no one was able to get ahold of the vials of the Jab, they were very protective of them (from much of what I read at that time) so there is the speculation of distributing three different formulas of the Pfizer - one with basically nothing in it, another with some of the magic ingredients and third with a fuck ton of the magic ingredients. I have been watching How Bad Is My Batch since almost the beginning.
I get the feeling we are doomed. If not for God I would be lost in the wilderness of all of this.
What I have seen are videos of “things in the air” “dispensing” visible “material of some nature”. Drones and spraying were terms used in the video that I have no way of confirming. What I “know” is “they” have murdered millions with engineered bioweapons that “they” have had under development for decades. I have every reason to expect “they” will continue with what I absolutely believe is a long since publicly agreed upon policy of genocide.
If you read this carefully, you’ll see that instead of coding mRNA to make a protein that takes a couple of weeks for antibodies to be made against it, they are also coding the mRNA to directly make antibodies. The thought is that by coding for both, you get immediate production of antibodies as a countermeasure, called “gene encoded antibody treatment”, and you get long term immune boosting because you will also be instructing your cells to make proteins for a very long time.
This idea is rife with dangers. First, cytotoxic T-cells will destroy the cells that are making these proteins, no matter what the protein is, even if it is supposedly a “protective” antibody protein. This will always result in tissue loss and pathology. Second, there is potential for the immune system to build antibodies against the mRNA coded antibodies, so you end up having the immune system battling itself. Third, partial protein production due to the frame shifts during protein translation from pseudouridines inserted into the mRNA will result in autoimmune issues. Fourth, long term exposure to the same antigen as coded for in the mRNA will result in an IgG shift where the antibodies will no longer attach to the protein antigens. This means the protein antigens will attach to cellular receptors, causing an exacerbated destructive and inflammatory immune response, sometimes called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). Fifth, the delivery system will most likely be a benign lipid nanoparticle that contains dozens of smaller proprietary and toxic mRNA containing lipid nanoparticles that build up in tissues over time after releasing their mRNA. Sixth, because of the ease and cost effectiveness of using DNA plasmids to make the mRNA, there will be DNA contamination that can lead to cancerous cell lines. https://rumble.com/v5vxd3k-the-clear-and-present-danger-of-all-mrna-shots.html
Thank you for the article, Jon. I knew something was amiss when three of my herd were infected with a flesh eating cancer, which effected the genitals. What a bunch of fooking idiots! They need to deploy this crap over the island of their "own", gather together, hold hands, look up and prepare themselves to meet their maker.
All of these evil demons who perpetrated this horror onto humanity, need to be gathered up and put on their own island, justas you said. And let them starve to death or eat each other. How can they be so stupid to think that if they are spraying aerosol that it will not affect them? If it’s in the air, it’s everywhere. It will affect them as well. The only answer I have for this is that these people are demons they have allowed themselves to be possessed by pure evil.
That Covid 19 spread so fast, even in sparsely populated and seldom travelled areas like Alaska, was suspicious and made me wonder if it wasn't sprayed worldwide by air.
Populations everywhere need to wake up to the fact that the world is controlled by sociopaths and psychopaths, who look at us, the people, as a rancher looks at livestock in the best scenario, and as an exterminator looks at bugs in the worst cases.
This is not a comfortable thought, but we all need to develop the courage to face reality.
As “forked” as it appears to be, there is no doubt here. Another observation of mine, has been seeing aircraft flying and dispensing some type of substance into the airspace. That specific set of time was back when they mentioned spraying a “cleansing” solution and that everyone was ORDERED to stay indoors except for extreme cases of emergency. I went out to the porch everyday several times. When they announced staying indoors by mandate, they were also flying overhead with their “solutions.”
I am sure they are going about it several ways. I always believe that they did it with the 2019 senior extra strength flu shot they gave out in the fall right before 2020. I tried to figure out the adjuvant in the extra strength senior shot. It was a huge rabbit hole. Shedding from vaccines seems plausible to me and probably the easiest way to distribute it.
I have friends who were telling me about being around vaxxed who they said they could tell are shedding after vaccination and they'd say they had Covid symptoms after being exposed to the spike protein. It's a thing. Pierre Kory even did a 7-part posting on his substack on this verified phenomenon. Check it out.
I concur with your belief that there was "something" -- a toxin/poison -- that was put into the seasonal flu vaccines for 2019. I was poisoned in January 2020 when, after visiting my daughter in the hospital for the better part of 3 days, I became VERY ill with a VERY BAD flu -- the worst I've EVER had! -- that I never fully recovered from; and I still have lingering symptoms of "long covid". Upon telling this to other people I knew and asking questions, I discovered that MOST of those same people reported the SAME severe flu symptoms, using the same words to describe what they suffered: "I felt I was hit by a semi truck/freight train..."; "I couldn't breathe/was being suffocated due to the thick unstoppable mucus..."; "it was the WORST flu EVER!"; "the whole family got it", etc. And these people lived in different areas of the country and were not just local to where I lived.
So how did so many people get sick with a "flu" in the 2019/2020 winter BEFORE the "pandemic" was declared, which manifested and presented with symptoms that were the same as those later reported to be symptoms attributed to "COVID/SARS2"? It had to have been nanoparticles in the flu shots, I intuited, which then spread to others who didn't get the shots. Then, just recently I read where Donald Trump signed an order for vaccine research/development in September 2019, and my intuition told me "that was probably the "legal" order for the *toxin* to be placed in the flu shots to get the pandemic started." I don't know for sure, of course, but my spidey-sense says it's the most likely explanation.
Several means, is definitely the most plausible- because of their outrageous need to follow through to the end with their evil plans. I myself became very ill, just before Christmas 2019! I was the last of four family members who were living together. My brother and Mom- both deceased, were the first to catch it, then my son and myself. The terrible thing is that Mom and brother both, never truly recovered well and passed on two years later. Before we all became ill in 2019, my brother was given a shot for “shingles,” which became increasingly painful on his upper arm. I also became sick two more times, once in December 2020, then February 2021. No holy days for us in good health for four years. I hope that these horrible acts of violence were not the absolute cause of my family’s losses. I pray to never allow hatred to overcome.
That 2019 Flu shot has been high on my leading suspect list since early 2020. Earliest reports as the Wuhan Virus (when was still reported as) were a disproportionately higher percentage of that year's flu vaxxed hospitalized or died. I remember them in real time. But didn't save then and can't seem to find them now...largely scrubbed but surely kept by others who did save.
I did go and research those 2019 flu jabs that could have precipitated the entire pandemic. And we know that vaccines shed, especially the live-attenuated types that were used in the 2019-2020 flu season design, so one didn't need to receive the flu shot that year to have gotten very sick from it. And the 2019 flu jab used a known severe H3N2 variant that was hotly debated about its inclusion in the quadrivalent because it was known to be very severe.
- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:
"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.
Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.
To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"
“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"
"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"
“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"
- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:
"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."
- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:
There's a lot of reasons this is the most plausible conduit/facilitator of the opening salvo in the pandemic. After those 2019-2020 flu season vaccines took out who they were going to take out the rest of the pandemic was kept alive by phony case numbers and redefining disease...until OWS got it to the main event.
I don't believe in coincidences. That relatively little bit of biological attack paired with military/industrial behavioral science psychological "nudge" propaganda of "fear amplification" aka "terrorism" fits the culprit of a bioterror attack on the people of the world by their governments engaging in "public-private partnerships" to most effectively and efficiently help the government's achieve their public policy implementation. And those Big Government-Big Pharma-Big Media partnerships really helped themselves to achieving their public policies.
Worst flu I’ve ever had started in July 2019, lasted 3 weeks and came back 2 more times for 3 weeks each time. Mucas so thick. Now I’m going to ask my doctor if I got flu shot in March of ‘19.
