The WEF 'Axis of Evil': How The World Economic Forum Controls Everything You Do
Marxist globalists have captured politicians, corporations, legal systems, and the scientific community worldwide.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is behind the global climate change narrative, promoting China as the next world superpower, and worldwide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts.
They set the agenda that is pushed through international corporations, politicians, legal systems, political activist groups, and the so-called “scientific community.”
No matter where you’re from, here’s how the WEF controls everything you do:
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‘Public-Private’ Partnerships
The World Economic Forum (WEF), established as a nonprofit foundation in 1971 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, refers to itself as an “International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.” In its website’s mission statement, the Forum explains that it “engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” It “strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest.” The group’s use of the terms ‘world,’ ‘international,’ and ‘global’ reflects the scope of its influence, which extends beyond national borders and encompasses leaders from various sectors and regions. The WEF’s overarching goal is to convene these influential figures to collaboratively steer and mold worldwide, regional, and industry-specific agendas, ultimately exerting a substantial impact on the direction of global affairs, economics, and societal development. They want to control the world.
The WEF’s activities are shaped by what it calls “stakeholder theory,” which asserts that “an organization is accountable to all parts of society.” The organization portrays this “stakeholder” model to the public as a philanthropic one that brings “together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.” The Forum’s stakeholder mantra aims at blending “both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions,” according to its website. That sounds nice enough. But what does it really mean?
The ‘public sector’ is the portion of the economy that the government controls and manages, including government-owned and -operated enterprises, institutions, and agencies that offer public goods and services. These groups focus on national defense, law enforcement, public education, health care, social welfare, and infrastructure development. Think police agencies, hospitals, schools, public transportation, and elected officials. Everything the government touches.
On the other hand, the ‘private sector’ refers to the for-profit part of the economy controlled by private individuals or companies, not the government. Think Coca-Cola, Walmart, or Apple. So, the WEF’s notion of “Public-Private Cooperation” is a fancy way of talking about the intentional unification of world governments and international corporations. In other words, the merger of state and corporate power, on a global scale. A worldwide alliance between all governments and all companies under the WEF’s control.
But the merger of state and corporate power is the definition of ‘fascism,’ the ideology of past genocidal totalitarian dictators like Italy’s Benito Mussolini and Russia’s Joseph Stalin. As numerous atrocities and millions of deaths are attributed to these and other fascistic world leaders, the WEF avoids using the word fascism, instead replacing it with the more benign-sounding “Public-Private partnership.”
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‘Stakeholder’ Capitalism
Another idea central to the WEF’s mission is “stakeholder capitalism,” coined by the group’s Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. Schwab, a German engineer and economist born in 1938, describes stakeholder capitalism as “a form of capitalism in which companies seek long-term value creation by taking into account the needs of all their stakeholders, and society at large.” Capitalism, according to Schwab, should no longer prioritize increasing profits for shareholders (owners of and investors in the company), but instead should prioritize creating “value” for “society at large.”
But capitalism already creates value for society by providing jobs, innovation, technology, products, services, and wealth. In effect, Schwab has simply redefined capitalism to mean whatever benefits the WEF, its ideology, and its goals. So, stakeholder capitalism isn’t really capitalism, though the word is in the name, since capitalism is classically understood to be based on free markets, individual financial decisions, and increasing profits for shareholders. But stakeholder capitalism has nothing to do with individual choice and free markets. Stakeholder capitalism is the hijacking of classical capitalism in order to subjugate a world economy under a single centralized power. Emphasizing how this power will encompass the entire world, Schwab writes that the “most important characteristic of the stakeholder model today is that the stakes of our system are now more clearly global.” And who gets to be that power? Not the people. But rather, the unelected elites of the WEF.
