Extremely disturbing.

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How come people like him are not indicted and prosecuted?

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Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research (unwittingly) helped solve the origins of Covid


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Well said Andrew Hewett!!

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I cant understand why this reasearch reasearch are not getting areested for to play with high potencial risk viruses and are allowed making them more dangerous.this is the most evil,and the government is involved,otherwise this researcher terrorist would be behind Bars.because its terrorrism to the society what they are doing.

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These people are insane.

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the only problem though is that the body doesn't work like that i.e. we do not spread contagious viruses to each other - this is pseudoscience. They fund these labs so they can blame them for the fictitious "Lab Leak" and then everyone can believe that it's now the "people" who are "manufacturing" their "gain-of-function" computer sequence to each other, while they actually use EMFs coupled with jab ingredients and other toxics to create the diseases they endlessly will blame on humans being the "contagious cause of" ... this is all a wonderful LIE.

A collection of Articles showcasing the "No Virus" Perspective


Create a "Virus Hypothesis" Ideology, gain Control over Global Health Agencies & Implement Medical Tyranny using Laws founded on pseudo-Science.


Electromagnetic Programable Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) & Bio-Synthetic Life Forms (Spike Glycol-Proteins) - Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea


Introduction to the Pharmakeia Deception - Part 1 - The Problem


There's more, but that says enough ...

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There is contagion. Fortunately, most of it is completely asymptomatic. We exchange genetic information between us all the time. The presence of genetic information inside of us that does not match the human genome or any part of it is detectable, measurable, and repeatable. The presence of the unique genetic information does not correlate with disease, and that’s a fact. So, we have the ongoing terrain vs germ theory. Terrain is the key, but it does not deny the existence of viruses. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/do-viruses-exist

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Well said

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I have supplied enough information ... too much for most, but it verifies what I'm putting down, plus I have links to anything additionally I've added regarding before people received the synthetic "China" spike-glycol-protein" and what is occurring now that they have received this computer/AI orientated sequence. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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It’s a known fact that women, who spend significant time together, synchronize their menstrual cycles. When a large portion of the public's women have their cycles dysregulated through receiving a eugenic (sterilizing) focused “immunizer", this would naturally create a menstrual dysregulation impact on all menstruating women. Women having a "period" do not detox each other's old blood, they rid their own i.e. this sync could be classified as an enzyme signal or body language i.e. our subconscious is a million times more powerful than our conscious mind. Synchronized detox is based on the state of one's own health i.e. healthy people either don't need to detox or recover faster. A person can build a resistance to exposure to a specific toxin ... this goes into hormesis science, an "unacknowledged" science relating to dosage optimization. It's fundamentally used but unacknowledged. It's detrimental to public health to not have hormesis science openly represented and transparently incorporated into medical practice.

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Contagion has not been proven, so how can you say there is contagion? Asymptomatic is a made-up word for "not sick", yet a healthy person, based on a test, is believed to have the "invisible virus" (TRIPE). Koch's Postulate has not been established thus viruses have never been proven to cause an associated disease and any isolation that has ever been done has never followed the Scientific Method i.e. no proof of existence. We can get exposed to synthetic amino acid "sequences" through water, air, food, and even Electromagnetic frequencies, which can create a "positive sequence" not to mention that if the "sequencing process" uses a template sequence it's working off. the "sequence" WILL be discovered in anyone, regardless if they are perfectly healthy or not i.e. you can call them "Asymptomatic" and keep selling the BS - this Dr. Stephan Lanka has proven.