You reminded me!!!! In the year prior to Covid. My employer forced all non clinical business employees to get the seasonal flu shot!! People were furious. I had forgotten. It was bizarre but it all makes sense now.
Tigers at a sanctuary died from bird flu. I think the evil people created that virus too.
If you've read the Wuhan cover up by Bobby Kennedy, it supports anything shady that we're experiencing now. Goes back in time regarding experiments on US citizens by the government.
Did so-called “bird flu” kill the tigers? Or did a PCR test pop a phony positive resulting in someone deciding to euthanize the tigers? Y’know, to “stop the spread.” As far as I can see, millions of animals are being slaughtered in this God’s-creation-hating “protocol.” All under the pretense of public health.
It’s difficult not to see the truth in these matters when they’re making it all so obvious. Diversions and divisions are part of their malicious existence. But they are committing direct criminal acts while deploying others. We do need to stay vigilant.
Very good digging Jessica. Here’s the thing with spraying: It doesn’t work as good as injecting. The natural immunity of humans is so good that the spraying (since post WW2) doesn’t accomplish the goals of the transhumanist Malthusians of the NWO.
It’s kinda like a heroin addict smoking heroin..it typically won’t o.d. them, but injecting too much can. That’s the best comparison for how they may dust us like crazy, but their real true blue desire is to inject us.
None of the germ theory/virus/spike protein stuff is legit at all! It is smoke and mirrors. What chemicals are they spraying on people? You're selling TWC Wellness Kits? Yeah. No. Show me in any of the stuff you found where there was an actual virus or spike protein isolated and what the process was to show that? There are no viruses. There is no spike protein. There is no gain of function. Stop with the fear porn germ theory nonsense!
Anyone have hard, fast numbers on "Covid Deaths" once we subtract out the various hospital/nursing home barbarism and impacts of death causing prism of lockdowns and at-home deaths and neglect of elderly and disabled and false attribution and...???
I believe that number is right around zero.
Oh and how did all this "spread" happen on the very day the WHO declared "pandemic?"
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last four flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat. "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity. We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round.
If you do not fear the sociopaths and psychopaths who control and run the world, you have no mind. Fear calls people to action, to fight or to flee. Denying fear is not a good option.
Thank you for that dissertation. What he is stating in his piece is not fact and does nothing but confuse people with half truths and makes them buy into the germ theory fear porn tactics of selling big pharma products. That is not a smart tactic to get people to do anything other than buy those expensive kits that don't do anything beneficial because they are made by said psychopaths. Gotta get those big pharma meds in people somehow I guess. What is the difference between a big pharma vaccine and big pharma pills? Nothing. They both do damage to your gut microbiome which is the center for your immune system and second brain (if you have one at all). You do you. Buy into the fear. Literally. And viruses and spike proteins don't exist. Over and out.
You are doing a sterling job and I understand why you've connected these dots. Suspend you BELIEF in "contagious, pathogenic viruses" and consider the old definition of the word "virus" to mean poison. Now visualize what you have put down.
I believe AI is being used to create EMF-receptive TOXINS (poisons). Thus far the "Spike Protein" (poison) (designed for the Jab) is viewed as probably having a link to both Anthrax and Snake Venom along with having Moderna's SYNTHETIC furin clever and HIV gp120 COMPUTER Sequence. We hardly have ACE-2 receptors in the lungs. 5G (6G) could be used to change the shape of this toxin i.e. blamed on an "Invisible virus". The new toxin's shape could be far more problematic to the jab recipients, but yes there could also be aerosolized attacks.
The RT-PCR test was a JOKE i.e. all the "experts" within the Health Freedom Movement i.e. Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCollough, Dr. Ryan Cole, etc. etc. ALL BELIEVED A LIE. Yes! many of them FOOLISHLY also Received the Jab of Pharmakeia.
"Immunization" is NOT HAPPENING, Toxification coupled with Graphene and Parasites is. Oh! I believe Dr. Richard Fleming also accepted that the elderly should RECEIVE the toxic shit and FALSELY claimed to have "Isolated" 30,000 "SARS-CoV-2 viruses" and performed Koch's postulates - YES! I am calling him a LIAR :) Gee! silly old me calling such a great man a LIAR. It may have been out of ignorance, but still. If one does not Listen to what those who oppose one says, then you are not taking "Science" seriously. All the HFM's experts show cognitive dissonance symptoms when talking about their BELIEVE in the "Invisible Fear thy Neighbour's virus" :)
Why drones? If this thing is self-spreading, just leave a spoonful here and there and wait… Completely unnoticed. Or flush into the waterlines, undetectable. Then direct the great cash flow from drone support programs to relevant pockets.
Why write about the use of drones and use them? Unnecessary risk of exposure, completely against all military doctrines.
How do we know that FOIA documents are true and depict the actual developments? Just because they were provided on FOIA requests? What if there are multiple special departments whose only purpose is to create and distribute fake documents intended specifically for this purpose? Accountants run double books for much lower financial benefits, why not here?
Also, there is the handy “contagion emergency kit” with four small doses of products that “you need for the next pandemic” (bold in the original). Does it mean that the supplier of this kit KNOWS what will be the next pandemic and KNOWS that it will be tailored to these four small samples?
Well, "They" told us what "they" were up to when geoengineer Ken Caldera became arch-eugenicist and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates' "greatest teacher." Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org has a link to an interview somewhere on his website in which Caldera is explaining to the interviewer how the employees at Lawrence Livermore in southern Alameda county, CA, were sitting around discussing how to kill "the enemy," including spraying pathogens into clouds and then let it rain out over "the enemy." And it's common knowledge that unmanned flight was perfected in the 1970s. You have geoengineer David Keith (now at Harvard University) explaining how cheap it is to spray megatons of nanoparticulate aluminum all over the planet to "cool" it off-- never mind what else could be added to the mix.. like, spike proteins, ya think--? Then you get all these "brilliant" commenters going on about how "the pilots" of the tanker planes very visibly spraying this crap on us every single day are "leaking" their "stories..." Yeah.. suuuure... Okay that's just more lies. You can bet your bottom dollar that whole fleets of tanker jets are being operated remotely from some shack in the Nevada desert near Fallon, by female military personnel, no less. That is who's committing our drone warfare these days, l.o.l.
Well, hands down they grow The Best melons out there, l.o.l., and then there's all the military stuff that goes on there, including all that experimental air craft research if you get my drift ;-)
According to many in the anti-covid audience, there are no such things as "viruses". O'righty then. How can these engineering teams and scumbag researchers sell their products to DARPA and other operative agencies? Easy. They lie and lie and lie, and they're PAID to lie. To date: No arrests have been made or reported in any affected country...
"Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a Trout in the milk"
- Henry David Thoreau - (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862)
The documents you’ve provided, specifically… the GAO analysis of Federal Aviation Administration / Fiscal Year 2019 Implementation Plan (GAO-20-136): Under the ‘Potential Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Capabilities’ — It specifies “Operations Over People at Night” — Proposed Rule Issued in February 2019.
To preface, I love the night skies… often up with the owls. Here are two incidents I recorded just before, and a few months after they declared a ‘Plandemic’:
Tiny Bubbles: Columbia Station, Ohio / September of 2019
Late one night, looking out into the darkness, there appeared to be a large fox in the yard. My brother-in-law, a retired Air Force Veteran, and United Airlines Pilot, grabbed a high beam flashlight and we went out to look around. The flashlight he had was amazing. After we had looked around we stood there talking about the power of the flashlight. As he pointed it around, I said look… what is that? There were thousands of little tiny tiny bubbles in the air — EVERYWHERE. He pointed the flashlight in all directions… they were all around us. I put my hand through them to see if I could feel anything… nothing, not the slightest bit of moisture… and they swirled around in the air when I did that.
My brother-in-law said… “I’ve never seen anything like it, not in all my years in the Air Force; not in all my years flying.”