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Stakeholder Capitalism Is Marxism Renamed
But such power over a unified world economy is antithetical to free-market capitalism, which is why Schwab calls for a revolution of capitalism, what he calls a “‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” The world “must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies,” Schwab demands. “Every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”
It’s vital to understand that a revolution against capitalism was infamously called for by the German philosopher and economist Karl Marx (1818–1883), by whom the eponymously-named political theory of Marxism was developed, in his famous work The Communist Manifesto. Marx, like Schwab, dreamed of ways to “centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State.” (‘Instruments of production’ simply refer to that which businesses use to make a product or provide a service). Marx demanded the abolition of inheritance rights, the implementation of heavy taxes and centralized banking and credit systems, and for factories and instruments of production to be owned by the state. But for Marx, Communism, which his theory is based on, can be “summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” It’s not an accident that one of the WEF’s “8 predictions for the world in 2030” is that world populations will “own nothing” and “be happy” about it. That’s just one of the many similarities between Marxism and Schwab’s political theory driving the WEF’s agendas.
Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism is therefore misleadingly named. It’s not really capitalism. It’s just rebranded Marxism. And the biggest problem with Marxism is that it and its theoretical offshoots are responsible for the deaths of 1 billion people, according to scholars. Yes, a billion. As American philosopher and theologian Norman Geisler explains, “The implementation of Marx’s ideas and spirit has killed more people than the bubonic plague, the imperialism of Genghis Khan, European colonialism, and both world wars combined.” Geisler writes:
It is difficult to find other disasters and atrocities in human history that compare with the slaughters perpetrated by Marx’s interpreters. The bubonic plague that swept through Asia, Europe, and Africa in the 14th century ended the lives of an estimated 50 million humans. Genghis Khan’s soldiers slaughtered an estimated forty million people during the expansion of the Mongol empire of the 12th century. Four centuries of ugly European Colonialism cost the world an estimated 50 million lives. World War I killed nine million and wounded twenty-three million. World War II killed twenty-five million soldiers and thirty-five million civilians. As tragic as each of these empire expansions, wars, and plagues were, they still somehow pale in comparison to the billion or so lives that were ended in connection with the spectres unleashed by Marx.
What threat past versions of Marxism posed on national levels, the WEF’s version of Marxism, which Schwab calls stakeholder capitalism, poses globally. Could Schwab’s globalized Marxism, under the guise of stakeholder capitalism, bring about as much death and destruction as past implementations of Marxism? Or more?
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The Four Groups in the ‘WEF Axis’
While Schwab admits that the “level of cooperation and ambition [the Great Reset] implies is unprecedented,” the endeavor is “not some impossible dream.” Four key groups “play a crucial role” in accomplishing the WEF’s worldwide Great Reset and the implementation of a “stakeholder economy,” according to Schwab. These four groups are governments, civil society, corporations, and the international community.
In order to dominate these groups, and therefore accomplish its Great Reset of society, the WEF has formed deep alliances with Corporations, Politicians, Legal & Political Activist Systems, and the Scientific Community on a global scale and thus has begun to take over the world, destroy human freedom, and control everything you do. I call these alliances the “WEF Axis.”
I. Corporations
Powerful international corporations represent the first group in the WEF Axis.
The Forum refers to ally corporations as “partners.” The WEF’s ‘Partners’ page explains the pivotal role multinational corporations play in pushing its Great Reset agenda onto customers around the world. “World Economic Forum Partners are leading global companies developing solutions to the world’s greatest challenges,” the website reads. “They are the driving force behind the Forum’s programs.”
The WEF possesses a power monopoly over not one industry, but every major international industry. According to the WEF’s website, it is partnered with the biggest corporations from every sector: Advanced Energy Solutions Community, Advanced Manufacturing Industry, Agriculture, Food and Beverage, Automotive and New Mobility, Aviation and Aerospace, Banking and Capital Markets, Chemical and Advanced Materials, Digital Communications, Education, Energy Technology, Energy Utilities, Engineering and Construction, Health and Healthcare, Information Technology, Institutional Investors, Insurance and Asset Management, Media, Entertainment and Sport Industries, Mining and Metals, Oil and Gas, Private Investors, Professional Services, Real Estate, Retail, Consumer Goods and Lifestyle, Supply Chain and Transportation.
The WEF Partners page shows more than 830 major corporations that have allied with the organization. Here are just 40 of them: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), Tencent Holdings, Alibaba Group, Samsung Electronics, ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, General Electric (GE), Siemens, Toyota, IBM, Facebook (Meta), Johnson & Johnson, Visa, Pfizer, Nestlé, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Verizon Communications, Intel, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, PepsiCo, Honda Motor, Oracle, Netflix, Boeing, Unilever, BHP Group, Royal Dutch Shell, Merck, Siemens Energy, Novartis, Mastercard, and Walmart.