Currently, the real Control Studies that virologists IGNORE are being done and are proving that there is NO PROOF of a "Virus". Terrain is key, Virology DENIES the existence of viruses. Mike Stone has pretty much gone through every "virus isolation study" and found gaping errors, and fallacies within the methodology used to claim the particle "discovered" (created) has qualities an imaginary evolving fairytale story says it does. Repeating "Asymptomatic" jargon because the "Vaxsin Herd Immunity" Con Artists (WHO) use it in their con story doesn't make it true. This false-speak keeps people thinking they are clever enough to "understand" aspects to virology i.e. fabricated "science". All vaxsins are POINTLESS other than ensuring greater profit for Pharma. You can't prove a single virus exists, you can BELIEVE it does (Ideology), you can REPEAT what you BELIEVE (propaganda), but you can not say that any virus was proven to exist. Those articles I sent you show the "genetic sequencing" Scam of Illumina and more likely UNC Chapelhill had a hand. Karen Kingston thinks the "Spike Protein" sequence could have been generated using AI. AI would have been wrongly informed that specific "sequences" resulted in disease i.e. were viruses - this is less important to the idea that this "Spike Protein" can shapeshift in reaction to EMF pulses.

They used the Wuhan Market around the corner from the Wuhan Lab story so they could eventually move to getting people to believe in "gain of function viruses", but not before the FDA ignored looking into issues with the sequence China emailed, They ignored investigating the sequence and did zero toxicological studies. A protein directed at the US Military and Members of parliament... seriously? Why did no one in "Intelligence" alert the FDA of this ... they did, but were deliberately called "Conspiracy Theorists" i.e. Nobel Prize winner (con) Prof. Luc Montagnier. He recognized the COMPUTER sequence associated with the particle claimed to represent a "virus" called HIV. Undoing all the garbage is not easy, because so much more new garbage has been added i.e. Anti-body Dependant Enhancement, Pathogenic Priming, etc. One would have thought that the doctors who believe the "virus" BULLSHIT surrounding Trump would have known Trump had gained the alleged "Natural Immunity" and shouldn't take the China "Spike Glycol Protein" experiment ... no? let alone Receive an acknowledged 3 without any testing done on the new production of product i.e. untested coupled with no testing on receiving additional boosters to a garbage Relative Reduction CON jab? REALLY i could go on and on.

Both Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCollough sound like they have never bothered to investigate the process of virus isolation... nearly every single person who knows the "Virus Lingo" within the HFM knows next to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "virus isolation science" ... why is that? Is it LAZY or is it Cognitive Dissonance i.e. BRAINWASHED? If one claims to stand on the side of "Truth" then following the "Scientific Method" is very important and when others show that creating "sequences" from biological debris and then using templates of sequences to qualify new genetic sequences etc. is NOT really proof of "virology", then it's either time to debate this or concede... the Health Freedom Movement thus far have IGNORED the No-Virus Challengers challenge. They should know better, after all this is a Pharmakeia TACTIC i.e. ignore Scientific debate.

This is my RT-PCR link showing the x45 cycled test showed ZERO people "contracted the invisible virus" during 2020

Was it an RT-PCR PLANdemic?


I believe CHD did an article on 5G increasing the absorption of toxins. Glyphosate reduces the body's ability to absorb Vitamin D. Vitamin D turns to Vitamin D -hormone after 2 days. Chlorine Dioxide Solution removes Glyphosate from the body. CDS was the first cure for "CvD", and another "cure" for the novel detox was the Vitamin D hormone and small quantities of Lithium. Vitamin D hormone powers up the ATP of the self-cleaning cells i.e. making annual detoxing easier i.e. less novel. This I have all the links to too. Graphene Oxide is a conductor of Electromagnetic Frequencies. It was found in masks, medications, cereals, etc. This would have helped ensure greater quantities of toxin absorption were experienced i.e. it's not only Glyphosate. The Lipid Nanoparticle Hydrogel used in the jabs can also be aerosolized i.e. dropped from "China balloons" and one of the 4 layers of the Hydrogel is Graphene i.e. ensuring increased radioactivity within the jab recipient. A mixed bag of good that given the "right" frequency could spell harm for many people. But let's EVERYONE keep focused on the Invisible Virus and the clever story we've all come to understand.

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