Tiny Red Lights: Upstate NY / September of 2020
One night about 11PM I was out looking at the beautiful dark blue sky and all the stars... when I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were hundreds of little red lights flashing in formation in double lines crisscrossing the sky. My camera wasn't able to catch this unreal sight. They were heading across the sky from the North heading West. I started to count them when more and more kept appearing.... there were hundreds - if not thousands of them. At first there was a double line of them... then another appeared - crisscrossing, forming a double X in the sky - heading in the opposite direction… it continued - lines and lines of them until the sky was full of them; everywhere, in every direction I looked.
I began researching. Without question, they were drones… hundreds, if not thousands of them.
They’ve been spraying us like bugs. For how long is the question. The misery and destruction they have bestowed on humanity — all of humanity — must end. The torturous experiments they inflict onto helpless animals — WE should be outraged. I do what I can every time I can; if only WE could all work together to end the suffering. My research has been soul crushing… near debilitating, until it wasn’t. Now — I am relentless, fearless, and ANGRY. May what they have bestowed onto humanity return to them, ten fold. May the wrath of God be upon them.
I had often wondered and have asked many "how did I get "COVID" (or whatever hit me like a mack truck). I got "it" in November 2020. Since July 2020 no one entered my home (I had just moved to Bristol so I knew no one). I entered no one's home. I went into no stores. My human contact was ZERO. BUT I did take a walk (alone) every day and sat on my deck soaking up vitamin D each day. So you can imagine my surprise when I became deathly ill. The hospital was not an option for me because I knew I would never come out alive. A doctor friend prescribed HCQ and Ivermectin, prednisone, zPac, aspirin and NAC. After 3 weeks I had recovered enough to start getting back to normal. I had started trying to research how I got sick. The only conclusion I could make was that something in the environment while out walking or sitting on my deck. So maybe my conclusion is not as far fetched as people thought. I also do not believe it was a virus. I personally believe we were poisoned.
It's all but documented by the perps (Ken Caldera and Bill Gates) themselves that "they" had plans on the drawing board to spray us like bugs with pathogens from tanker jets. Since aerosolized geoengineering using nanoparticulate metals to "cool" the planet had already been normalized-- at least by those who actually look up at the sky every day-- no one thought anything of it, especially the thought that "they" could, and can still, add anything "they" want into the mix and you aren't going to know because "THEY" DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU, never mind that the law is there that says that indeed "they" do. LIARS!!!
Those in power are just people, people do sketchy $#!@ all the time. I don't know why people seem so shocked by the concept that those in power didn't operate by the "rules". 🙄🤦♀️
Yes the social contracts were broken, but really they have been broken ever since people collectively gave their power over to a few, in exchange for "safety".
Likewise, with the 32B dollar annual nanotechnology industries- they have been spraying stuff on the public for 70+yrs under the public safety narrative. Does anyone honestly believe that they haven't been adding stuff into public utilities/products as well?🤨
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Well, fluoride in our water, and no, it shouldn't be there, duhh. And exactly what isn't shocking about spraying you with 20 megatons of nanoparticulate aluminum and gawd-knows-what-else? If this doesn't shock you then you've lost the ability to feel anything. The people doing this are not "just people." BECAUSE NONE OF THEM KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, MAKING THEM WORSE THAN ANIMALS. Duh. Sheeesh. YOU are stupid. Get a clue, dumbass.
I appreciate the reminder, and it may come across as unfeeling but the harsh fact is- we DO NOT have time for "shock", "trauma", "processing". It's been FIVE YEARS since this BS began, and everything is still on the publically available schedule!😐🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
We are being collectively, systematically exterminated.😐
Every single day that these damn shots remain accessible, continue to be given out, people are dying, being permanently injured, and having life years stolen from them. All for profit and because some elitist, meglomaniacs, in their ivory towers, wish to live forever and have decided that the rest of us must die for their own good!
The rest of the insidious and generational premeditated harms inflicted on us in the name of "Public health" over the decades, pale in comparison. So no, I didn't find them shocking revelations, so much as confirmation that yes, it's not a conspiracy theory- your government, my government, knowingly or not, are enabling powerful groups to kill us.
The sooner people get over their shock/trauma on THAT concept, the sooner we can freaking stop it.😐🤨
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
But the people who know are not calling the alarm. Everyone is just talking as though we are still in the 1950's. You are absolutely right - we are being systematically exterminated. That is the plan and many of us knew it. This is what it feels like to be in it - if you don't get to be one of the first round, it will get to you pretty soon too. They are out to meet those UN quotas and 2025 is a big year for loss of life, according to their scheme.
2025 for big loss of life? Wow. Will see
By the way I fully concur with what you say here. There is no time to navel gaze. We will solve our trauma by getting out of this system together!
Wel-l-l-l, fine--You can just speak for yourself, but-- you have Z.E.R.O. right to tell me what my, or any other person's experience is or "should" be. So grow up and behave like a mature adult with an actual imagination. We don't need more narcissists who behave like you own "The Truth" on this planet ;-)
Don't know what you're referring to so you'll have to be more specific. What did I tell you or anyone else to do?
The people that are doing this are "ordinary people", the ones who make the rules don't go delivering the fluoride to the municipalities or putting into the water, they don't fly the planes that release chemical trails. It's the people ourselves doing it to each other. I wish people would wake up to that.
Rules don’t exist to them!
Currently don't 'operate by' rules they themselves have created. What shocks me is the fact that over 22 MILLION people were intentionally murdered by these mentally insane perverts, have found more ways to do it again and still... hmm, crickets...
Yup - “ put virus in cloud “ drift over the enemy. Ken caldera -
Goes back to the little gal at tinker AFB purchasing director. Unmarked boxes received to go on planes .
She spoke up and was threatened by our gov.
Well ; they are all flying through it . Fresh air tubes in those planes .
We truly live in a fish bowl.
I go outside in early morning and it looks like stardust up there . Our atmosphere is saturated with this stuff !!!-
Sneeze and blow Snott every morning .
It’s truly everywhere.
Everyone now has "allergies," never mind outright irritation and POISONING. We got waaay too many stupid people here who never look up, just stare at their spy devices, get loaded on grass, fentanyl, painkillers and whatever, and watch vapid sh!t and porn on the small screen. Yeeeuch.
Burning eyes by end of the day many times. Have to wash them with rinse sprayer . Air purifiers don’t work. My indoor waterfall plugs up within a few days .
Looks like Snott in the distilled water . I believe it’s polymer in the air . Polymer strands on everything in morning and evening sun.
People are sooo dumb they don't even know where to look for information. If they'd actually read at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org they'd actually know that the particulates being sprayed on us are so small that there are no air filters that'll keep 'em out. And how 'bout that weird "fog" all over the U.S., all at once? There are warnings to stay indoors, I'm hearing on YouTube.. Too many chemicals in it. This IS chemical warfare and the perpetrators need to hang!
Geoengineering has many agendas: not just cooling the earth. One is controlling population.
“ bringing the gas chambers to you -“
"...the little gal at tinker AFB purchasing director.." ? WHICH air force base, WHERE? Are you talking about that Megan Somebody who blew the whistle a few years back? There is no such thing as "fresh" air anywhere any more since this aerosolized spraying started 24/7/365. Good luck with your fantasy world, l.o.l.
Tinker AFB in Oklahoma. She was head of purchasing. She spilled the bean on this . Gov threatened to take her kids and commit her to an asylum . I’ll see if I can find her videos.
Thanks much, will look forward to reading, you can DM me here on substack. FYI: Today on NPR's Radio Lab the discussion was about geoengineering, you know, "cooling off" the planet by controlling how much sunlight gets here, etc. I believe they're now starting to try selling it to what's left of the Blue Pilled voting "power base." Yeeeuchh!