These and hundreds more international corporations are the “driving force” behind the WEF’s global agendas, explaining why so many companies seem orchestrated in what political views they promote.
These are also the companies funding the campaigns of politicians all over the world, representing a massive conflict of interest.
It’s worth noting that BlackRock, a money manager with $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM), is also an official WEF partner. BlackRock CEO Lary Fink is a board member at the Forum. This is significant because BlackRock owns controlling shares of thousands of companies, including those on the Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 lists. Asset managers, by virtue of owning shares of a company, own that company and can direct their policies and political stances with the power of the purse and board room votes.
As an example, BlackRock owns the parent companies of Fox News, CNN, and every other major media company. It also owns Pfizer Inc. This offers an explanation as to why the mainstream media blatantly promoted the Pfizer vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic: the media are owned by the same WEF-aligned asset manager who owns every major pharmaceutical industry. From Merck to Johnson & Johnson, and everything in between.
But it gets worse.
BlackRock owns controlling shares of virtually every major bank, credit card company, car manufacturer, retailer, insurance provider, energy producer, food and drink industry leader, weapons manufacturer, and tech maker.
BlackRock is arguably the most powerful means by which the WEF controls the many companies and products the world’s citizens interact with every day, and therefore a significant portion of all of our lives.
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II. Politicians
Politicians from every nation represent the second group in the WEF Axis.
Over 60 heads of state attended the WEF’s 2024 meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Some included: Li Qiang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China; Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission; Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine; Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar; Pham Minh Chinh, Prime Minister of Viet Nam; Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor of the United States; Bisher Hani Al Khasawneh, Prime Minister of Jordan; Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States; António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran; Mohammad Mustafa, Chairman of the Palestine Investment Fund; Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; Isaac Herzog, President of Israel; Mohammed Shyaa Al Sudani, Prime Minister of Iraq; Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece.
Joe Biden is listed as an agenda contributor on the WEF website. As is China’s Xi Jinping, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, and Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The U.K.’s King Charles often promotes the WEF’s Great Reset.
Politicians from every major country are partnered with the Forum. They then write and vote for laws that advance the WEF’s agenda.
In 2017, WEF founder Schwab told an audience at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government that he was “very proud” of the fact that former Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin had been able to “penetrate the cabinets” of their respective nation’s governments. Schwab explained both Merkel and Putin were students of the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” initiative, a nonprofit group that trains young world leaders to be “aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission.”
“They all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum,” boasted Schwab. “But what we are very proud of now; the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, [the] president of Argentina, and so on; that we penetrate the cabinets.”
III. Legal & Political Activist Systems
Legal and political activist systems represent the third group of the WEF Axis.
George Soros, the leftist billionaire, is listed as an agenda contributor on the WEF’s website. His ‘Open Society Foundations’ group grants millions to worldwide left-wing political causes promoting open border immigration policy, abortion, LGBTQIA+ agendas, progressive election reform, the climate change narrative, and so-called Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI). He gave millions to Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Soros is also financing a revolution in criminal justice reform in America, “doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candidates in district attorney races throughout the country amid movements to abolish bail and defund the police,” according to a New York Post report. He is doing the same in other major countries around the world.
IV. The Scientific Community
The scientific community signifies the fourth group in the WEF Axis.
Both Bill Gates and his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are officially partnered with the WEF. Gates funds research around the world into the most dangerous viruses known to man, vaccines, and other drugs. The funding goes to governments, universities, drug makers, biopharmaceutical companies, and various related causes in every major nation. Gates is propped up by the mainstream as a thought leader in medicine and science, despite not being a doctor.
Gates’ worldwide monopoly on science, directed by the WEF, is driven by his belief that the world is overpopulated. During a 2010 TedTalk, Gates stated that “if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the world population] by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
Follow Jon Fleetwood on Instagram @realjonfleetwood / Twitter @JonMFleetwood
Jon Fleetwood that is excellent. Succinct and eloquent. Very readable and great ammunition for a debate. The bit that's been murky for me coming at it from the other end. Very grateful. Well done and thank you.
From South Australia.
Fuck The WEF. If they show up here, it’s curtains for them.