This impending snow is scaring me now. If this is true, its such a violation and only serves to prove how helpless we are against "them"
On the flip side, I traveled to the so called "COVID epicenter" with my children in the very height of the propagandemic, April 2020. I did everything I could do to get sick. I never wore a mask except to don those used discarded masks found everywhere in shopping center parking lots. Many said that was suicidal and reckless endangerment of my children, to which I asked why we were not sick or dead two years after the fact. I touched every public object I could including hotel elevator buttons, bannisters, take-out restaurant door handles, cash currencies, etc. without gloves, and without washing my hands ate the food prepared by minimum wage sweating food preparers who wore their required face diapers around their chin. I ate all of my food without utensils using only my unclean hands during my experiment. When I returned home, I met with a friend who was diagnosed with and suffering from the imaginary virus. She warned me to stay away. Instead, I had her cough and sneeze directly into my face. More than two years later my family became sick with "flu" like symptoms. One of my children still has not recovered the sense of smell. Certainly no virus has ever been claimed to take two years to "incubate," so we are left to wonder how we were all eventually poisoned. None of us ever accepted the poison jab. Were we sprayed? Was it EMF? Was it dormant childhood jabs activated by some means? It is unlikely the result of shedding since I spent most of a year around the willfully vaccinated. Still I can't confirm it wasn't shedding because half of the first round of jabs were confirmed to be placebos, though the distribution of them remains non-public information. It is possible that my entire neighborhood received only placebos. By the time we eventually became sick, the sheep had begun getting 2nd doses and some fools as many as five! I'll likely never know for certain the source of our poisoning, but I can confirm with absolute certainty that no matter how grotesquely I tried, I could not catch a virus that allegedly decimated Elmhurst, NY in 2020.
If your story's true and goes exactly as you wrote it above, then maybe you had very high vitamin D levels already so you didn't get sick. I didn't go anywhere, no one came onto my property, but I got sick right away with the pathogen on March 18, 2020. Felt like a bad flu, body aches, headache, and burning lungs with a lot of fatigue, especially on exertion. Took about 2 months to get completely well. I am SURE that the pathogen was delivered by aerosolized spray via the tanker jets that spray whatever into the skies here above the left coast of the U.S. daily. We watched maps that showed new cases of COVID shooting up higher daily. Santa Clara County was the worst hit followed by Alameda and San Francisco counties. It was all over the state, in fact, all over the U.S. in less than a week. Everyone should be asking just how a pathogen could move so swiftly in just five days?
Yes, my story is true, but this wouldn't convince you any more than the truth I wrote in the story, so why lead with "if it's true." Just state your doubt. Spraying is observable here on my side too. It is but one way they poison us, and they've been doing it for decades among other routes. Nobody died in the street, so most deaths can be easily attributed iatrogenically during their regular seasonal detoxification processes. However, the number of hospitalizations did not increase in 2020 indicating any new "disease." Whether poison is delivered by aerosolized stratospheric injection or even concentrated more locally, I find it difficult to believe that vitamin D, though integral to a so called "immune system," prevented my family and I from poisoning in 2020, not my neighbors sharing the same southern Vit D sunshine, and not my family two years later. While in the NY "epicenter" in April 2020, we visited area hospitals to witness what the television called a "war zone" yet the hospitals were nearly empty. We witnessed only ONE ambulance siren for the entire week long stay and search, and only ONE man enter an emergency room. He entered by ambulance stretcher in a panic. The hospitals were exceptionally quiet, and since bodies weren't collected from the gutters, where were all the victims? NY hospitals and funeral homes were instructed to store bodies until there were enough to overwhelm cemetery crews and news agencies could film what looked like an unusually high burial count and appear like the "war zone" they called it. I know this first hand, because it was my mothers medical murder that brought me to NY. My family's multigenerational funeral director confided to me the instructions given by the governor's office. I literally chased the News 12 Long Island news blonde presstitute and cameramen off of the cemetary grounds! I then interviewed a burial crewmember and asked how many burials they had to perform that day. He told me the exact number and it was in the low twenties to my recollection. I asked how many the day before. He said 4! I asked how many on average. 3-5! I called the very next day and they buried 2! There were no more deaths or illnesses than any other year. The entire 2020 event was a coordinated television production. They've been poisoning us for a long time and it eventually gets all of us. Vitamin D won't prevent my poisoning as I suffered the effects of the poisoning two years later, yet same Vit D level. This Christmas eve eve (23rd), my entire family once again took ill, as did several of my neighbors. It hit us hard. No 7-10 day spread and incubation period. All at once. This isn't disease. This isn't any imaginary virus. This is a chemical attack. Certainly we in the tropics do not suffer low Vit D levels.
Maybe chemical, maybe not; take your pick. https://mega.nz/file/9kgXyIbY#AmRykmU_5vv9VtZ411NtGFE5zENUPLiF_PIZRVcw0qA
Add cadmium poisoning to the list (see Mathew Crawford), and why hardly anyone mentions mycoplasma anywhere now? Cf. Donald Scott, Mycoplasma Weaponized, 2016.
I'm not entirelydisagreeing with you, so no need to smash me with bricks ;-)
roflmfao-- hee hee hee!!-- you're behaving like a 20-year-old asshole whose asking for a meetup in a dark alley with about six bros... with baseball bats and broken bottles-- that's where your bullshit karma's taking you. Nobody here needs this. And you don't see it yet but neither do you. So grow up, child. Your karma's on the way ;-)
Tropics? Where? The only part of US with weather like the tropics is Florida Keys.
I agree that the speed of the spread is as suspicious as the whole cursed plan flew about in msm. We all have experienced the pain and suffering induced by our own govs. I hope the solutions evolve as quickly as possible.
Most don’t ask any questions because they just believe what they’re told. You’re probably right. They are evil.
Haslam said in the interview with McCullough that the bat vaccine was designed to be extremely fast and with asymptomatic potential.
Could you please post a source to the info you share that " half of the first round of jabs were placebo?" Im asking because Saha Latypova claims no placebos were ever found among all and any that were examined.
I obtained that information from a table regarding the human trial period during the Emergency Use Authorization supplied online directly from Pfizer, the only manufacturer supplying my neighborhood at the time. My computer was hacked and destroyed before I could preserve everything I had downloaded. I did save many links on other devices, but many of those links were deactivated to please the censorship gods. I can go through them (hundreds if not thousands) and look for it, but it will require time I scarcely have as I am currently preparing for two court cases. The table was publicly released and a trial period was required, so I would think Sasha should be able to request the data directly. I'm curious, by "ever found," is she referring to samples independently tested? That could easily explain her finding. All of the independent laboratory testing I am aware of was to determine the ingredients of the actual "vaccines," and so no placebos would have been uncluded. There is no need to determine placebo ingredients. Did she request the trial data from the manufacturers' initial distributions?
I have a hunch that humans differ with respect to the ability to fight off the poison. There were undoubtedly different manufacturing and handling inconsistencies too.
I suppose anything is possible, but which poison are you considering? None of the people in my written account were jabbed. Not one. Furthermore, all of us got very sick on 12/23/24.
My entire family got sick on 12/23/24 as well. We live in CT -
Craig Paardekooper is a megadata analyst who found that the three vax companies, Murderna, Pfizer and Janssen (now pulled from the market because of clotting dangers) were all rotating their different formulations over a three-months long period. The information I read at the time was that there were 3 formulations: 30 mg, 100 mg and placebo. I don't know where Sasha gets all her information but she also doesn't believe in the existence of viruses. She also is not a scientist but attacks them with great vitriol and vigor, all the time. It's really unprofessional and most likely quite self-defeating because she turns her brand of nasty-nasty onto any and all subscribers with whom she most violently disagrees, hunting them down personally. She really needs to stop it because she's going to get hit with a harassment lawsuit at some point if she can't learn to let s hit roll off her oh-so-sensitive back and keep her nasty premenstrual pre-teen comments out of print.
Craig Paardekooper's website is howbadismybatch.com. His stats are from VAERS & are clearly there to see. The lots varied significantly as did the deaths associated with them.
SSha is correct no virus never been isolated like hiv doesnt exist - ask Dr. Sam & Kaufmann
You don't know where she gets her information? Read what she writes then you will find out.lol.
Oh, I've read The Sasha... plenty, all right....
*Included, not uncluded. It would be nice if substack allowed editing.
Substack does allow editing. I do it all the time. It's the three dots to the right of your posts.
The three dots presents me with "share," "hide," and "delete," no edit. My app is fully updated. I used to have the edit option, but no longer. I don't use a computer. Typing with thumbs.
That's so interesting and I follow Sasha but never heard her say that. Are you referring to only first round? Maybe you could you start a thread in her substack messages. It would be great to hear her clarify that no placebos were found.
I remember I heard her say that in I think two interviews when she was asked about it. I don't remember which one. I watched many if not all interviews she had given. I doubt she was refering to " first round". I think she meant overall.
I think you can ask her thru messages here on Ss. I didn't take it so I don't really care.
I think howsecureismybatch.com revealed that some of the vaccines distributed haven't given any sort of symptoms to those being vaccinated. If this was a bioweapon, it would make sense to cover tracks of the distributors making some people believe what they felt: they felt great, nothing happened to them and they never got sick. That way perpetrators might have gotten many advocates for their cause. True advocates mean much more than fake actors playing a role, don't they?
("Innocent 'til proven guilty" is why I'm careful, is it an old, unnecessary idea?)
Yes i saw lists of strength ratings of batches and placebo was zero
Wow, that’s all eye opening. Unvaccinated I caught Covid from my triple Pfizer vaccinated husband. My Dr thought I needed to be vaccinated to protect him. Duh. 🙄
Hi, Aneette. There is no "COVID" to "catch," so whatever made you ill had to be caused by toxicity (a broad general term). That could have been one or many things. Shedding is a real process. Perspiration is a form of shedding, as is the electrical field we emit, and more. It is may be that shedding is a signal for others to begin detoxifying—what we call illness—which is really a healing process. It seems unlikely to me that your husband shed his vaccine and you acquired something that made you ill. There are no viruses, so at best he would have had to shed a chemical toxin. People are exposed to copious amounts of chemical toxins every day in the air, in their food and drink, in their personal hygiene products, in the water they bathe with, in their household cleaning products, through a simple stroll down the cleaning supplies isle in their grocery store (notice what you are smelling next time you do this), and emf radiation in and around their homes. It is unlikey that you would have become ill from an insignificant amount of something shed by your husband other than a signal for you to begin detoxifying from all of the above listed accumulations. If this is the case, you are now healthier for it. Your husband received three injections, obviously not in the same day. Did his first one make you ill? His second? If it was his third, why not the other two? Did you become ill after each of them, and how soon after his injections? We know from the Rosenau experiments in 1919 and hundreds of other disease transmission studies that sick people do not make healthy people sick. In these studies, the sick individuals were thought to be made ill via microbial pathogens, however they were most likely poisoned, and regardless of the cause it could not be passed to any of the healthy test subjects. Your greatest concern should be your husband's health and detoxifying him from all the poisons he injected into himself before he realizes the catastrophic potential. At worst, his shedding of a chemical could only have been a contributing factor to your detoxification process, and the hundreds of disease transmission studies strongly suggest not. I pray your husband clears himself of his terrible mistake and his eyes are safely opened.
My husband had 3 Pfizer vax at their recommended sequence of time. Two years later he passed from a turbo cancer 10 days after diagnosis. I blame Pfizer and the entire group of Covid associated deceptions for his murder, yes murder. Whatever caused my illness is irrelevant now. I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to me though. Thanks.
Dear God, I am so sorry to hear that. He was indeed murdered, and I pray for justice. May you find peace in these insane genocidal times.
Peace is hard to find, I’m working on it. Revenge seems more appropriate…..a firing squad is sufficient but the lineup might be too long. The list of Covid scammers continues to grow.
There are lists of batch numbers and distribution locations for the cv19 poison, i viewed these way back, but were not readily available. It was muted that you can request the batch number from your doctor, who was maybe recording all pharma received as usual
They were written on your vaccination card.
What is your blood type?
O positive
I'd rather not say, but there are several other people in my written account with differing blood types. Please, list your thoughts.
My question is always: Since "they" breathe the same air as us 8 billion or so serfs & plebs, surely an "antidote" exists?
They live underground and are mostly ageless soulless clones
Same here! My husband, my son and I hadn’t been around anyone. I have really wondered since then if it could have been sprayed in chemtrails. Everyone said it would become inactive before it got to the ground. I guess drones make better sense now.
Evil seems to be everywhere!
Remember that God’s everywhere to! He’s just letting this drama play out to open people’s eyes to sin and evil so they will turn to Him. The true source of peace, joy and love! If it wasn’t for Jesus they would have destroyed us by now.
so strange...I was very sick following the 2020 Flu shot, about the same time. Refused all shots going forward after being told I had Covid instead of an adverse Flu shot reaction...
Interesting. Not only covid but the chemtrails contained something this summer that changed the pH in my swimming pool from a normal (last 6 years) of 7.6 to something less than 5.0, not to mention many of the private gardens in my area failed.
Interesting, my and others’ gardens didn’t do well this year.
Lockheed-Martin/Raytheon have been spraying the world skies for 75+ years, Barium, Strontium, Aluminum, Nano Polymers, Surfactant, Graphene...found in every drop of rain, soil, snow and animal life, including humans world wide
1949-1969 US Army conducted many 'fog' experiments on the 'uninformed' citizens of the US
LBJ stated in 1963 to Texas State College grad class, 'he who controls the weather will control the world'
1947, US military dropped 100 lbs of dry-ice into the eye of a hurricane, it intensified and changed direction within a few hours......how far have they come since then?
Fact is, they (the so called elite) want the world population down to 500 million
Deagle Report in 2018....the US population will be less than 100 million by the end of 2025.
Does ANYONE REALLY think the government is wanting to 'HELP' people???
The Covid tests helped spread it.
I lean towards agreeing with you Karen. While my wife and I got sick just after going to RFK Jr/Children's Health Defense Stop the Mandates rally, i had been to other protest actions without getting sick. Our experience matched the length you described and I saw planes and helicopters going over the rally which could have dropped something in the air on the rally. HCQ and Zinc seemed our best med, but also Ivermectin and vit D etc, got us over it after about 3 weeks. For more on history up to 2022, see my film Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics, free on Tubi and other places.
It's both, Darlin'. And it's 5G, and/or 5G worsening nanotech construction in our "petri-dish" / "guinea-pig" bodies that they also infested with via aerosol and aerial spraying, and the "vaccines", as well as via "vaccine" shedding. To the Ashkenazim globalists, we're all nothing but animals who should be eradicated (even though they are far worse; besides, to them we supposedly don't have any free will and freedom of choice, and that they are gods, playing God, who have the "duty" to decide who lives and who dies, and have long been convinced that most or all of humanity "has to go", thus they are carrying out the beginning of their mass-extermination program, at minimum a crime against humanity).
Welcome to the Monkey House! When the evil PsTB say that they're supposedly "inoculating" us (against our will), they are speaking "double-speak", and mean the exact opposite, exterminating us. We're all considered "pests", "dumb-stupid animals", and "useless eaters", etc. The people who had six million Jews, and "Jews" (see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9), eradicated, have expanded their program and expedited their timeline to kill us or make us extremely ill, or both in reverse order.
Remember the song? "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I (DON'T) feel fine..."! But the PsTB have successfully gotten most people to believe they shouldn't worry about any of the things going on, or worry about standing up against them. "Blocks", or "firewalls", have been installed in their brains, so they have no room for independent thought,, except only about mundane or inconsequential things, no room for facing that they're neck-deep, actually drowning, in a control matrix that has made them slaves, and usurped their birthright of 'Life, Liberty and (the Pursuit of) Happiness', making them satisfied with being part of the blind collective, and no room for fulfilling their duty(ies) to stand up against the elimination of our human and civil rights, thus helping to save not only themselves and their own, but other people as well.
Many of the slaves are well compensated, giving them even more of a false sense of security, sightless and/or willfully-ignorant of the apocalypse riding in on a false "white horse" and "inoculating" us to our deaths; because, you know the LIE, all air-breathing lifeforms on planet Earth, and then some, are breathing out "too much" carbon dioxide, so "keep your blinders on and enjoy the ride; if you don't make it, we will be sorry for your loss". Wanna buy some swampland, anyone? That's how successfully we've been indoctrinated and conditioned all our lives to accept the matrix fantasy world, run by Satan and his minions, without our even knowing it. A whirlpool is sucking us down into a black hole.
Wolfe, on 4/20/23, the 5G release date, in the wee hours people broke into my home in Canandaigua, rendered me unconscious & put chips in my body, as they did in the Victor Macy's dressing room 3/4/23. They don't even need to put the chips anymore, but they made a grandmama of an experimental TI out of me. Paid stalkers, contributing LE, aerial spraying just by me, continual torturous EMF's. I'm not even a grandmother, but I wish for that even though my grands will likely have blue green blood and be mind controlled borgs, as you speak the truth. The Cabal operates out of Hollywood Hills, mind controlling powers at the Army etc to push buttons at Schriever & Peterson.
So sad to read all that in one note. Yikes. 😮
Vitamin = rat poison. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent
Ivermectin, more poison. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-population-control
Contagion is a lie: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-contagion
Wow, Karen!!! I just learned this about you. God bliss you can attest to this. The Govenor of Tennessee ought to know this since he banned the geoengineering trails.
Hi Karen, just a question. I know you said you are getting plenty of sun and you’re taking vitamin D 3 supplements but did you measure your levels of vitamin D3 in your blood just curious.
Could’ve been a reaction to EMF, maybe you already have parasites… Most humans do… And they just increase the EMF and you just got sick
"Most humans" do NOT have parasites. Sheeesh. And not every single one of us is EMF super-sensitive.
It’s because it is radiation poisoning from the newest 5G frequency, at the time. We have 6G now. Havana Syndrome is from weaponized direct frequencies, radiation of horrendous effects.
Wonder if the spraying is why they were testing water & sewer samples?
This ceased being funny long ago. With the drone activity releasing something recently in NJ, and Hotez's warning about everything dropping on Trump the 21st of Jan, I have to wonder if we are in an incubation period. I am not amused.
UPDATE- Hotez specified Jan 21st. Is this where "they" fire up the 5G? Asking for a friend.
Exactly what I think. I think they are spraying non replicating infectious clones now for bird flu..the lab patented kind.
Great minds think alike. On to the fight! Remember your ivermectin hcq and natural remedies stay sharp observant and non compliant...
When you say "they" you mean the DOD or some other entity?
The entire octopus..Dod, darpa, barda. Dtra....it's all one parasitical organism
Okay, sooo.. why in He'll did "they" pick another RNA virus pattern to hit us with, when they already know that we've learned we can treat these with with hcq, ivm and neutraceuticals?
Because most people don't know or don't believe. I live in a solid blue state so my view is from that. I am the only unjabbed person I know of.
Money and power.
Why the Hell didn't m An G i one scope out Hotez, or Fraudchi, or Baric, or Dazsak, or Kadlac? Woulda done society a helluva lot more good, l.o.l.
I, for one, really want our Constitutional governing system, based in Rule of Law, to function and serve justice in this entire universe of pfuckery we’ve seen in the last four years. It’s possible. Reserving opinion on the likelihood.
It’s a long way from over.
That requires honest brave people, not parchment, especially parchment with a fraudulently and systematically enforced 14th amendment by dishonest shadow cowards who pay everyone handsomely to wear jackboots.
Well, realistically, that's the only way the pfuckery's going to stop.We HAVE laws, they just need to be enforced. Yes, it's going to be an uphill battle and we have to keep going! It will take more than one 4-year admin to change the culture.
Might get to that point. But they are heavily protected no. Fraudster has gotten paid for security. Why? He should be made to pay for it himself not the taxpayers....hey Elon and vivid can we reduce the waste by shifting the cost? Just saying...
Maybe. But, then again, if you KNOW its coming,get prepared. IVM, abx and supplements on board NOW. Extra food stuff, dried eggs and milk powder, canned meats and veggies/fruits. Just remember, its all in baby to kill you. And only YOU can avoid it, and try to beat it. They can't stop you from trying. And they can't help but warn you. H5N1, the monkey pox, the measles what ever else they have cobbled together... all those immune deficient folks with 2x 3x jabs? Toast. Not to mention the cancer wave. Alcohol is bad they say, causes cancer. Hum.. and somewhere I thought I heard they didn't like alcohol because it interfered with the nano tech... not sure about it, but I always wonder why the war on tobacco and alcohol? Could it be they help you not harm you?
I read early on in Covid that smokers were not getting the WuFlu - I smoke, organic loose leaf tobacco with no additives. I have read it again recently, I think it was even on Coffee&Covid that he said smoke 'em if you got 'em - or perhaps it was Chris Bray. Regardless, I got it once early on, daughter brought it to us in June 2020 and it was a cold only with the exception of losing taste and smell for about 3-4 months. I am unjabbed, not so the rest of my family. I am waiting for the ax to fall on them.
On another note, early on no one was able to get ahold of the vials of the Jab, they were very protective of them (from much of what I read at that time) so there is the speculation of distributing three different formulas of the Pfizer - one with basically nothing in it, another with some of the magic ingredients and third with a fuck ton of the magic ingredients. I have been watching How Bad Is My Batch since almost the beginning.
I get the feeling we are doomed. If not for God I would be lost in the wilderness of all of this.
What I have seen are videos of “things in the air” “dispensing” visible “material of some nature”. Drones and spraying were terms used in the video that I have no way of confirming. What I “know” is “they” have murdered millions with engineered bioweapons that “they” have had under development for decades. I have every reason to expect “they” will continue with what I absolutely believe is a long since publicly agreed upon policy of genocide.
Agreed. People are blind to it all!
If you read this carefully, you’ll see that instead of coding mRNA to make a protein that takes a couple of weeks for antibodies to be made against it, they are also coding the mRNA to directly make antibodies. The thought is that by coding for both, you get immediate production of antibodies as a countermeasure, called “gene encoded antibody treatment”, and you get long term immune boosting because you will also be instructing your cells to make proteins for a very long time.
This idea is rife with dangers. First, cytotoxic T-cells will destroy the cells that are making these proteins, no matter what the protein is, even if it is supposedly a “protective” antibody protein. This will always result in tissue loss and pathology. Second, there is potential for the immune system to build antibodies against the mRNA coded antibodies, so you end up having the immune system battling itself. Third, partial protein production due to the frame shifts during protein translation from pseudouridines inserted into the mRNA will result in autoimmune issues. Fourth, long term exposure to the same antigen as coded for in the mRNA will result in an IgG shift where the antibodies will no longer attach to the protein antigens. This means the protein antigens will attach to cellular receptors, causing an exacerbated destructive and inflammatory immune response, sometimes called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). Fifth, the delivery system will most likely be a benign lipid nanoparticle that contains dozens of smaller proprietary and toxic mRNA containing lipid nanoparticles that build up in tissues over time after releasing their mRNA. Sixth, because of the ease and cost effectiveness of using DNA plasmids to make the mRNA, there will be DNA contamination that can lead to cancerous cell lines. https://rumble.com/v5vxd3k-the-clear-and-present-danger-of-all-mrna-shots.html
Hope to get back to Florida someday & shake your hand.
Thank you for the article, Jon. I knew something was amiss when three of my herd were infected with a flesh eating cancer, which effected the genitals. What a bunch of fooking idiots! They need to deploy this crap over the island of their "own", gather together, hold hands, look up and prepare themselves to meet their maker.
All of these evil demons who perpetrated this horror onto humanity, need to be gathered up and put on their own island, justas you said. And let them starve to death or eat each other. How can they be so stupid to think that if they are spraying aerosol that it will not affect them? If it’s in the air, it’s everywhere. It will affect them as well. The only answer I have for this is that these people are demons they have allowed themselves to be possessed by pure evil.
do they have an antidote for themselves and their ilk?
One has to wonder. Because they too will be affected by their poisoning.
That is true.
That Covid 19 spread so fast, even in sparsely populated and seldom travelled areas like Alaska, was suspicious and made me wonder if it wasn't sprayed worldwide by air.
Populations everywhere need to wake up to the fact that the world is controlled by sociopaths and psychopaths, who look at us, the people, as a rancher looks at livestock in the best scenario, and as an exterminator looks at bugs in the worst cases.
This is not a comfortable thought, but we all need to develop the courage to face reality.
As “forked” as it appears to be, there is no doubt here. Another observation of mine, has been seeing aircraft flying and dispensing some type of substance into the airspace. That specific set of time was back when they mentioned spraying a “cleansing” solution and that everyone was ORDERED to stay indoors except for extreme cases of emergency. I went out to the porch everyday several times. When they announced staying indoors by mandate, they were also flying overhead with their “solutions.”
It does not surprise me in the least. Expecting the very worst of our overlords is a sure bet, these individuals are criminally insane.
There is no COVID vaccine because there is no COVID. They're spreading poison.
I am sure they are going about it several ways. I always believe that they did it with the 2019 senior extra strength flu shot they gave out in the fall right before 2020. I tried to figure out the adjuvant in the extra strength senior shot. It was a huge rabbit hole. Shedding from vaccines seems plausible to me and probably the easiest way to distribute it.
I have friends who were telling me about being around vaxxed who they said they could tell are shedding after vaccination and they'd say they had Covid symptoms after being exposed to the spike protein. It's a thing. Pierre Kory even did a 7-part posting on his substack on this verified phenomenon. Check it out.
I concur with your belief that there was "something" -- a toxin/poison -- that was put into the seasonal flu vaccines for 2019. I was poisoned in January 2020 when, after visiting my daughter in the hospital for the better part of 3 days, I became VERY ill with a VERY BAD flu -- the worst I've EVER had! -- that I never fully recovered from; and I still have lingering symptoms of "long covid". Upon telling this to other people I knew and asking questions, I discovered that MOST of those same people reported the SAME severe flu symptoms, using the same words to describe what they suffered: "I felt I was hit by a semi truck/freight train..."; "I couldn't breathe/was being suffocated due to the thick unstoppable mucus..."; "it was the WORST flu EVER!"; "the whole family got it", etc. And these people lived in different areas of the country and were not just local to where I lived.
So how did so many people get sick with a "flu" in the 2019/2020 winter BEFORE the "pandemic" was declared, which manifested and presented with symptoms that were the same as those later reported to be symptoms attributed to "COVID/SARS2"? It had to have been nanoparticles in the flu shots, I intuited, which then spread to others who didn't get the shots. Then, just recently I read where Donald Trump signed an order for vaccine research/development in September 2019, and my intuition told me "that was probably the "legal" order for the *toxin* to be placed in the flu shots to get the pandemic started." I don't know for sure, of course, but my spidey-sense says it's the most likely explanation.
Edited to add the link for "Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health" https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-modernizing-influenza-vaccines-united-states-promote-national-security-public-health/
Trump signed that.
Several means, is definitely the most plausible- because of their outrageous need to follow through to the end with their evil plans. I myself became very ill, just before Christmas 2019! I was the last of four family members who were living together. My brother and Mom- both deceased, were the first to catch it, then my son and myself. The terrible thing is that Mom and brother both, never truly recovered well and passed on two years later. Before we all became ill in 2019, my brother was given a shot for “shingles,” which became increasingly painful on his upper arm. I also became sick two more times, once in December 2020, then February 2021. No holy days for us in good health for four years. I hope that these horrible acts of violence were not the absolute cause of my family’s losses. I pray to never allow hatred to overcome.
That 2019 Flu shot has been high on my leading suspect list since early 2020. Earliest reports as the Wuhan Virus (when was still reported as) were a disproportionately higher percentage of that year's flu vaxxed hospitalized or died. I remember them in real time. But didn't save then and can't seem to find them now...largely scrubbed but surely kept by others who did save.
I did go and research those 2019 flu jabs that could have precipitated the entire pandemic. And we know that vaccines shed, especially the live-attenuated types that were used in the 2019-2020 flu season design, so one didn't need to receive the flu shot that year to have gotten very sick from it. And the 2019 flu jab used a known severe H3N2 variant that was hotly debated about its inclusion in the quadrivalent because it was known to be very severe.
- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:
"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.
Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.
To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"
“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"
"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"
“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"
- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:
"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."
- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:
There's a lot of reasons this is the most plausible conduit/facilitator of the opening salvo in the pandemic. After those 2019-2020 flu season vaccines took out who they were going to take out the rest of the pandemic was kept alive by phony case numbers and redefining disease...until OWS got it to the main event.
I don't believe in coincidences. That relatively little bit of biological attack paired with military/industrial behavioral science psychological "nudge" propaganda of "fear amplification" aka "terrorism" fits the culprit of a bioterror attack on the people of the world by their governments engaging in "public-private partnerships" to most effectively and efficiently help the government's achieve their public policy implementation. And those Big Government-Big Pharma-Big Media partnerships really helped themselves to achieving their public policies.
Worst flu I’ve ever had started in July 2019, lasted 3 weeks and came back 2 more times for 3 weeks each time. Mucas so thick. Now I’m going to ask my doctor if I got flu shot in March of ‘19.
I am sorry for your loss . Several of my friends and family all got sick 2019 Nov-Dec. it was nasty stuff. I agree on the
You reminded me!!!! In the year prior to Covid. My employer forced all non clinical business employees to get the seasonal flu shot!! People were furious. I had forgotten. It was bizarre but it all makes sense now.
Just curious: who was your employer?
Tigers at a sanctuary died from bird flu. I think the evil people created that virus too.
If you've read the Wuhan cover up by Bobby Kennedy, it supports anything shady that we're experiencing now. Goes back in time regarding experiments on US citizens by the government.
Did so-called “bird flu” kill the tigers? Or did a PCR test pop a phony positive resulting in someone deciding to euthanize the tigers? Y’know, to “stop the spread.” As far as I can see, millions of animals are being slaughtered in this God’s-creation-hating “protocol.” All under the pretense of public health.
It’s difficult not to see the truth in these matters when they’re making it all so obvious. Diversions and divisions are part of their malicious existence. But they are committing direct criminal acts while deploying others. We do need to stay vigilant.
Very good digging Jessica. Here’s the thing with spraying: It doesn’t work as good as injecting. The natural immunity of humans is so good that the spraying (since post WW2) doesn’t accomplish the goals of the transhumanist Malthusians of the NWO.
It’s kinda like a heroin addict smoking heroin..it typically won’t o.d. them, but injecting too much can. That’s the best comparison for how they may dust us like crazy, but their real true blue desire is to inject us.
None of the germ theory/virus/spike protein stuff is legit at all! It is smoke and mirrors. What chemicals are they spraying on people? You're selling TWC Wellness Kits? Yeah. No. Show me in any of the stuff you found where there was an actual virus or spike protein isolated and what the process was to show that? There are no viruses. There is no spike protein. There is no gain of function. Stop with the fear porn germ theory nonsense!
That's not what Hollywood tells me!
Anyone have hard, fast numbers on "Covid Deaths" once we subtract out the various hospital/nursing home barbarism and impacts of death causing prism of lockdowns and at-home deaths and neglect of elderly and disabled and false attribution and...???
I believe that number is right around zero.
Oh and how did all this "spread" happen on the very day the WHO declared "pandemic?"
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last four flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat. "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity. We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round.
Of course. Gotta sell those kits. You have no soul.
If you do not fear the sociopaths and psychopaths who control and run the world, you have no mind. Fear calls people to action, to fight or to flee. Denying fear is not a good option.
Thank you for that dissertation. What he is stating in his piece is not fact and does nothing but confuse people with half truths and makes them buy into the germ theory fear porn tactics of selling big pharma products. That is not a smart tactic to get people to do anything other than buy those expensive kits that don't do anything beneficial because they are made by said psychopaths. Gotta get those big pharma meds in people somehow I guess. What is the difference between a big pharma vaccine and big pharma pills? Nothing. They both do damage to your gut microbiome which is the center for your immune system and second brain (if you have one at all). You do you. Buy into the fear. Literally. And viruses and spike proteins don't exist. Over and out.
Fear also opens door to demonic control posession...fear drove ppl to want to put
You are doing a sterling job and I understand why you've connected these dots. Suspend you BELIEF in "contagious, pathogenic viruses" and consider the old definition of the word "virus" to mean poison. Now visualize what you have put down.
I believe AI is being used to create EMF-receptive TOXINS (poisons). Thus far the "Spike Protein" (poison) (designed for the Jab) is viewed as probably having a link to both Anthrax and Snake Venom along with having Moderna's SYNTHETIC furin clever and HIV gp120 COMPUTER Sequence. We hardly have ACE-2 receptors in the lungs. 5G (6G) could be used to change the shape of this toxin i.e. blamed on an "Invisible virus". The new toxin's shape could be far more problematic to the jab recipients, but yes there could also be aerosolized attacks.
The RT-PCR test was a JOKE i.e. all the "experts" within the Health Freedom Movement i.e. Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCollough, Dr. Ryan Cole, etc. etc. ALL BELIEVED A LIE. Yes! many of them FOOLISHLY also Received the Jab of Pharmakeia.
"Immunization" is NOT HAPPENING, Toxification coupled with Graphene and Parasites is. Oh! I believe Dr. Richard Fleming also accepted that the elderly should RECEIVE the toxic shit and FALSELY claimed to have "Isolated" 30,000 "SARS-CoV-2 viruses" and performed Koch's postulates - YES! I am calling him a LIAR :) Gee! silly old me calling such a great man a LIAR. It may have been out of ignorance, but still. If one does not Listen to what those who oppose one says, then you are not taking "Science" seriously. All the HFM's experts show cognitive dissonance symptoms when talking about their BELIEVE in the "Invisible Fear thy Neighbour's virus" :)
Why drones? If this thing is self-spreading, just leave a spoonful here and there and wait… Completely unnoticed. Or flush into the waterlines, undetectable. Then direct the great cash flow from drone support programs to relevant pockets.
Why write about the use of drones and use them? Unnecessary risk of exposure, completely against all military doctrines.
How do we know that FOIA documents are true and depict the actual developments? Just because they were provided on FOIA requests? What if there are multiple special departments whose only purpose is to create and distribute fake documents intended specifically for this purpose? Accountants run double books for much lower financial benefits, why not here?
Also, there is the handy “contagion emergency kit” with four small doses of products that “you need for the next pandemic” (bold in the original). Does it mean that the supplier of this kit KNOWS what will be the next pandemic and KNOWS that it will be tailored to these four small samples?
Ivm hcq nebulizer abx doxy Zithromax supplement vit d3 lots of vit c chlorine dioxide you are good 👍 to go
I wish I could say I’m surprised. I have taken unbelievable out of my dictionary.
Replaced with "incroyable" up here in Canuckistan.
Well, "They" told us what "they" were up to when geoengineer Ken Caldera became arch-eugenicist and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates' "greatest teacher." Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org has a link to an interview somewhere on his website in which Caldera is explaining to the interviewer how the employees at Lawrence Livermore in southern Alameda county, CA, were sitting around discussing how to kill "the enemy," including spraying pathogens into clouds and then let it rain out over "the enemy." And it's common knowledge that unmanned flight was perfected in the 1970s. You have geoengineer David Keith (now at Harvard University) explaining how cheap it is to spray megatons of nanoparticulate aluminum all over the planet to "cool" it off-- never mind what else could be added to the mix.. like, spike proteins, ya think--? Then you get all these "brilliant" commenters going on about how "the pilots" of the tanker planes very visibly spraying this crap on us every single day are "leaking" their "stories..." Yeah.. suuuure... Okay that's just more lies. You can bet your bottom dollar that whole fleets of tanker jets are being operated remotely from some shack in the Nevada desert near Fallon, by female military personnel, no less. That is who's committing our drone warfare these days, l.o.l.
I know Fallon: A shithole between Wintermucka & Reno.
"The Oasis of Nevada".
Makes perfect sense.
Well, hands down they grow The Best melons out there, l.o.l., and then there's all the military stuff that goes on there, including all that experimental air craft research if you get my drift ;-)
According to many in the anti-covid audience, there are no such things as "viruses". O'righty then. How can these engineering teams and scumbag researchers sell their products to DARPA and other operative agencies? Easy. They lie and lie and lie, and they're PAID to lie. To date: No arrests have been made or reported in any affected country...
"Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a Trout in the milk"
- Henry David Thoreau - (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862)
The documents you’ve provided, specifically… the GAO analysis of Federal Aviation Administration / Fiscal Year 2019 Implementation Plan (GAO-20-136): Under the ‘Potential Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Capabilities’ — It specifies “Operations Over People at Night” — Proposed Rule Issued in February 2019.
To preface, I love the night skies… often up with the owls. Here are two incidents I recorded just before, and a few months after they declared a ‘Plandemic’:
Tiny Bubbles: Columbia Station, Ohio / September of 2019
Late one night, looking out into the darkness, there appeared to be a large fox in the yard. My brother-in-law, a retired Air Force Veteran, and United Airlines Pilot, grabbed a high beam flashlight and we went out to look around. The flashlight he had was amazing. After we had looked around we stood there talking about the power of the flashlight. As he pointed it around, I said look… what is that? There were thousands of little tiny tiny bubbles in the air — EVERYWHERE. He pointed the flashlight in all directions… they were all around us. I put my hand through them to see if I could feel anything… nothing, not the slightest bit of moisture… and they swirled around in the air when I did that.
My brother-in-law said… “I’ve never seen anything like it, not in all my years in the Air Force; not in all my years flying.”
Tiny Red Lights: Upstate NY / September of 2020
One night about 11PM I was out looking at the beautiful dark blue sky and all the stars... when I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were hundreds of little red lights flashing in formation in double lines crisscrossing the sky. My camera wasn't able to catch this unreal sight. They were heading across the sky from the North heading West. I started to count them when more and more kept appearing.... there were hundreds - if not thousands of them. At first there was a double line of them... then another appeared - crisscrossing, forming a double X in the sky - heading in the opposite direction… it continued - lines and lines of them until the sky was full of them; everywhere, in every direction I looked.
I began researching. Without question, they were drones… hundreds, if not thousands of them.
They’ve been spraying us like bugs. For how long is the question. The misery and destruction they have bestowed on humanity — all of humanity — must end. The torturous experiments they inflict onto helpless animals — WE should be outraged. I do what I can every time I can; if only WE could all work together to end the suffering. My research has been soul crushing… near debilitating, until it wasn’t. Now — I am relentless, fearless, and ANGRY. May what they have bestowed onto humanity return to them, ten fold. May the wrath of God be upon them.